New Year's Day event! Open "New Year's Day Snowman"

In the event, there will be a snowman in early summer in each dungeon. The snowman has no attack, but the blood volume is the sum of all monsters in the dungeon. After killing, 10 snowballs must be produced. If you gather a certain snowball, you can exchange for a "Snowball Permission" certificate"

, Players with a snowball fight permit can enter the playground for snowball fight activities.

"Does the snowball version eat chicken?"

The snowball fight activity is... the snowball fight version of eating chickens, and at the same time assign a large number of players to enter a map, and then after landing, you can find various materials to "arm"

Oneself, such as cardboard, buckets and the like, and then the player can put on these... "equipment"

, And then pinch snowballs anywhere, each player can carry up to 10 snowballs, and then find other players and throw them at each other! Players who are hit in the head twice in a row will be eliminated, and put a bucket on their head , It can increase the chance of getting a headshot.

As for the cardboard, it can be immune to the number of times the body is hit for 3 additional times. After the body is hit 10 times, it will be eliminated directly! The player who wins in the end can get the "King of the Snow"

The title, this title is still a bit useful, and the amount of distribution is huge, every player can get it! The second event is called "Egg Collection"

Activities, there will be some "yuan eggs" refreshed anywhere in the world

, This is a good thing.After a certain amount is gathered, it can be used to exchange pets.It also indicates that the pet mode is completely open.

Battle pets, watch pets, pickup pets, mounts, flying mounts, battle mounts, summoned beasts, disposable summoned beasts, these are all different.

And this time the "Yuandan"

, You can change a lot of pets, including Wang Mang's most desired pickup pet! But it is ugly, it is a little snowman! And in the battle, the strongest is a big snow monster, a fairy-level pet, very It is precious. It needs 1 yuan egg. Obviously, it is impossible to collect so many yuan egg by yourself. It must be bought and sold! The third one is...Krypton gold activity, starting in the store Sale of "First Anniversary Gift Pack"

, You can prescribe many good things in it, such as one-time restorative medicines, attribute medicines, magic scrolls, and precious decorations, and even world-class props! "With a probability of one in ten billion, this world-class prop is also It's too hard to take!"

Everyone was stunned by the chances given by the official, but thinking that even if Wang Mang is so powerful, he would pursue it, then the world-class props must be very powerful! Moreover, everyone thinks that they are...European King, So it is normal to want to give it a try.

"Brother, is the snow monster a forest unit?"



Lin Muxue is very sorry, because she thinks the big snow monster is still very fun.

"By the way, brother, your...Has the devil egg hatched?"

"No, wait until I become a god before incubating!"


"Tell me, hatching pets after becoming a god is good for pets!"(Read more @

"Like this"

Lin Muxue's face was dazed, and she didn't know if it was true or false! "Well, okay, wait a minute: Let's start live streaming and draw the box!"


There is the title of the top of the gods here. This is still a matter of fandom. Wang Mang intends to broadcast it together! "Let’s work all the time, let’s just go ahead and sub-competitions! Milk Gai'er is not allowed to participate!"


Nai Gai'er was speechless, she was actually disgusted! But the point is, everyone dare not play with her, because she is really strong, so opening the box, everyone has no ability to compare to her! "Okay!" Now, the live broadcast is on!"

Wang Mang quickly opened the live broadcast, and the time outside happened to be the lunch break, so a large number of players poured in in an instant.

"Hello everyone, today is live broadcast and open the box. My team and I will have a game together. Of course, Nai Gai'er is not allowed to participate!"


Nanny Gaer issued a "disdain"

But "envious"

The cold snort, obviously, everyone does not think that Nai Ga'er is eligible to participate in this competition. Once she participates, she will not play! "Our goal is... to produce world-class props, so Everyone has prepared 0 points!"

As soon as Wang Mang’s voice fell, players all over the world were shocked! 1 voucher, the voucher in the game is 1:1, that is, 1 point voucher, that is... 1 credit, currency! What does 1 voucher mean? ...A full 10 credits, coins, equal to 10 billion Huaxia coins! "I'm sour, a full 1!"

"It's horrible, this is nothing like a human being. One box will come as soon as you open it."

"Yuan credit, a box of coins, 10 yuan, that is 1 box, when will this be opened!"

"Worship Shenhao!"

"Worship the boss!"

"So rich, donate it for charity, isn't it good?"

"Where does the moral dog anchor come from? You can use the money you make, and you can use it whatever you want."

"That's it!"

Countless audiences were exclaimed, obviously stunned by Wang Mang's generous hand! "It's just an appetizer, each of us prepared 100 credits, coins!"

Wang Mang said with a smile.As soon as these words came out, the barrage paused for a while, and then surged.

"Fuck, 10 is just to open the box"

"Big brother is also powerful!"

"I'm sour!"

Soon, Wang Mang and others began to buy boxes! "I will buy 10,000 first, 10 and 100 will be opened!"

This box is the same as the inner box. It is a waste of money. Basically, it is impossible to open the number. The chance is too small! Everyone bought 100 boxes. Open here to enter the number of boxes you want to open. , If you buy one at a time, you will be given a page of common equipment, and then you can get all of them in one breath.If the inventory is full, these things will be sent to the warehouse.

Soon, Wang Mang opened the mall and directly bought 100 boxes, 100,000 credits, and the coins were all gone! "One million in an instant!"

"This speed of spending money is so cool!"

"My God, there is no more than a million Chinese coins!"

People were stunned, and then Wang Mang quickly chose 100 boxes! "Are you ready?"

Wang Mang smiled and looked at the other people. The other people's live broadcast rooms are also ready! "Come on, I'll count one, two, three, let's open together, first open 100!"

"Three, two 2, one, open!"

Wang Mang's words were lost, and a group of people opened the treasure chest in an instant! In an instant, everyone's treasure chest burst out with a burst of light, and then in the next second, countless cards floated directly in front of you! "Finish! "

As soon as Wang Mang's voice fell, all the cards instantly began to merge and arrange.

The worst is in the front, and the best is in the back! Wang Mang takes the first card directly! Feilu reminds you: Reading three things to collect,

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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