Chapter 92: God is something

" Ding! You have received a high-level buff blessing, [Pure Buff]! "

Hint: You get a new buff, you trigger the Eternal Talent (only); You trigger a talent bonus, which is currently 1000x higher than the buff! Duration permanently! "

Status Bar: Pure Buff: Ignore any negative buff effects!

Duration: Permanent! "


"Buffs that ignore any negative status effects?"

Qin Feng listened to the prompt, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Skills are divided into strong control skills and soft control skills, whether it is strong control or soft control, anyway, it cannot have any effect on Qin Feng now.

This buff... It's still white, it's fragrant.

After Qin Feng obtained the buff, he got out of the way.

That temple wished him nothing, after falling under the undead spell...

That temple wish not only greatly reduced the life expectancy, but also became dementia in the future.

Anyway, Qin Feng has already obtained a buff.

"Just now... It seems that you and Miao Zhu have a dispute? Gu Xuanhong said suspiciously: "But in the end, why are you safe, the most important thing is that you can be blessed without kneeling?" "

The place where the temple is located is a separate place.

Gu Xianhong can only look at an approximate idea.

Just now, he obviously saw not far away, because Qin Feng did not kneel, let that Miao Zhu appear angry...

Both of them seemed to have ugly faces and a faint anger.

But in the end, they were safe and sound, and Qin Feng's body was blessed without kneeling, which was simply unbelievable.

"Sincerity leads to spirit." Qin Feng said perfunctorily.

"Oh, okay." Gu Xuanhong said.

The two walked out of the temple....

"Why does that temple call mankind servants of the God of Light?" Qin Feng asked the doubts in his heart.

"We humans are originally a subordinate race of the Protoss Race..." "

Isn't it normal to be called a servant of the Protoss?" Gu Xianhong said, "Oh, I forgot that you are an adventurer.

She explained: "The Protoss is an innate race, born with divine power, with a higher level of life, and belongs to the top existence among all races.

"Like races with god-level strength, only a few races such as demon race, witch race, and demon race can compare."

"Even that dragon clan is not qualified to be compared with the Protoss. Our Terrans are naturally weak, dependent on the Protoss to exist, the most loyal slaves of the Protoss Race, and protected by the Protoss, which has survived safely among all races to this day.

Qin Feng frowned, and said lightly: "So it is."

In his heart, he said: "A good god race, but with the arrival of adventurers, whether it is this god race or ten thousand races, it will inevitably change."

"Any race above the Terrans will pay a price!"

The two strolled around the main city.

The more Qin Feng learned about the status of the Protoss in the Terran world, the more disgusted he became.

The two returned to the Combat Academy and separated.

Qin Feng came to the residence and studied the true understanding of the elements.

The next day.

It was a day that changed the world.

Countless novice players began to teleport from the novice village to the main city from this day, which will last for several days.

Hordes of players began to appear in the main city.

They will begin to integrate into the world and become part of this era.

A teleportation array in the main city of Aries.


A group of players suddenly appeared.

One of the girls is particularly eye-catching.

"This girl, it's so good-looking."

"Look at her little man's waist, gee, with this assassin professional outfit, it's just perfect."


, wait, didn't you see that girl dressed in superb equipment, and she was followed by a group of vicious bad boys?"

"Well, what the old brother said is that this girl is not easy to mess with."

Qiu Yanyu glanced at the players of the teleportation array lightly.

She calmly opened the map and looked at the Battle Academy of Aries Main City.

This time, she only led more than 100 of her men to the main city of Aries.

The layout of Qiu Yanyu is very large.

Before she arrived, she had already subdued several villages in the Novice Village area, obtaining a total of 3,000 men.

These 3,000 men were then assigned to 12 main cities.

Let them all enter the combat academies of the 12 main cities.

The main city of Aries was personally visited by Qiu Yanyu, because there was Qin Feng here.

Qiu Yanyu glanced at the map and found the location of the Battle Academy.

Only then did he walk out of the teleportation array.


Aries Main City Combat Academy.

Qin Feng's residence.

"Boss, I have successfully passed the examination and become a junior assassin." Qiu Yanyu said respectfully: "I am in the Junior Assassin Class 1, if you need to use me, you can do it at your command."

"You feel free." Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Your layout is very good, more scattered flowers, absorb other players."

"When you have the qualifications to form a guild and get the order to build a gang, you can form a guild."

"Don't worry now, let's focus on improving your strength."

"Yes, boss." Qiu Yanyu responded, and at this time she asked: "I heard that the boss chose Xiao Ye as a teacher?"

"How do you know that?" Qin Feng was stunned.

Qiu Yanyu smiled and said, "Now the entire academy is spreading wildly, and a mage has chosen the terrifying Xiao Ye and passed Xiao Ye's preliminary assessment..."

"But there are still many trainees who don't believe that the boss can hold on, and they are betting on how long the boss can last."

"I listened to their descriptions, and I am sure that the mage who chose Xiao Ye is you."

"Oh, am I already that famous?" Qin Feng touched his nose and said with a smile: "These people are interesting."

"Boss, do you know that there is a rule in this combat academy?" Qiu Yanyu asked.

"What rules?" Qin Feng was puzzled.

"It says that there is a roof wall on the rooftop of the seventh floor."

"Only the trainees who can fight the most are eligible to leave their names on that summit wall for the admiration of those who come after."

"Oh, you want to go to the top?" Qin Feng said curiously.

"Don't dare, don't dare in front of the boss." Qiu Yanyu said: "As long as you are here, who dares to be called the strongest?"

"It's good for your layout, you do it." Qin Feng smiled and said, "I'm not interested in these false names.

Qiu Yanyu immediately smiled and said, "Thank you boss, then I will obey."

"But it's not that easy to get to the top."

"Today, tens of thousands of players have passed the Battle Academy assessment, and many players with good strength have appeared inside."

"With my strength, it's really hard to say."

Qin Feng nodded.

As the players of the Novice Village start entering the Battle Academy.

It is normal for tens of thousands of players to come to the Battle Academy on this first day, maybe more than 100,000 players will come in tomorrow.

Among these people, how can one or two demons appear.

Although Qiu Yanyu has extraordinary talent.

It doesn't have to be the top.

Unless...... He has an absolute crushing talent like Qin Feng.

Supreme talent.

Only dare to say invincible!

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