With this ring, Wang Mang can open the box faster! Because there is no need to worry about the space problem! The maximum time to open 10,000, Wang Mang is directly... ten consecutive openings, and his surroundings are full of people. Kind of cards, after one is sorted, the cards will be automatically summarized, and then sorted and sorted! Ordinary potions, thrown directly on the auction house, a set of 999 potions, each instantaneous recovery of 1 point of blood, only less than 2 The silver coin fell too fast.

However, it can’t stand up to a large amount! It is mainly provided by Wang Mang and major guilds. The boxes can open world-class props. This makes the guilds around the world boil, but their potions are almost self-digestible, so they are on the market The potions of Wang Mang are all reserved here.

It's useless. What's the use of 10,000 points of blood? The Wang Mang guild started with the 1 million blood pharmacy. 100,000, 200,000 and 500,000 drugs are all thrown on the auction house. The level of the guild player is too high, 100,000 and 200,000, which is the best.

50,000 are barely.

As for the percentage of potions, most of Wang Mang has been stored, and some have been distributed.After all, the development of the guild is also very important.

Because of the lack of materials, Wang Mang’s current 4th guild still cannot be upgraded to 3rd guild, 4th guild to 3rd guild, need to build a city order. At this stage, Wang Mang’s 4th guild is just a town, wait until there is a city building order. Now, it can be directly established as a big city, and then upgraded to the second class, which is... the subordinate city, the first class is the main city! As for the imperial city, it is not eligible! Therefore, the Wang Mang guild is stuck The most critical step.

However, there is only one place to get the city! Other main cities! Moreover, the explosion rate is extremely low! Simply put, it is...the main city is demolished, and then tokens will be issued! The fourth class is upgraded to three Wait, you need one, third-class upgrade to second-class, you need three, second-class upgrade to first-class, you need ten, and this burst rate, Wang Mang and others demolished so many cities, not one, you Talking about how low the explosion rate is in the last life, why so many national wars have been able to obtain a large amount of materials because of the demolition of the city, and this is the city building order! There are only 5 guilds in the world, and it has reached the first-class main city, and this is It took more than ten years of work, which can be said to be very difficult.

"When the new version is released, I will go abroad for a wave!"

It may not be necessary to drag them back. It depends on Wang Mang's mood, but it is certain to rob them of their resources! For... Wang Mang, especially the Australian island area, the people in that area are extremely shameless, and the population However, it occupies a huge amount of resources. As a result, he directly took refuge in hell, allowing the hell to directly have a continent as a transit point! This makes people all over the world angry. The samurai spirit exploded.

After the medicine is stored, Wang Mang will follow the box, and the guild will provide all 500 workers, each of whom will prepare 100 million credits, currency unboxing resources, if world-class props are opened, they have the right to purchase at the market price, if they want to stay For your own use, you need to pay 2 credits, coins, one principal, and 100 million for additional interest.

Everyone knows this point, if it can be opened, 200 million is really earned casually.

Moreover, most players are life players, and world-class props are now used for combat.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Therefore, it is useless for the living player to hold it.

It's not that Wang Mang showed great compassion, but he said that this thing is better at home than abroad. It is better in his own hands than in the hands of foreigners. If possible, Wang Mang will also get the big resurrection scroll, because This is a super resurrection.Although it is a one-off, it can resurrect 100 million people, and it is very useful in future battles.

Other foreigners will only use it to resurrect themselves, but in the hands of Wang Mang, he can use it to resurrect those who died in battle with the devil! This is a huge improvement for the Justice League.

After the ring was opened, the popularity of Wang Mang exploded again, and countless people poured in, and then expressed their admiration for Wang Mang and wanted to see the attributes of world-class props, but they were all rejected by Wang Mang.

Today, Wang Mang smoked more than 100 boxes.It was really tired, and a whole billion was used up like this.

"I'm going to play in a big secret!"

Now there are four bloodthirsty fangs suits, and Wang Mang can also apply special effects to them.The special effects are not runes, so it does not affect the language of the runes.

As for the language of runes, because the equipment is not complete, six pieces are needed, so Wang Mang will put them here for now! When you have six pieces, you can directly get the language of runes.

After Wang Mang closed the live broadcast, he went directly to the Great Secret Realm to see if he could produce some epic-level good equipment. The strength of the wild monsters is the same, and the later version is updated, and you can choose the greater difficulty of the greater secret realm.

For every additional Level, 10% of offensive and defensive resistance and 30% of HP are added.

The more this is behind, the harder it is.

I don't know how many times Wang Mang has been in the Great Secret Realm, and he has never seen the bottom anyway.

The fourth world-class prop was also released, still in Wang Mang's hands.This time, it was a stealing bag, but she did not expect to give one.

Taking a look at the attributes, Wang Mang directly gave the things to Roubaobao.

This is the costume of a blood cow.After being equipped, the blood volume and defense power are skyrocketing.At this level of the meat treasure bag, the defense is actually not effective, and the blood volume is the key.

After being equipped, Rou Baobao looked happy. In five minutes, a ray of light appeared again, and the fifth world-class prop appeared. This time, it was a girl who was delicious but not fat, and she played The things that came out, unexpectedly fit her in a special way!... [Item: Branches of the Tree of Life] [Type: Props] [Class: World Class] [All Attributes: +1] [Effect 1: You are breathed by nature It’s flooded with 25% blood back every second!] [Effect 2: You are sheltered by the breath of nature, and no unit in the forest will take the lead in attacking you!] [Effect 3: Your healing effect is increased by 100%!] [ Effect 4: Your damage to the undead is increased by 300%!] [Effect 5: You are in the forest, all attributes are increased by 100%!] [Effect 6: You can summon the "War Tree"

Help in battle, up to 3 trees can be summoned at the same time!] [Effect 7: You can summon the "Sick Old Tree"

Help with healing, only 1 tree can be summoned at most!] [Effect 8: The branches of the tree of life, with a very small probability, will give birth to elemental spirits!] [: This item will automatically take effect in Inventory!] [Requires Level: 10 Level]... "Good stuff, very suitable for you!"

For the inheritors of the goddess of life, this is simply a treasure! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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