"The Bamen footwork is exquisite, it is a gossip array, so you must understand the meaning of this gossip!"

"The gossip corresponds to Gan, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, and Dui. The corresponding ones are Kai, Xiu, Sheng, Hurt, Du, Jing, Death, Surprise!"

"This is something you must remember, in detail, let's learn it slowly, and first teach you the basic routines!"

Next, Wang Mang began to play the routine! Bagua Palm is a must-learn, and it is different from the Bamen Fenshan Axe, or the axe is the essence, and the former, the footwork is the essence, so first learn the Bagua Palm, first Familiar with the pace, and then credit the mountain axe, this is the basis! Wang Mang wants to teach naturally, he first teaches Baguazhang, this girl not only does no harm, but has a lot of benefits. One is to exercise, and the second is. ...Strong exercise, Bagua palm movements, a lot of distortions, like doing yoga, for girls, they can also shape their bodies.

How great! Wang Mang's movements are very simple, step by step, separated and handed over to Niagai. Niagai is also very smart in learning. This girl is a schoolmaster. You must know that in this era, a schoolmaster is It is very rare that the national education is biased towards basic education plus higher education because of the acceptance of education issues.

What does it mean? Now that the students in primary and secondary schools have reduced the burden, of course the education level is still higher than that of foreign countries, but compared to before Wang Mang crossed, it is still much simpler.

From the beginning of high school, there will be specialties.

It's not the arts and sciences, but the route to be taken in the future, chemistry, physics, literature, mathematics, sports, art, or the examination of civil servants.

The division began at the beginning of high school, and the nursing department was from the physics department, and it was also from the mechanical department that shocked Wang Mang.

A girl, playing with machinery! Very awesome! Why do you say that she has a good sense of space? Wang Mang doesn't move in this girl's discipline, but after checking it, she found that she specializes in spacecraft... "Bull beer!"

Wang Mang can only give a thumbs up, he is... rubbish in this respect! Sorry, it's a shame to the motherland.

Baguazhang is not difficult. The routine is very simple. It is learned by an individual after a few times of practice. It is the same as your radio gymnastics. The difficulty is that there are some areas that require physical flexibility, which is not a problem for girls. child.

I have to admit that geniuses are the real masters in this world, and these... and ordinary people are completely two world species, and they really exist.

Twice! Wang Mang only hit the two sides of the performance, and Niigai'er remembered all of them, and then Wang Mang clearly realized that this kind of creature like a genius, even if it is the so-called physics department, the so-called mechanical Professional, reading comprehension fucking is also full marks.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Also, if you can't understand the reading, how to read the book, how to understand, how to learn Wang Mang gave the formulas of Bagua Palm and Eight Door Steps to Nai Gai'er. Gai'er is very simple, just draw inferences about it, and then tell Wang Mang, She was already in the brain, and composed three pictures, and then, the next step was... used to fast calculations! Then... she succeeded! I found a 100-level one, which did little harm to her, held a weapon and used two Using a short knife instead of slaps, the result was an amazing combo to kill the monster, not to mention it... Wang Mang was surprised that she only got used to eight steps after being hit twice! "Genius! what!"

There are really geniuses in this world! "Unfortunately, there are only two kinds of martial arts in me. I'm not even proficient in Baguazhang. It's just like adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing in elementary school mathematics. With more martial arts, she can be invincible!"

Yes, Wang Mang suddenly regrets it now. It is not that he regretted accepting the milk cover, but that he did not learn other martial arts well, even if it is a routine, it is good to be able to fight! "Very good, you just used it. The acting method defeats the enemy. This so-called acting method is actually of a performance nature. It looks beautiful, but it is very awkward to use!"

"No wonder!"

Nai Ga'er suddenly realized it, no wonder she was almost hit by several moves just now.

"I just feel awkward, there are a few places that obviously shouldn't be!"

"Haha, it's normal. The acting is just... it was used for acting. Now I will teach you to practice!"

"Practicing Method"

"Yes, that's... you usually fight when you want to practice!"

Wang Mang directly began to draw a circle on the ground, and then drew gossip.

"The essence of Baguazhang is... in this footwork, and the way of practicing the pace is called the posture. There are eight different postures, which are... the core of the Baguazhang!"

Wang Mang clearly explained the origin of Baguazhang with Nai Gaer and the specific cultivation methods! Many people know that Baguazhang is mainly used to "circle"

Lord, this is not a joke, it's just stepping on gossip, and it is indeed attacking around the enemy, but the core of the gossip palm is not fighting, it is to strengthen the body, concentrate and nourish, and make people calm, thereby improving people's self-cultivation.

Slowly, Wang Mang taught the essence of the Bagua Palm to the Nuigai Er. The whole body is the same, the bottom of the foot is down and the clouds are flowing, the water is moving, and it is constantly being used in an instant. It looks like it is dancing, but it can walk around the enemy. The enemy who made him was dizzy, but he became more and more calm.

Unlike the acting method, when the method came out, Nai Ga'er began to frown.She was a bit contemptuous, but now, the whole person was shocked, because she discovered that the difficulty escalated too quickly and suddenly.

Wang Mang glanced at her and smiled in his heart, little girl, it's normal to despise these things, just like Wang Mang still despised other people's Emei thorns, and when he came to ask for advice, he was caught by a girl who was six years younger than him. Give education a meal:

If it was a life-and-death struggle, Wang Mang would have died early.

Yes, that was the worst time Wang Mang was hit. Later, the master came to educate Wang Mang. It was not on hand, but verbal. In fact, it is very simple, just say that Wang Mang is arrogant. Martial artist, what I fear most is...arrogance, arrogance is tantamount to death.

Later, Wang Mang became extra cautious in the battle.

Next, Nai Gai'er began to practice! The practice is very simple, Wang Mang doesn't care about anything, just watching Nai Gai'er fight monsters directly, Nai Gai'er is not afraid, she is almost 200, facing these monsters naturally Don't be afraid, she went heads-up along the way, but Wang Mang gave her a request.

Not allowed to be hit.

Footwork, footwork, what's the use of footwork, is it because you don’t want to be beaten? "Okay!"

Nai Ga'er nodded, and then began to work hard.Wang Mang didn't care about anything.If you can't kill at level 20, it is really waste.

2 Ordinary players with a golden equipment, it is easy to make a 100-level hell-level copy! Today, Wang Mang is very happy, because he finally tasted the taste of being a teacher! Fei Lu reminds you: Reading three things collection,

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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