"Your Excellency Commander, you are so caring. When you come to my grocery store, I will call you 9.

50% off:."

I didn't expect the grocery store owner to say such a paragraph directly to himself.

"Boss, what good things do you have in the grocery store, let me see."

Wang Mang said.

The grocery store owner directly gave a menu-like item to Wang Mang.

Although it is a menu, after Wang Mang took it in his hand, a large store system appeared.

It turns out that this is the case, and you can still buy things in your own city, so in other words, you may be able to buy good things in your own city.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang is also happy to open the store system and look at it.

"Banana, lollipop, croissant, egg tart"

Wang Mang looked at the things in this grocery store.

It seems to be the same as some food.

Seeing Wang Mang's puzzled look, the grocery store owner explained: "Dear Commander, you can buy some snacks and other things for your army here."

"Your corps is ever-changing, and they like different things. Maybe they also like lollipops and croissants."

"There are even those who like to drink a glass of beer. You can ask your legion leader to collect the preferences of the soldiers, and then you can come to me to buy the corresponding goods."

"Of course the more you buy, the higher the price."

Hearing the words of the owner of the grocery store, Wang Mang instantly settled an account.

The official game of Dog Day, as expected, is to provide us with combat power to fight against the hell demons, and to harvest our wine and vegetables.

Among other things, there are almost 200 soldiers in the army now, even if everyone likes lollipops.

That's how much...200 gold coins.

Damn it, even the grocery store owner gave it to 9.

50% off: The discount is still more than ten million.

These...Gold coins are not money. Even if Wang Mang can get 10 gold coins a day, it is not so bad. There are still many places to spend money.

And this is just the price of lollipops, there are other bread, cheese, beer, etc...

The prices of these items are also different, and this cost can be regarded as... "Then I don't want to buy these items for the legion."

Wang Mang asked.

The grocery store owner also said readily: "Your Excellency Commander, you are naturally free to buy these things for the corps that do not give you."

"But we still recommend that you buy some. After all, the more you give the Legionnaires what they like, the more intimacy they have with you and the higher their loyalty."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"In this case, there will be no rebellion or even treason, and other commanders will not betray you because of high bids."

"So it is true that it is recommended that the commander treat his legion better."

Damn, the game official counts you cruel.

"Congratulations to the player: Hellscream has completed the main task and gained 1 point of the people's heart. The current value of the people's heart of the orc main city is 1"

When I saw this message, Wang Mang was dumbfounded.

It turns out that after the revision, the people's hearts and minds of the main city should also be paid attention to.

But if you want to come, if you don't improve the people's mind or something, then according to the owner of the grocery store.

I am afraid that the people of this main city will also betray you, or even betray you.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang hurriedly asked: "Then the grocery store owner, can you tell me how to increase popular support?"

"Okay, your commander."

Said the grocery store owner.

"Generally speaking, your commander, you have the following ways to increase popular support."

"First, often interact with the city residents in the main city to help them solve their worries, so that the residents in the main city will remember you well."

"The second is to lower the taxation of urban residents so that urban residents can have surplus wealth."

"The third is to increase port trade and buildings such as markets that can provide residents with a working environment."

"In this way, you can increase the hearts and minds of your main city."

It's really a quack.

Wang Mang also thinks that this grocery store owner is talking endlessly.

But now Wang Mang is clear. After the entire game is revised, it is naturally different from before.

The addition of people's hearts and the loyalty of soldiers means that the changes on the battlefield in the future will be more varied and complex.

First of all, just follow what the grocery store owner told himself.

If the soldiers of your own legion, their loyalty has not been improved.

Then maybe one day when he goes out to fight, the legion in the city may have been mutinous, and then he may directly take refuge in other players.

This is not a price that Wang Mang can bear.

Is there any difference between a commander in the main city and Xing Tian without a head? Since this is the case, it is urgent to improve the people's hearts and the loyalty of the army in the city.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang also thanked the grocery store owner, and then left the grocery store and walked in the direction of his Wang Cheng.

To be honest, when he looked at the big map from the perspective of God before, Wang Mang didn't think it.

If you want to go to the Assembly Hall, or somewhere else, you will come out with just a finger point.

But it's different now, and now I really need to pass it step by step by myself.

This is what makes Wang Mang a little uncomfortable.

How many are you... Come to a horse-drawn cart, or a portal or something.

When Wang Mang was walking down the street with some complaints, a sign of a post station appeared not far away.

I saw a young man standing there, and next to him was a griffon.

With Wang Mang's years of gaming experience, there is nothing to say, this is definitely... the teleportation point in the city.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang ran up quickly, and then said to him: "Is this a teleportation point, can you send me to the Assembly Hall"

The young man respectfully said to Wang Mang: "Dear commander, this is naturally possible. There are ten 10 teleport points in the entire orc main city."

"Each teleportation point will have a logo, you can teleport to the council chamber as long as you find us."

After speaking, I didn't know what method the young man used, but just shot a white light in his hand into Wang Mang's mind.

Suddenly, Wang Mang had all the markers and locations of the orc main city in his mind.

This surprised Wang Mang for a long time.He didn't expect that the upgrade of the new version would have so many benefits.

To be honest, Wang Mang has already begun to feel that this upgrade is due to the emergence of higher technology.

Thinking back, Wang Mang directly asked the teleporter to send himself to the council chamber.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read,

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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