Chapter 109: Desperate Punishment

Qin Feng looked at the prop box in front of him.

The information of the prop box appears immediately.

[Wild Plain Random

Displacement Symbol] Level: No Level

Quality: Blue Rare

Special: Non-binding, 100% Drop

Effect: After opening, you can get blue rare level props, [Displacement Charm]

, you can randomly go to any location on the map. It is a rare prop to avoid pursuit and escape for your life.

Introduction: Item box produced by the Primary Forbidden Zone Nightmare Level Map.


"It's a random displacement!"

Not too.

"But for the average player, it should be worth a lot." "

Come to think of it.

Qin Feng skillfully opened the blue prop box!

"Ding, you have obtained the prop, [Displacement Charm] (Blue Rare)!"

Similarly, after Qin Feng took the props out of the prop box, he threw the prop box far away.

Back in the ranks.

The teammates rarely said anything.

But the doubt in his eyes was deeper.

Qin Feng didn't care, and went straight to the front.

I didn't take a few steps, and with a bang... Qin Feng disappeared again!

"Why is Qin Feng missing again?" said Wang Dali stunned.

"Won't you find the prop box again this time?" Zhang Jiajia looked at He Qin.

He Qin's eyes flashed with essence, searching for Qin Feng's figure, and suddenly paused, opened his mouth wide, and said bitterly: "Found him, it's really... He found the prop box again.


Qing couldn't help but roll his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Obviously, everyone is the [first] forbidden area, why can't we find the prop box with 8 pairs of eyes, then Qin Feng alone and a pair of eyes can always find it earlier than us..."

"I feel that we didn't come to the forbidden area, we came to Qin Feng's house!" "

Damn it, how could Qin Feng pick up the prop box again!" Wang Dali said angrily: "The benefits are all taken up by that Qin Feng, this is not fair!"

"Qin Feng has been harvesting a few prop boxes along the way, as well as NPC drops, all of which were taken away by him, and we got nothing."

Chen Qing said at this time: "Shall we discuss with Qin Feng and ask the big man to leave us a mouthful of soup to drink..." "

This is not good, my seven-foot man..."

Wang Dali hesitated.

"Wait a little longer, I don't believe it, that benefit can still let Qin Feng take it all by himself!" said Zhang Jiajia.

"Yes, yes, wait. Wang Dali also followed and said.



What Qin Feng was in front of was not a blue prop box.

It's a red prop box.

This means that as long as you open this item box, you can get red quality items.

What is luck, this is called luck.


[Wild Plain Fixed-point Teleportation Charm] Level: No Level

Quality: Red

Special: Non-binding, 100% drop

effect: You can get red-level props after opening, [Fixed-point Teleportation Charm]

, which can be directly teleported to the exit of the restricted area, and the exit is designated by the user, which is a necessary prop for home travel to kill and set fire.

Introduction: Item box produced by the Primary Forbidden Zone Nightmare Level Map.


"Huh?" "

This prop is okay. "

Sure enough, it's a red-level prop, which is much better than a blue-level displacement charm, and it is actually teleported to the exit of the forbidden area..."

But it will definitely be sought after by ordinary gamers. Thinking

of this, Qin Feng directly opened the prop box.

"Ding, you opened the red item box!" "

You get the red quality item, [Fixed-point Teleportation Charm!]"


After Qin Feng obtained the props...

Also throw the prop box out.

The props of this wild plain can be regarded as having been picked up.

Ahead is the Castle of Madness.

Last time, Qin Feng also came to the Crazy Castle.

It's just that when I came last time, in such a high-level dangerous area as the crazy castle, the NPCs in it were dropped and the item box... All of them were obtained by those elven players.

It's not just Crazy Castle.

Even the Beast Mountain in that other high-level danger area...

The item box resources there were obtained by several Elven players.

If Qin Feng hadn't killed them and snatched all their gains, it would have been a loss.

In the last round, those elven players were regarded as tool people and porters.

What Qin Feng didn't know was...

At this time, another world, where the elven race is located.



figures of several elven players appeared.

But it was the elven players who were suppressed by Qin Feng.

At this time, in the teleportation array....

Suddenly, a crying howl broke out.

The mournful voice made the smell sad and the listener wept.

Elven players who passed through the resurrection point swore by... Never in my life have I heard such a painful cry.

Here's what's going on?

Inside the teleportation array....

Five players collapsed to the ground.

Just now, when they appeared at the resurrection point, a shrill prompt sounded in their ears at the same time.


"Ding, you have been killed by the Terran player Qin Feng!" "

Hint: You automatically exited the Nightmare Level Forbidden Area Map

!" "Hint: All your non-binding props have been dropped!"

At this point, there is no error with this system prompt.

Such is the case with the punishment of the exclusion zone.

All non-binding items will be dropped after death.

Fortunately, the five elven players all have some bound props.

But the next prompt completely dumbfounded them.

I only heard that the prompt was not finished, and it kept ringing.


"Ding, you triggered the Death Punishment Buff!" "Hint: Your level has been reduced by 10! The

current level is level 10!" "

Hint: You triggered the Death Punishment Buff

!" "Hint: Your full attribute is reduced, and the current attribute value is 50% of the peak of level 10!"

Hint: You triggered the Death Punishment Buff!" "Hint: You received a permanent buff from the Isolation Healing Effect

!", "You can't use any means to heal yourself!" "

Ding! You triggered the Death Punishment Buff!"

"Hint: All equipment in your body will be forcibly dropped! (including binding equipment!)

"Ding! You triggered the Death Punishment Buff!" "Hint: All items in your backpack will be forcibly dropped! (including binding items!)" "Ding! You triggered the Death Punishment Buff!"

"Hint: All items in your backpack will be forcibly dropped! (including binding items! All skills learned will be forcibly forgotten



Hint: You triggered the creditor buff!" "

Hint: Your current wealth value is 0! You will forcibly return more than 200,000 gold coins to the killer Qin Feng!" "Hint: Your wealth has been forcibly

restricted, if you cannot return the gold coins, all the gains you have obtained in the future will be automatically converted into gold coins, and return Qin Feng until all the arrears disappear!"


That's the cue that comes to their ears.

Who, any player, hears such a death punishment without heartache or despair?

Originally, they were all level 20 players, and at this time, the level was forcibly reduced to level 10!

All attributes drop by 50%!

There's no way to continue!

Plus, there's the effect of isolation therapy.


Without even treatment, the blood bar on their heads, the amount of blood can only remain at

1 point !!

1 point for life, touch it and die, what can they do?!

They were killed by Qin Feng, eliminated, and captured all the harvest, not to mention, they still owe Qin Feng 200,000 gold coins....

Five people is 1 million gold coins!

This is what they have to take to pay back!!

it seems that they really can't afford it.

This death is really a loss.

That Terran player Qin Feng...

It's really vicious!

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