If you can't continue to enter the game, and the remaining little assets can't buy the resurrection cross, then you will directly cut off the source of income.

Didn’t you just starve to death at that time? "Brother, did you read the update announcement?"

"Look, this game update is too fucking, it's just... a sinkhole, sister, I regret taking you into the game."

"Why do you say that, I like this game very much, and without my brother, my sister can't have so much money today, and she wouldn't live such a wealthy life."

Looking at the message from Lin Muxue, Wang Mang could only shook his head.

Fortunately, the system developers still have some brains, at least they can team up with people they know well, and then form a fixed team.

In this way, you can enter the same dungeon together every weekend.

However, there are more than 10,000 people in the guild of the top of the gods, and this instance can allow up to 100 commanders to form a team.

What to do with the remaining thousands of people, Wang Mang didn't think about it, and didn't dare to think about it.

Wang Mang couldn't imagine that one day he would fight with members of his guild.

Obviously, judging from the update announcement given by the system, the people in the same guild cannot avoid fighting.

Therefore, when Wang Mang meets people in the same trade union, there must be a big problem.

"Have you read the update announcement? This game is too cheating, we want to protest, isn't this let us civilian players sell blood"

"Yes..., if those rich players die, they can naturally use a lot of money to buy the resurrection cross to resurrect themselves."

"Where can we civilian players afford such money, can we only wait to die and have to surrender 90% of the assets?"

"Protest, let's go to the game official protest in a team."

"People just landed the Griffins in Azeroth. I want me to say that you are... It's too rubbish, don't work hard, let you work hard not to listen, and you like to use the time to improve your combat power for entertainment."

"It's alright now, knowing that I'm going to be forced to advance by the system officials, or you guys...low-level people, it's really hopeless."

"Yes, I can't imagine what games these civilian players still come in to play. It's just a cancer of modern society."

"What do you guys do? The civilian players have offended you. I want to listen to you here to compare: how rich you are, come and take out your tax return."

"Big Brother Hellscream, I can team up with you for help."

Wang Mang is now a person who is too lazy to watch the public screen. After all, Wang Mang now wants to consider how to live with the Guild of the Gods.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

After all, it is only known that the resurrection cross can kill the player, but how to obtain it, and where to obtain it is still unknown.

You say that this game is not harmful, you either don't give people hope, or you make people desperate.

With such a large punishment, and you allow other players to resurrect, then this resurrection cross will inevitably become the only hard currency in the future.

Even things that have a price but no market.

You said that if you die in the game, you can simply die with your own body, and the game compartment will explode directly, then you are really dead, and there is nothing to think about.

It just so happened.

Wang Mang deeply doubts whether the planners of this version update often go to the world's largest casino.

I know too much about the way of working hard for a glimmer of hope in human nature.

It is useless to think too much, anyway, I must find a way to make Lin Muxue, Tifa, Liu Xiu, Xu Jiaqi and others survive.

As for the other Wang Mang, it can only be determined based on the needs of the guild.

There's no way, now it looks like this can only be to keep the basic plate first, and then find a way to get more resurrection crosses.

Only in this way can there be a chance to ensure that the members of the entire Guild of the Gods can survive safely.

Otherwise, everything is fake.

"Brothers, the authority of the main city is now open, please don't rush to do other things, and quickly go to the council chamber of my orc main city."

"I have placed the permission to enter the Assembly Hall. It is only for people in our guild. Come here quickly. Let's have a meeting about this updated meeting."

Within ten minutes of Wang Mang's news, all members of the guild were in Wang Mang's main city assembly hall.

It can be seen that this update is not a small blow to all players.

This is really forcing players to increase their combat power violently, otherwise they will only be slaughtered.

"What do we do about the things that the boss updated this time? Many people in our guild are living players, with a combat power of only 10 or 20 million, and they are not at all...the players' opponents."

"Yes, boss, this time the system version salary is so sudden that I didn't expect it at all."

"Boss, on weekdays, we life players have made contributions to the guild. We have donated a lot of gold coins, resources and so on. You can't leave us at this critical moment."

"You guys, don't worry, don't worry, although the punishment of this deathmatch mode is very severe, it can still be resurrected."

Wang Mang quickly said to everyone.

"But the resurrection also requires the resurrection cross. We don't know where this thing is, let alone other players, such a precious thing."

"I'm afraid that the price will be so high that we can't afford it."

Facing the worries of the guild members, Wang Mang also patiently explained: "Don't worry, everyone will not be so exaggerated."

"I have drawn up a list. The list of ninety-nine people is a list of teams with me."

"I will figure out how to get this resurrection cross as soon as possible, and then I will let my team members hoard this resurrection cross."

"On the one hand, it is used for the death of a brother in our guild, so that we can resurrect our own brother. On the other hand, the remaining cross can also be used as the capital for negotiation with others."

"So you don't have to worry, you can rest assured and boldly team up with people you know well. People in our guild must team up with people in your own guild."

"In this way, even if you meet someone in the same guild, you don't have to worry. If you die, the guild will find a way to resurrect. In terms of strength, the three-month-old guild in the protector will also find ways to help you improve."

"So don't worry everyone. At this time, we can only get to the end by uniting and not making small moves in private."

"If anyone is caught by me for making minor moves, then don't blame me for this badge."

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