"Residential house upgraded to level 2"

"Residential house upgraded to level 3"

"The folk house is upgraded to level 50."


Finally, after spending almost half a day in Wang Mang, the folk house finally reached the 100th grade.

[Folk dwellings] [construction queue: 2] [population: 10] "folk dwellings are the daily life of urban residents. All urban construction requires the participation of residents. As the city develops, citizens will recognize your management more."

"Participate more actively in urban construction, for example, you can build more buildings at the same time."

"This effect can be superimposed and can be used in other cities of the strategic commander..."

I, Wang Mang, almost didn't scold my mother after seeing the description of the folk house.

After playing for so many years, I have forgotten the attributes of such an important building as the folk house.

If it is to upgrade the residence at the beginning, then you can break through the two lines together, which is at least half faster than the current time.

Coupled with the task given to Wang Mang by the Lord of Dawn, Wang Mang is required to form an army with a combat force of more than 2 billion.

If it can be built one day in advance, then Wang Mang can also go to the Lord of Liming City to hand in the task one day in advance.

And this is an epic mission.

According to Wang Mang's past experience, once this task is completed, there is absolutely no good thing.

Maybe it will be the first world-class prop in the style.

But now it seems that this residential house only provides 100 people.If you want to get 10 billion, I am afraid that you have to wait.

"Congratulations to the player: Hellscream, successfully upgraded the residence to level 100 and became the first player in the world to upgrade the building of the Assembly Hall to the full level. Let us all cheer him."

"Damn, what method did this Hellscream use? Why can you upgrade your building to level 100 crazy in just over a month?"

"Look at people playing games, we are being played by games."

"Big brother roaring, I beg for help, the little girl is so soft that I can push it."

"It's been a long time now, the council hall is only 7th level, and the hero hall has just been established. The people are more popular than the others."

At this time, Wang Mang's attention is not on the World Channel.

Wang Mang's attention was successfully attracted by the system message sent by the system.

"Congratulations, great strategic commander, as the first player in the world to upgrade all the buildings in your own main city to level 100."

"The system will give players a lottery reward."

Lucky draw! Wang Mang looked at the system news, and his heart suddenly became excited.

What's the smell?

Think about it too.

Your system should also send some warmth to Wang Mang.

Not to mention, since Wang Mang entered the mode.

In this more than a month, it was not all about upgrading his city.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

I won't say anything about the energy spent.

Just the gold coins and the various wood, stone, etc. that you consume are at least tens of millions.

The gold coins consumed by Wang Mang directly consumed all the hundreds of millions of gold coins he inherited.

It can be said that the current Wang Mang is...a local tyrant who spent all his money and became an ordinary person.

The system of emotion and reason should also give something, or give a lottery or something like it is now.

"Whether to start the lottery now, great strategic commander."

Does this still need to be said about the lottery draw! Wang Mang started to feel a little nervous as he watched the disk lottery system keep turning.

This is not just Wang Mang's first real lucky draw.

It is also the first real lottery among players all over the world.

the most important is.

The first person to eat crabs is often accompanied by high risks and high rewards.


"Congratulations to the players for obtaining the new look of the Assembly Hall to unlock the reward-Hall of Glory."

"May I ask the commander whether he will give the Assembly Hall a new look now"

Wang Mang looked at the new appearance of the so-called Assembly Hall where he was drawing a lottery, and looked curiously.

[Glory Hall] [HP of all units: 1%%] [Damage of all units: 1%%] [Timber collection speed: 2%%] [Ore collection speed: 2%%] [Crystal collection speed: 2%%] ....... Wang Mang almost fainted without a smile when he saw this hall of glory.

This is a good thing, let's not talk about anything else, it's just... the attributes given by the Hall of Glory.

Wang Mang's passive skills can also be added to it.

The first is the blood volume and damage of all your troops, which is equivalent to recruiting a new unit of novice troops.

It's... at full level.

What concept? This concept is... Wang Mang is really only going out to beat others, no one else beating him.

Look at the ones outside the main city...the wild monsters and caves.

The lowest combat power is also 100,000.

Players on many other maps simply can't beat it.

Just like Lin Muxue said, many players have insufficient combat power..., they can only squat in the main city to eat resources in the initial stage, and the result is that their combat power cannot be improved.

Resources are also the kind of people who have to sit and eat mountains and sky.

Now that Wang Mang has unlocked such a good thing, the combat effectiveness is guaranteed.

Plus his previous primary pathfinding skills, ignoring 350% of the movement of the terrain.

Basically all Wang Mang needs for a legion is already gathered, and now Wang Mang is more...waiting to recruit.

According to the upper limit of the resident population, the recruitment of troops can only be 10% of the resident population.

Then Wang Mang can now recruit a million legions.

It's still a little short of the request of Dawn City Lord.

But it is already getting rid of a few players in the world who don't know why.

"Brother, what's going on with you? I just came from the mode. Liu Xiu said that the gold coins have been purchased almost, and I can transfer them to you tomorrow."

"Tell Liu Xiu. It is enough to give away gold coins for the last time tomorrow. Try to save all the gold coins purchased in the future."

"Also, Mu Xue, tell the life players of our guild, a lot of resources, such as wood, ores, crystals and the like."

"The guild pays according to the market price and never treats everyone at a loss."

For... Wang Mang, there is no need to worry too much about the collection of various resources now.

For Wang Mang, the accelerated collection of 1 is...a quick tool for saving money and resources.

Make an analogy.

After other players build the lumber yard, they can collect 100 lumber in one minute.

However, at the same level, Wang Mang is...100 in one minute, which is 600.

In other words, people produce 100 lumber per minute.

On the other hand, Wang Mang produces 100 pieces of wood per second.

Is this speed comparable?Basically, after the building of the Star Hall, Wang Mang is already crushing global players.

"put up."

With so many benefits, it would be weird if Wang Mang didn't build it.

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