When Wang Mang stood in the copy of ‘Everyday Every Night’ for the second time, he could only sigh.

This is too stubborn, and I don't know what brain circuit it is.

"Did you see, I am 210 and you have 200 combat power. Now the dungeon requires 220 combat power. I have no problem. You think you can stand it."

Wang Mang said.

It came over with a smile: "I came in to paddle, the boss is following you, I am now a member of your guild, you must not cover me."

Wang Mang couldn't help it.Who told this guy to add his own guild, he passed it.

The old rule, Wang Mang directly put the army into the big map.

When I saw the three female dragons of Wang Mang, he exclaimed: "Why do you still have this thing? Where did you get it?"

"Grab under the mode, this thing can be brought into the mode."

"Help me catch a boss"


To be honest, Wang Mang doesn't actually know him now.

I just think this kid is a bit interesting.

So I wanted to help him, and besides, this person also told himself some information that he didn't know, and it was normal to help him with reason.

Who said I was born with...good-hearted.

There is actually nothing to say during the battle.

It was... the army was completely wiped out in less than 3 minutes, and Wang Mang was still the last three female dragons and Hagg, completely killing Rodhart.

"Boss, what do you think of that bright gold thing?"

When Wang Mang saw it, he directed Hagg up and picked it up.

[Name: Holy Light Sword] [Type: Weapon] [Quality: God Level] [Strength: 10] [Magic Power: 30] [Critical Strike Rate: 35%] [Effect 1: You have obtained Rodhart’s Holy Light Sword, this equipment can be used as a commander's hero, but if Rodhart wears it, it will exert an artifact effect: damage is increased by 30%%.

】【Effect 2: The soldiers of the hero who wear this weapon will cause a lot of damage to the undead.

】Oh, there is something inside.

This... God-level Rodhart's Holy Light Sword is not the best equipment.

But it can be said to be the best equipment in the current mode.

Wang Mang is confident that in the future, he can naturally produce better equipment, but at least now there is no better than this sword.

The most important thing is that the hero who carries this sword, his soldiers can cause a lot of damage to the undead.

If Wang Mang can draw an epic hero Rod Hart, then let Rod Hart wear the sword.

The effect is simply...but this is a copy, so naturally Wang Mang will not really grab this sword.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Give it to you, this is yours."

The sword was thrown to "Give me you sure"

I can't believe the news sent.

"Who won't give it to you? Are you on the team? I just need to sweep the battlefield, so as not to say I bully you."

"Haha, you guys are still thinking about whether this is...you Dongfang said to talk about loyalty."

"Of course, you think they are all selfish and selfish."

"Since you said that, then I will also be a loyalist. Give you this sword, you can use it, and I saw that all your elemental soldiers have been converted into elemental knights."

"I have never seen this unit before. Did you get any reward from the system?"

Wang Mang thought for a while and told the soldier to become an elemental knight."

"The attack power is naturally higher, but the cost of resurrection after death is also high."

"Which sacred treatment center was resurrected in, right? I can't believe it. I feel that you are really playing games, and we are all the people who are played by games."

Looking at the Holy Light Sword that was coming, Wang Mang sent a message in the past: "Are you sure you really don't want it"

"It's too wasteful for me. I only have 200 combat power. Give it to you. You need to face more challenges."

"By the way, I have obtained your information from some secret departments. Maybe I will contact you when I am in a good mood."

"I don't need to contact men, goodbye."

After Wang Mang sent the message, he directly exited the map.

I'm afraid it's a Wang Mang. I always know that there are many stalls in the west, but I didn't expect that I would really meet one.

Back to his main city, Wang Mang first spent about 200 or so: Crystal resurrected his army.

Then we went to the Hall of Heroes.

It sounds good to draw epic heroes, but in fact, it costs 10,000 to refresh each time.

"Whether to spend 10 gold to refresh the hero hall"

Ha Wang Mang looked at the Hall of Heroes in disbelief.

Money is not a problem, but this f*ck is a bit too bad, isn't it still ten thousand before? How can it change to 10 in a blink of an eye? Can your system still sit down and start the price "Refresh!"

Wang Mang finally decided to refresh.

1 If you produce an epic hero, then it is not a loss, it is best to produce several epic heroes.

Wang Mang directly gave him dozens of heroes for each hero, so that on the entire battlefield, others saw dozens of heroes here.

That guy took advantage of it.

"Whether to spend 10 gold to refresh the hero hall"

"Whether to spend 10 gold to refresh the hero hall"


"Ludmira, Queen of Vampires."

Wang Mang looked at the epic hero that he had brushed for almost 100 before he thought about it, but he still felt that it was still not working.

After all, there is a weapon right now, that is...waiting for Rodhart to come out and use it.

This vampire Rudmila is naturally good too, but Wang Mang now mainly needs to be matched with Rod Hartha.

After much deliberation, Wang Mang decided to call this Ludmila into the draft first.

After all, there are still fifteen minutes before the refresh day, and you can get 10 gold coins per day from the Assembly Hall.

"Whether to consume 1 gold coin to recruit the Vampire Queen Ludmila, because the commander has the Rodhart Medal, so the consumption of gold coins is 100 gold coins."

Hehe! Wang Mang almost laughed crazy when he saw the system prompt.

This Rodhart medal also has such benefits.Doesn't it mean that the various resources consumed when recruiting soldiers are reduced by 10%, plus his passive skills are reduced by 100%.

I didn't expect to recruit heroes.

Since they are all so cheap, why not?


Wang Mang clicked the enlistment button.

[Name: Ludmila] [Combat power: 10] [Star rank: 1] [Military rank: 1] [Rareness: Epic] [Strength: 10]... Please download Fei Lu Xiao for the ununderlined version of the novel

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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