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Many players have already resisted.

The rules of national war looting make many players cherish their lives!

That is···

The equipment on your body is your entire property.

If it is destroyed, who can you turn to for justice?

You gradually know that there is a cavalry corps attacking from the opposite side, and you still stand up?

Are you stupid?

This is the cohesion between players.

The coalition forces cannot win a game against the wind.

Once unimaginable changes occur, the coalition forces will collapse very quickly.

Everyone will run for their lives.

The people in the coalition headquarters are so angry that their faces are blue.

But they also know that for now, it is a fantasy to stop the resistance.

"The southern front collapsed!"

"This is a collapse that cannot be reversed!"

"It was too sudden, the cavalry corps appeared too suddenly!"

"This is even more despairing than the appearance of Xinghai. After all, he is just one person!"

"Stop lamenting and find a way to recover your losses!" someone shouted

"Loss? Let the players return to the city and defend it, then it won’t be a big problem!"

"But... the cavalry corps is much faster than our players!"

"It's useless. The results they can achieve are limited!"

"After all, they only have about 200,000 people!"

The coalition headquarters was also decisive.

The cavalry corps attacked in succession, which could indeed produce huge results.


However, the number is still too small.

And we can't separate and chase.

Once separated, the legion effect will be lost.

Once the legion effect is lost, the cavalry will be meaningless.


This is based on the consideration of whether the whole army will be annihilated.

Even if the Victory Army can hardly eat up these 300 million-man legions, they can still make them pay enough casualties!

Such casualties are almost unbearable for the players.

No one could have imagined that the players on the southern front would collapse so quickly.

Zhang Moxue initially thought that the Victory Army was much stronger than the coalition forces.


It will also be a difficult struggle.···

If tens of millions of players come to surround and kill you, your victorious army cannot die alone!

Every time one dies, the buff of the legion will be weakened.

As long as the coalition has the courage to fight to the last man, the victorious army will have to retreat and regroup.


Zhang Moxue overestimated the coalition's backbone.

Direct collapse!

This allowed Li Shengli to directly attack and kill, and wonder how much results could be achieved!

In the real Dragon Kingdom network.

It has exploded;

"The Dragon Army’s first show!"

"How strong is the cavalry corps!"

"At this moment, it's the victorious army's world!"

"Victorious Army, truly worthy of the name!"

"An immeasurable victory!"

"The stock market is booming! Terrifying wealth is pouring into Dragon Country!"

"Li Shengli and his Victory Army!"

The hot searches, hot topics, and super topics at this moment all belong to the Victory Army!

After more than 30 hours of stalemate, the people of Longguo are concerned about this war involving more than 2 billion people.

Finally, a gratifying moment has arrived.

The first cavalry corps of Longguo has won the first victory!

"Awesome! The Cavalry Corps is unrivaled in the world!"

"I want to blow it up!"

"Dragon Nation is invincible! Come on, other three fronts!"

"I heard we have four cavalry corps! Secure!"

"Hey... According to the grapevine, these four legions were all created by Xinghai!"

"Well... although what you said may sound like bragging, but... I believe it!"

"Laughing and crying... Xinghai has been deified, because... I believe in it too!"

"I wonder which front Xinghai will appear on?"

"+I'm curious, I wonder which battle line can make Master Xinghai take action!"

That's it.

Xinghai seems to have gone beyond the scope of players.

He is like a strategic weapon. For ordinary small events, Xinghai takes action.

The people of Longguo think it's not worth it.

Who are you?

Let our Master Xinghai take action?

Are you worthy?

Today is the carnival of Longguo.

The victory on the southern front gave everyone a reason to celebrate.

And next, there are three more battle lines.

These three battle lines can once again let the players of Longguo see the style of the cavalry corps!

"Brothers, is the pressure too great? We will be on the battlefield in five minutes at most!"Shangguan Hao said with a trembling voice.

The Flame Leopard Legion was approaching the battlefield quickly.

Li Shengli's victorious army gave him terrible pressure.

Green quality mounts can achieve this result.

But the one he led was a purple mount!

As long as it fell into his hands.

He couldn't afford to lose this man!

"Don't worry, Captain! Trust our brothers!"

"That is, believe in brothers, just like we believe in you!"

"That’s right, the Flame Army is the strongest!"

"The Flame Army is the strongest!"

"The Flame Army is the strongest!"

The Flame Army!

The name of the Flame Leopard Legion.

On that big flag, a ball of flame burned in the wind.

At this moment, it will also burn into the eastern front!

""Mozi, make way for us, we are coming!" Shangguan Hao shouted in the Tianxing Pavilion channel.

Mozi, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Front.

He is a taciturn man.

Just like his command style, rigorous!

Shangguan Hao's shouting did not get his response.


The Eastern Front has begun to show a gap!

Once this gap is revealed.

The coalition forces did not dare to rush in.

Don't you know the battle line on the southern front?

Once this gap is revealed, it means that the cavalry corps of Longguo has arrived.

They are going to rush out through this gap.

If you dare to go up, you will die!

Who dares to go?

No one dares to go

"Build a defense!"

"They are very fast, but not to the point of being invincible!"

"They are just a warhorse corps, green mounts. As long as they can hold on to the first breaking charge, the cavalry corps will be useless!"

"The key is to hold on to the impact!"

"The tank with high health and thick defense should rush to the front to hold the fort!"

"Priest is overflowing with healing!"

""As long as we hold on, we can win!" the Allied Forces Command shouted.

The players on the Eastern Front responded quickly.

They stood in rows, trying to contain the cavalry corps' attack in the first wave!

"Charge! ~" Shangguan crossed the exit.

He shouted madly!

A red cloud, like a sea of blood, rushed away!_Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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