"I also heard some players who stayed in the mode say this in the game. As for the true and false, it is not very clear now."

"But what is certain is that the map of this team must be released, otherwise you just swipe the copy to place a single map, and it will soon be unattractive."

"Players will definitely want a large number of return modes, but looking at the official attitude now, I definitely hope that all players will enter the mode."

"Maybe I will come to the mode someday, I am afraid that the mode is to bye bye."

Liu Xiu said.

Wang Mang analyzed Liu Xiu's words carefully, and it is not impossible.

In short, now it can only be seen what the official situation is.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang said to Liu Xiu: "In this way, let's prepare with both hands. I will give you all the necessary resources in the Tun mode from now on."

"If the mode is not turned on any day, then you can come directly, I can give you a lot of resources."

"In this way, whether you are upgrading the main city or enlisting an army, you won't have much problem."

"Okay, if you really want to come by then, then I will look for you directly."

Liu Xiu said.

After all, today is the rest day that everyone has agreed, so the things on the game will no longer be said.

These people who are gathering with Wang Mang now, who are not worth more than 100 billion people.

I don't care about this little money for a long time, so today everyone is mainly going to have fun.

After the crowd gathered in the early hours of the morning, they happily left and went home.

After Wang Mang and Lin Muxue cleaned the room, they went back to the room to take a bath and slept.

It was almost noon the next day that Wang Mang was called by Lin Muxue.

Lin Muxue crouched and shouted at the bedroom door: "Brother Lazy Pig has gotten up, and if he gets up again, he will be late to enter the game at 12:1."

Wang Mang just took the phone and looked at it.It was already eleven o'clock.

After washing up, it's time to enter the game after lunch.

After eating lunch made by Lin Muxue, Wang Mang entered the game.

Just after entering the game, I saw a message coming: "I said, boss, where have you been all day and night?"

"I look everywhere for you and you can't find it."

Wang Mang replied with some curiosity: "If you want to find me, just call me. Didn't you investigate my call?"

"Although I have your phone number, I'm afraid it is not very good to just call you like this."

"Just talk to me if you want to."

"Come over to my main city and help me play a few copies. I haven't played yesterday until today."

After listening to Wang Mang, he entered the main city through the embassy without saying a word.

The professional elves, so it is also the main city of elves in the mode.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The main city of the elves is actually the most resource-intensive. It requires other resources such as ore, sulfur, gems and other resources that Wang Mang does not need.

Of course, if it is magnificent and beautiful, after all, one only needs wood and stone plus gold coins, while the other needs everything.

The consumption and output ratios are different, so naturally they are different.

"Okay, I'm here, let's form a team, let's directly download the copy."

Wang Mang sent a message to.

"Okay, let's go, it's up to you to get me some equipment today."


The help equipment is not a big problem, after all, Rodhart's Holy Light Sword was also his own.

So Wang Mang naturally has to pay back such a favor.

Otherwise, where can I reach the combat power of 1.

After entering the dungeon, Wang Mang spread out all his legions as usual.

1 The combat power simply exists to crush everyone.

And the effort that passed this time was only just 300 combat power.

After the battle started, I saw a message coming over.

"Hellscream, are you a pervert, why is your legion marching so fast and why can your legion suck blood"

"I want to know where did you get these... Legions and these... Heroes"

Wang Mang replied with some pride: "This is naturally I saved a little bit. If you increase your combat power, you can naturally."

Although a little confused, but looking at Wang Mang's legion, he still couldn't help but envy for a long time.

Nonsense, whoever sees Wang Mang's legion will be envious.

A moving speed is super fast like an airplane, and the speed of collecting and killing monsters is also like a perpetual motion machine.

Basically a picture, a map of Wang Mang, it took about an hour to pass.

Although the combat power of these maps has been raised to the combat power requirement of 1 because of Wang Mang.

But under the attack of Wang Mang's super perverted army, one picture per hour is not a big problem at all.

It was the first time that I felt the pleasure of quickly refreshing pictures.

After a few hours, the maps that have been troubled are all under the leadership of Wang Mang, and they are all finished.

And got a relatively good artifact.

This made my heart feel for a long time, because this artifact turned out to directly deal with the Elf Clan's Great Elf Bow.

This bow and arrow is directly equipped for the commander.

With this big elf bow, the commander can increase the range of his long-range troops by 30%.

That is to say, Wang Mang is an orc and not an elf, so he can't use this bow and arrow.

Otherwise, if Wang Mang is equipped with this bow and arrow, the range of the long-range troops in his legion can reach 300%.

After taking a few pictures, he said, "Thank you Hellscream, I took me to do the pictures for so long today."

"I may come to your east in a few days, and then I will invite you to dinner."

Wang Mang asked a little curiously when he saw the news: "You can come, just because you are here, I will introduce my sister, Liu Xiu, Song Qiang and they will meet you.

"Ok, Ok."

After the two talked, Wang Mang took the army back to his main city.

After returning to his main city, Wang Mang also quickly started to download the map.

I don't know why Wang Mang always has a feeling in his heart that he will quickly expand his main city again.

Because I heard what Liu Xiu said, a new mode would come out, and the battle dungeon immediately formed a team to fight each other.

Under the formula, the improvement of a family's combat power is of course dependent on the legion and heroes.

But the premise is that your main city must be big enough, if not big enough.

Then your main city will be a lot less, because some buildings are related to some legions and heroes.

If you don't, it means that you can't improve this piece of combat effectiveness.

So for Wang Mang, the top priority now is...hurry up to upgrade all the buildings that can be upgraded, and type out all the buildings that have not yet been created.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read,

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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