Online Games: Lords Editor

Chapter 179 : New Seven Color Rose

Soon after, feedback from the Lord's editor has arrived.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations, Lord Lord, for successfully completing an edit. You have got the legendary plant-Seven-Colored Rose Flower Seed. Please check it yourself for details."

【Seven color rose flower seeds】

Effect: can plant legendary plants-seven color rose

Special: Seven-color rose flower can absorb sunlight energy, lunar energy, and star energy. After 7 days, every 300 square meters of flowers will grow a seven-color rose

This is the new seven-color rose effect, which is different from the rose fence.

He can no longer absorb the energy of animal carcasses and give birth to seven colored roses.

But it can absorb sunlight, moonlight, and star energy to promote growth.

This result is not bad.

After all, the number of animals is limited after all, and sooner or later there will be a day to be consumed.

But the energy that the sun, moon, and stars can provide is almost endless.

In this way, when the seven-color rose in the territory expanded its planting scale.

The Queen’s Honey, which can increase skill points, can also produce more than 140 copies every seven days.

This means that he can be in between seven days.

Promote an ordinary legendary level to an epic level.

This speed is simply appalling.

If the subject has a talent similar to Kristen Sword Master.

Can reduce the cost of skill points by 50%.

Then you can be promoted to two epic ranks.

A 50% chance to increase the seven-color rose with a little skill point.

It was basically packaged by Meng Jue to the treasure hunter.

He found that every time this little thing ate a seven-color rose, the magical induction would increase by one point.

Even for every 10 seven-color roses, one of the beards of the treasure hunter can fall off spontaneously.

And soon there will be new and stronger ones.

The beard of the treasure hunter is related to the training of the ghost scout.

This arm is not strong.

Not a production unit, nor a combat unit.

But its ability is irreplaceable in the entire territory.

Not only can it help Meng Jue visit the map, but it can also find resource points.

Take the northern hills as an outpost for Meng Jue to enter the main continent.

I was touched by the ghost scout a long time ago.

The relationship and situation of the three parties of Black Fox Town, Wild Wolf Town, and Hyena Town are summarized after the ceremony of Meng Jue.

Only then will we have the previous strategy of instigating divorce, weakening first and then strong.

Because of this, Meng Jue successfully won the entire northern hills.

Occupy this area exclusively.

And, the resource points of the entire northern region.

They were all clearly investigated by the ghost scouts.

Feiyunling gave up the Dragon Island.

It is equivalent to giving up the various resource points on it.

But after taking down the black fox collar, he was guided by the ghost scout.

Quickly acquired more and larger resource points.

After removing the small purple gold mine, the harvest is still far above the Dragon Island.

Today, Brandt and Clauren have led the army.

Go to the remaining Hyena Town and Wolverine Town.

After taking these two territories.

Meng Jue can get all the resource points of the entire northern hills.

And all of this is due to the presence of a class of ghost scouts.

Without their intelligence, many plans are difficult to proceed smoothly.

After all, Meng Jue is a rebirth.

But the trajectory of past lives is not very large.

This place is forbidden by the gods, but only by its name.

Now it has been discovered that the seven-color rose can prompt the treasure hunter to automatically shed its beard.

The ghost scouts this unit, and it's time to expand.

Almost every treasure hunter's beard fell off.

Meng Jue will be used immediately after cultivating ghosts.

Today, there are also 200 small people.

It is spreading out in all directions with the northern hills as the center.

Help Meng Jue step by step to control the situation in the forbidden land.

But today's Feiyun collar stretches out behind the small town-level territory.

The number of leaders that can be recruited per day is 1,000.

With the blessing of the characteristics of the people in the territory, 2000 people can be recruited every day.

Together with the additional leaders of the Elf tribe, there are a total of 2500 people.

It will take at least 20 days before the 100,000 people needed to upgrade.

But Meng Jue can't wait for such a long time.

He has instructed Bai Zhixuan's Chamber of Commerce to start collecting slaves.

With the various resources he gave, the ranks of the military training building construction drawings.

The development of the Chamber of Commerce is very rapid.

It will not take long to bring a large number of slaves to Meng Jue.

In addition, after this time of accumulation.

The number of life elves led by nearly 3,000 people.

But Meng Jue hasn't had time to get the elf training building.

These elves can only be used temporarily to help the Glory Cultivator open up the land.

Plant ambergris breadfruit trees and seven color roses.

Not to mention, these elves are young and old, whether they are production units or not.

In this respect, they are all experts.

It turned out to be no worse than the glory of Tier 4 peak and Yunzhe.

But when Meng Jue gets the corresponding unit training building.

We still have to build the elves.

After all, their archer troops and jungle combat troops are very powerful.

It can play a unique role in key positions.

The population of the territory is expanding rapidly.

Correspondingly, the demand for the number of heroes is also increasing.

But heroes who are promoted on their own are hard to come by.

Active training requires the consumption of hero treasures.

This stuff is also scarcely tight.

For example, three town-level territories were successively wiped out.

Leng did not obtain a hero treasure.

You know, this is an extremely rich and forbidden place!

From this we can also know the scarcity of hero treasures.

But Meng Jue also thought of other ways.

Without increasing the number of heroes.

Further solve the problem of the hero's lack of command.

...... ....... .......

[Marshal's Light Talent Orb]

Effect: After using it, you can get a common talent-Commander's Light

Commander’s Light: Talent holders can command 500 additional soldiers

This is a first-class hero treasure that Meng Jue obtained from the treasure of Jatel Mountain.

Use the talent beads extracted from the hero temple.

But he has not used it.

Moreover, he stored all the talent beads.

There is no rush to use.

Every talent orb is precious and unique.

Must find a suitable hero to use.

But now, this talent orb of Commander's Light is about to come in handy.

Effect: A skill below the myth level can be entered for people to learn. The number of learning depends on the skill level.

This was the first time Feiyun Ling was promoted to a town-level territory.

One of the rewards given by the system.

You can burn a skill to let people learn.

Similar to a skill book that can be used repeatedly.

"Lord editor, start editing for me!"

Meng Jue directly uses the Commander's Light Talent Orb as an editing template.

The burned book is used as editing material, and a new round of editing has begun.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations, Lord Lord, you can successfully complete an edit and obtain a special inheritance item-Commander Crystal Core. Please check for details."

(Thanks to the support of the book friends, the author’s heart is warm, but this "same kind as water" book friend, you need to be cautious about rewarding, 100 yuan is enough to read this book for ten rounds, or eat a bad meal. It doesn’t need to be so big, and other book friends are the same. Free gifts are just a lot of fun. 7)

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