"Things, many, are mainly potions. This kind of potion with a fixed value attribute is not valuable, because the higher the Level, the more useless, but this percentage must be kept. The attribute potion can be used when the copy is downloaded. , But it's very luxurious!"

Attribute potions can be used when copying, because the most important increase is 30% attributes, which is still very abnormal in strict terms, but because of the duration and use interval regulations, to a large extent, this is not It will destroy the balance of the copy.

For example, that kind of... Shunhui medicine is the one that breaks the balance.

It’s like you’re cutting the legend, you’re taking the medicine that slowly recovers, but as a result, people’s sun water and thousand-year-old ginseng are full of blood after one bite. How can you hit "These... strengthen scrolls, don’t think it is expensive, The price of this thing is actually not as good as those...attribute potions, a bottle of 10% sex potion is more expensive than this +10 enhanced scroll!"

"Don't look at the high cost of strengthening, but in fact, this kind of scroll has a success rate!"

Wang Mang directly tore one open and aimed at his own equipment. As expected, there was a hint! ... [You are sure to face the "Strong Gauntlets of Really Bloodthirsty Fangs"

Do you want to strengthen this time, it will be +10 after the success, the success rate is 85%!]... "Look, there is a chance of success, and the higher the strengthening, the lower the chance of success!"

Naturally, Wang Mang will not go to the point of strengthening success. Now he does not bring the lucky crystal, and slowly strengthens at that time. The level 10 artifact suit has a built-in armor value. This armor value, to be honest, is very good. Very easy to use, for now, it is almost enough! Wang Mang did not strengthen, and continued to open the box, ten thousand and ten thousand opened. To be honest, the efficiency is still very slow. People in Wang Mang have reset 10 billion Hua Xia coins! It will take a long time to open this way! "Brother Hell, how big is your Inventory?"

Suddenly, a message caught everyone's attention. Someone found that they had stored things several times, but Wang Mang was still open, and it was dozens of groups faster than others. .

This problem naturally attracted everyone's attention, and immediately swiped the screen directly, Wang Mang also noticed, and suddenly smiled.

"In the game, there is a thing called space material and space equipment. It is different from the bag valley. The package has a grid, but the space equipment does not. It is the same as the space ring in the novel. There is a space inside, and the items are calculated by volume. of."

"For example, the potion, this potion is superimposed in the grid of the package, but in the space equipment, it is... neatly arranged bottle by bottle."

"If it is small: space equipment, it is not as useful as a large inventory."

"I got the same space material, and then found the space package made by the tailor's master. It is a huge space, so there are many things that can be stored!"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The audience suddenly realized it, and then asked one after another: "Brother Hell, how big is your package space?"

"That's right, I haven't seen you go to the warehouse for a long time, how big is it?"

"It must be super big!"

Wang Mang smiled immediately and said directly: "Or, you guys have a guess"

Yes, Wang Mang is starting to pit money again! A large amount of currency is pitted by Wang Mang. Currency will be consumed on a large scale. It is not necessary to spend money to buy currency. Once it is caught in a speculation: Yi, Wang Mang's reputation will be damaged. Although Mang doesn't care, he will deduct a "speculator" when the major version is changed.

Because of its name, Wang Mang will not buy gold coins! Yes, Wang Mang did not say not to buy gold coins abroad! The domestic gold coins are used to pit, anyway... they all give it to the gambling company, it is better to give it to Wang Mang, but abroad, Wang Mang is a large-scale acquisition! Of course, it has to be done secretly. This thing will be a pressure of public opinion before the Legion version comes. After all, Wang Mang buys foreign things with his own money. Many domestic studios will protest.

Therefore, I can only sneak in! This side continues to unpack, but suddenly the entire city of dawn flashes, and in the next second, an announcement appears directly!... [World Announcement: Congratulations to the player "Nai Gaer"

"World-class props" from the first anniversary gift box

, Let us cheer for her!]... "What kind of milk cover came out"

Ou Shen can't play it, then this game is really for nothing! And now, the power of Ou Shen has finally exploded! "Hahahaha, I won, I won!"

Nai Ga'er's live broadcast room exploded in an instant, and then after a while, Nai Ga'er cried to Wang Mang: "Ouuuuuu, master, I lost all my gold coins..."


Wang Mang was speechless, hitting her a million gold coins, and then asked: "How did you lose all?"

``I took a position at the dealer and opened a plate, and asked if I could open world-class props in 100,000 boxes. The odds are 9.



Wang Mang almost vomited blood. He had been blacking out the fans' money for a long time, and in the end he let Nai Gai'er lose all of it.

"Forget it..."

I can only forget it, otherwise there is any way! The money has been lost! "But hehe, master, you have made a lot of money!"

Nai Ga'er said happily, and then quickly sent a hyperlink to Wang Mang. Wang Mang took a look, and he really made a lot of money! This is a one-time world item, but the problem is that it is definitely the best of all fighters. One of the one-time props!... [Item: Absolute Domain] [Type: Disposable Item] [Class: World Class] [Effect: After use, you can open the Absolute Domain, within the domain, all your physical damage Will ignore the enemy's armor, physical defense and physical damage reduction, causing 100% full damage, all physical immunity characteristics, all invalid, and you will enter the enemy time of up to 3 minutes, including magic skills, any The attack has no effect on you. When your HP is less than 10% and the mana value is 0, it will trigger, and 100% will enter the runaway state!]... "Fuck!"

"My day, Brother Hell is going... physical harm, ah, it's not invincible with this thing."

"It's terrible, but who can let Brother Hell use this equipment in the world?"

"That's right!"

Wang Mang didn't cover up this item, because it was used for deterrence just like the nuclear bomb.

3 points of invincibility! People all over the world know that Wang Mang is already invincible, but it does not mean that Wang Mang will not be injured. Everyone knows that Wang Mang is the most powerful...attack power! Three minutes, give Wang Mang three Minutes of output time, then anything can be hacked to death! With this scroll, the devil is here, Wang Mang is not shocked! ...: Today is five shifts, sorry, there is something at home! Please download the ununderlined version of the novel Fei Lu Xiao

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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