"No, one month in the real world, in the game... Two months, we just have to come out and relax for a day, and then go back.

"It's only a day, nothing can be left behind."

"We can use this day's rest time to travel and play everywhere, even if it is... It is a good thing to read a book in our own room quietly."

"Okay, my brother is the best. Actually, I felt that way early in the morning. I just thought my brother was too tired for the guild and for all of us, so I didn't dare to say it."

"Now brother, you have said so, then sister, I will support you."

After speaking, Lin Muxue also gave Wang Mang a light hug from the co-pilot.

Wang Mang smiled and said: "Little girl, don't you let go, it won't be fun if you let us buckle."

Lin Muxue realized that she was in the car and immediately sat down.

After the two drove to the agreed hotel, Wang Mang and Lin Muxue also walked into the hotel.

At the door of the hotel, the waiter took the key from Wang Mang and saw Lin Muxue next to Wang Mang, showing a trace of envy.

Wang Mang naturally knows what the waiter thinks, but Wang Mang is too lazy to deal with this kind of waste.

After Lin Muxue walked into the hotel with Wang Mang in his arms, she came to the private room of the 9 restaurant that had been agreed upon.

When I arrived at the door, I saw two people like bodyguards standing at the door. When they saw Wang Mang and Lin Muxue, they stopped them and asked: "Excuse me, the two are... Wang Mang and Lin Muxue"


Wang Mang nodded.

"I'm sorry to check it out routinely."

Said one of the bodyguards.

After the inspection, Wang Mang and Lin Muxue also walked into the box.

"Haha, Wang Mang, Lin Muxue, the degree of intimacy between the two of you really makes people wonder whether you two are brothers and sisters, or national bones."

Wang Mang was shocked when he heard this voice.

Not for anything else, mainly because the voice is a girl's voice.

Wang Mang followed the voice and looked at him, and saw a girl in a white dress looking at himself and Lin Muxue with a smile on his face.

To be honest, in terms of appearance, this girl is taller than her sister and Song Qiangwei.

If it is about temperament, it is even more incomparable.

But why does this woman know herself? Is it because she is...A girl with such a name, is it too exciting?

Wang Mang looked at the girl and took Lin Muxue to her seat: "You are"

"Well, I am."

While talking, the girl stood up and stretched out her hand: "Tifa."

"Wang Mang."

Wang Mang reached out his hand and said.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"I know, since I attacked Main City of Song last time and was defeated by you, I have found someone to investigate you."

"Then what did you ask us for brother and sister this time?"

Wang Mang asked.

"No, you already have everything you want to say last time, and all the people in the western stall are uniting and preparing to defeat you."

"For example, you know Frederick, who is currently number one in the battle list. He is... the person who was selected and trained by the western area."

"It's someone who wants to defeat you in combat power, then defeat you in the mode, and completely let you quit the game."

Tifa said.

When Wang Mang heard Tifa's words, he asked in a puzzled manner: "I remember that I didn't seem to have a holiday with these people."

"Hate me so much"

Tifa smiled: "It's not because you are too powerful. If it weren't because you are too powerful, people in the West would not be so jealous of you."

"After all, if you are such a pervert, then the players in the whole world will have to be stepped on by you. It's strange that their jealous gangs don't go crazy."

While talking, Tifa handed the menu to Lin Muxue: "You can order what you want to eat."

After the three ordered the food at 3, Wang Mang asked again: "I don't know who you are yet."

"I said my name is Tifa."

"I know your name is Tifa, I'm asking who you are, you know so many things, it must not be a simple person."

Tifa chuckled: "There is nothing to comment on, but I am here this time mainly because there is still something to ask you."

"whats the matter"

"I just came here in the East. I have no friends or relatives, so accommodation is a problem."

"But I am a person who recognizes beds and doesn't like staying in hotels, so I decided to give you a chance to perform. I decided to live in your house."


When Wang Mang heard Tifa's words, the water he drank almost didn't come out.

"Where do you want to live"

"I live in your house, why are you still not happy? I don't live for free, I pay for it."

Tifa said.

Wang Mang didn't know what to say.

Reject, the background of Tifa does not seem simple, and it seems to be able to help me a lot.

Don't refuse, just let a strange woman live in your own home, which is probably not a good thing.

Lin Muxue on the side said happily: "Okay, okay, our house has a lot of rooms, you can choose the room you want to live in when you come."

"Yes, brother!"

But Lin Muxue... agreed to herself first, so Wang Mang couldn't refuse.

"Let's do it, even if the money is not rich, I am not short of the money, but in return, you have to tell me something you know."

"I don't want to ask if you think you can't tell, but as long as you can tell, I still hope you can tell me honestly."

In this way, Three of People 3 is so settled.

Unexpectedly, after a meal, there will be one more person in the family, which Wang Mang did not expect.

Early the next morning, Wang Mang was still asleep, and he heard the voice of someone talking in the living room outside.

The sound is still loud.

Wang Mang got up and went out to take a look.

I saw that Tifa was directing several people to move things to his home.

The boxes are...a dozen, and then there is a pink game compartment.

Wang Mang doesn't know anything else, but Wang Mang knows the value of that game warehouse.

That's a limited-edition game warehouse all over the world.

There are only ten 10s in total, with branches all over the world, and there is no such game warehouse here in the East.

It is said that this game warehouse is very luxurious, and the nutrient solution can supply players for six months.

It can be three months longer than Wang Mang's own game warehouse.

If it is not a limited edition, Wang Mang also wants to buy a credit, so that he can increase his combat power twice as long as others.

When Tifa saw Wang Mang coming out, he said happily: "You are awake, I have been very careful, but I am embarrassed to wake you up."

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read,

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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