Cursor Divine Path?

A beacon of light?

One person to destroy the evil of the Dark Sea?

Just four months?

Carnaburn's heart was shocked, and when he looked at the young face in front of him, he suddenly felt a light, a light called hope.

"Help me!"

"Help me!"

Resolute, tenacious, and righteous, Carnaborn grabbed Zhou Li's collar and was as excited as a child, tears streaming from his eyes.

"They're going to kill Her Royal Highness!"

"Those brutes are not as good as the beasts, what do they want, Your Royal Highness the Princess. "

Zhou Li patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, let's get to the point, okay?"

"Otherwise, when your sanity is gone, I'll be in trouble again. "

Carnaburn quickly wiped the tears from his eyes and quickly calmed down.

He began to organize his words, and after half a ring, he spoke.

"I only know three things. "

"One, Her Royal Highness the Princess went to the Bolong Empire in the name of congratulations, and at that time, the Bolong Empire had just been promoted to a second-level civilization. "

"Second, I guarded the door of Her Royal Highness the Princess, and I never left for even a second, but Her Royal Highness the Princess just disappeared! Someone used magic and fantasy methods, but I couldn't find the root cause. "

"Three, the next day Armani was framed, saying that he had kidnapped Her Royal Highness. "

Zhou Li's eyes froze.

"That's it, gone?"

"No, the only sanity I have left, I only know these things. Later, I was hunted down. "

Zhou Li touched his chin, "I'm curious, why are they chasing you? Since the sixth princess of Fina is missing, Armani has also become a scapegoat, there is no reason at all." "

Carnaburn shook his head.

"I can't figure this out, I obviously didn't leave anything! According to common sense, even if I am executed, it should be carried out by the Fina Empire, not the Bolong Empire. "

"That'...... Before the six princesses disappeared, was there anything special or something worth caring about?"

"This ......"

Carnaburn struggled to think and shook his head helplessly.

"There was nothing special at all, Her Royal Highness the Princess was only three at that time...... No, wait......"

Carnaborn's eyes widened suddenly, and he remembered something.

"I remember staring at the mirror of the dresser for at least three minutes when the door was closed. "

"Wait, I wonder what I remember...... I...... Ahhh

Carnaburn held his head and screamed.

But Rao was like this, and he did not give up pursuing the memories of that time.

The screaming continued for half an hour before he stopped.

Weak, he stood up and looked at Zhou Li with blazing eyes.

"I remember!"

"When Her Royal Highness stared at the dresser mirror, she opened her mouth and said something. "

Zhou Li raised his eyebrows.

"Are you sure she's talking about it?"

"No, babbling, but she's really moving......"

Carnaburn said: "I remember it very clearly, as if someone had engraved this memory in my mind. I'll show you an imitation!

Carnabourne began to imitate the six princesses of Fina, following her lip movements and making various lip movements.

Zhou Li didn't dare to be careless, and wrote down these actions one by one.


[The only hidden mission: the truth of the six princesses of Fina has been updated to (Three Rings)]

[Mission requirements: Crossing the Dark Sea, flying through the administrative ring, entering the administrative star of the Bolong Empire, looking for a drunkard named Aksca, and at the same time looking for a way to parse lips and interpret the words of the six princesses of Fina at that time]

【Task Time Limit: ???】

The mission has been updated to indicate that this piece of information from Carnabourne is useful.

"I made a note of it, and I'll get someone to translate it when I get back. "

"You're going to do that?"

"Leave with me, and look for Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

Carnaburn shook his head and smiled miserably.

"I'm no longer worthy!"

"After so many years, if Her Royal Highness the princess hadn't died, she would already be a slim girl!"

"I don't have the face to see her anymore. "

"While I'm still alive, I'm ready to cut myself and leave a trace of life for you to end!"

"This way, you can get better rewards in the novice judgment. "

As he spoke, he sat down on the ground, took a scroll from his bosom, and spat a mouthful of blood into it.

"This is my profession, and now I will pass you on to you!"

"Then, end my life!"

He slowly closed his eyes.

"If you find Her Royal Highness the princess and she is not dead, please help me take care of her within reason. "

"I'm sorry for her, my guardian knight!"



In an instant, Carnaborn's life energy level was 1 left, and as long as Zhou Li touched him, he would die.

Carnaburn is pathetic, but at the same time respectable.

Zhou Li looked at him and said in a deep voice: "Really make a good decision, I will most likely have the ability to restore your negative state in the future." "

Carnabourne shook his head and smiled, "No need! I don't have to live! Because you're here, aren't you?"

Zhou Li took a deep breath and said solemnly: "If it is within my ability, I will do my best." If there is an afterlife, I wish you no good life!"

The words fell, and he slapped it down.



[You kill the legendary boss "Carnaborn", experience +3000e]

[Due to the legendary boss's self-determination, experience judgment/100]

[You gain 30e experience.]

Weekly Rites: ......

System you nb, this also has to be deducted!

Earn some experience, easy?

Fortunately, he has LV10m down, otherwise a wave down, what a big loss.

After complaining, Zhou Li suddenly thought of something, opened the system panel, and checked the eternal charge of the talent.

Eternal Charge

Eternal Charge (Red) (+)

When you were born in the Universe, you were extremely fortunate to be favored by the eternal forces and obtained an eternal inscription.

Each natural month, a single unit of existence can be recharged.

Ignore all damage, levels, etc., below the Eternity level. (Cannot be used on self)

Charged: 2/3

Description: Only powerful talents from the initial randomness exist. But remember, there is no such thing as the strongest talent in the world, only the strongest players.

Seeing the number of charges change from 1/2 to 2/3, Zhou Li was ecstatic.

His guess was correct, Eternal Charges can be increased by killing Legendary units.


Zhou Li's gaze fell on the talent of Eternal Rush Energy.

This ability is initially white, but after killing Erluger's Unknown Heart, it turns red.

But now, it hasn't changed again.

"Is it because you can't strengthen the Legendary unit by killing it, or is it because the number of kills is going to increase?"

Zhou Li speculated.

"I hope it's the latter, otherwise, where can I find the units above the legendary?"

What kind of template is on top of the legend, he has never heard of it, where to find it?

With the two eternal charging templates, Zhou Li's confidence is a lot full.

Picking up Carnaborn's class, he was curious about how the inherited class was given to players.

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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