[Name: Morgues] [Type:] [Quality: World-class] [Power:] Wang Mang's current combat power, whatever comes out is at least world-class, which makes Wang Mang no wonder.

However, although this attack power is not very good, but the health bar is a thick batch.

Wang Mang watched his legion keep smashing various elemental balls and magical attacks such as dragon's breath.

From time to time, I can see Rodhart give this Morgus two more holy lights.

In short, the blood bar is slow to kill.

After two hours of suffering, Wang Mang couldn't stand it.

I saw Wang Mang yelled, and then rushed over on his horse, "Puff"

a bit.

Most of Morgus' blood bars have gone.

Wang Mang's damage is so high that there is no way for Morgus to resist it.

Wang Mang didn't say much, and once again swung his axe, Morges fell down.

"Commander, commander, commander."

Unexpectedly...The Legion is pretty smart.

He was hacked to death by himself, and his legionaries still knew to cheer and celebrate.

It's not in vain to take care of them by yourself.

"This is the treasure box that Morgus dropped"

Wang Mang watched Rodhart walk over with a treasure chest and knelt in front of him on one knee.

"Dear commander, this is a treasure dropped by the enemy, you should own him."

Rod Hart said.

Wang Mang put the treasure chest directly into the props, and then left the map with the army first.

Back in the main city again, Wang Mang flew in the direction where the knight was sitting on the griffin, and then found the knight.

"This is the necklace you lost."

Wang Mang handed a crystal necklace to the knight.

"Thank you, honorable commander, and may the gods bless you forever."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The knight stood up excitedly.

"In order to express my gratitude and respect to you, please accept this little gift below."

After the knight said, he placed a badge in Wang Mang's hand.

"This is a badge with powerful functions. It can bring you good luck to the Commander. Lord Commander, may God bless you."

After the knight finished speaking, he disappeared into the crowd holding the necklace.

"Congratulations, Commander, because you have completed the lost necklace of the world-class mission, so your Orc Main City has increased by 100 and is currently 201."

"Your residents are proud of you."

It's cool, this mission has given such a high value of popular support at one time, and it is still very good.

I just don't know what effect this popular support will have if it reaches a certain height.

This makes Wang Mang a little curious.

Forget it, go back to your palace first, and then look at the treasure chest you just got, and the medal that the knight gave you.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang returned to his palace with a griffon.

After arriving in the palace, Wang Mang opened the treasure chest and saw a burst of golden light flashing out of the treasure chest.

"What the hell is this? It looks like it can fly."

Wang Mang looked a little curiously at the things flying out of the treasure chest.

"Congratulations to your commander for getting a little elf. This little elf is an elf pet and can provide a lot of help to the commander."

[Name: Fairy Fairy] [Type: Pet] [Quality: World Class] [Passive Skill 1: It can increase the commander's own attributes by 50%%.

] [Passive Skill 2: Increase the range of long-range units of the legion by 30%%, increase the attack of remote units by 25%%] [Passive Skill 3: Commander's main city can receive the blessing of the language of the spirit, the main city's durability limit is increased by 10%% , And increase the durability of various buildings by 5%%.

】Fuck! If you can use any language to describe Wang Mang’s mood at the moment, then Wang Mang and Wang can only describe it in one sentence: It’s like stepping on a big pile of shit! This auxiliary type of Pokemon, give It doesn't matter if you and the legion increase attributes, you can also add attributes to the main city.

And the most important thing is all passive skills.

You know Wang Mang's talent is... passive skill attribute increase.

It can be said that Wang Mang is not interested in the so-called active skills at all.

As long as the passive skills are good, it will be air every second every second.

No, this wizard is simply a skill tailored for Wang Mang.

This elf must not be lost, otherwise Wang Mang will lose more than just an elf pet.

[Strategic Commander: Hellscream] [Level: 10] [Combat Power: 20] [Attack 101+%% This attribute affects the attack power of the troops you command] [Defense: 10+%% This attribute influences the troops you command Defensive power] [Strength: 10+%% This attribute affects your strength damage] [Knowledge: 10+%% This attribute affects your upper limit of mana] [Talent: Walking like flying, your army’s movement speed increases by 10%] [Skills : Elementary Wayfinding: Your army can ignore 35% of the terrain and let them reach their destination faster!] [Skill: Thousand times rewards for your gold coins in the mode, except for resource rewards that will get a thousand times gain experience .……】【Treasure: Greed of Time and Space】【Treasure: Sheila's Wine Glass】【Pet: Fairy Fairy】【Name: Orcs Main City】【Owner: Hellscream】【Main City Level: 10】【Popular Loyalty: 20 】【City Wall Durability: 2】【City Level: Advanced Level】【Population: 70】【Gold Coins: 10】【Grain: 40】【Timber: 55】【Ore:0】【Crystal:0】【Gems:13】 [Sulfur: 10] Wang Mang looked at his attributes and the attributes of the orc main city, and nodded in satisfaction.

Don't say anything else, because of the elf fairy, now his own attributes have reached a very terrifying increase.

Because of the influence of its own attributes, the legion has reached a higher existence in terms of attack power and defense power.

And the combat power has also reached 2.

Now Wang Mang can be said to be basically unique in the world.

After all, Frederick, the second most powerful player, is only 1.

It's only 5 combat power.

Rubbish! Then Wang Mang looked at the badge the knight gave him.

[Item: Knight Badge] [Type: Strategic Treasure] [Class: World Class] [Effect: From the hand of the greatest knight in the Paladin Legion-the knight badge, do you want to be loved by thousands of girls? Do you want to become a million Is it the dream lover of Thousand Girls?] [Believe I bring it, you will get unexpected surprises, the attributes of female heroes and female soldiers in the legion increase by 100%%, and the commander's luck value increases by 100 points.

】My f*ck is just for a handsome and humorous man like Wang Mang.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read,

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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