[Cuiyuan]: "Why don't you ask for it yourself?"

[Tianyan is clear]: "You are the president, don't you have more weight to speak?"

[Cuiyuan]: "Do you still know that I am the president?"

[Tianyan is clear]: "Ahem, you see that the big sword slashing the sky has joined Luo Heng's guild, and Yu Feifei, others are still presidents, don't they also run away?"

Cui Yuan saw Tianyan's clear explanation, and was speechless for a while.

He's right, but he's right, you have to think about your own face.

This sword song licked Luo Heng shamelessly and pleaded, no matter how he said it, he was also the head of a big family, and most of the members of his guild were direct bloodlines.

What sons and grandchildren, although the difference in generations is large, but that is only generation.

It doesn't mean that the age difference is big, in reality, he is still a young man who is in the age of fighting, and his blood is strong.

But if you let yourself plead in front of the family members of people's grandchildren and sons, it will make people embarrassed.

However, under the ideological struggle, Cui Yuan still smiled and grabbed Tianyan Tongming with a smile, pressed his head and said to Luo Heng: "Luo Heng, look, this Tianyan is bright?"

Luo Heng nodded.

He doesn't care about these etiquette, if the other party has this idea, and he can agree to it, then agree.

Luo Heng didn't have to kneel and knock three times before he could agree to let Tianyan Tongming join the guild.

It's just that seeing this scene, Jian Ge's heart is unbalanced again.

But I didn't dare to say it if I was unbalanced, after all, it was Luo Heng in front of him, a terrifying man who used the sky-high giant as a firework.

On the other hand, there are even more unbalanced people.

That was Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was messy in the wind at this time, what about his own guild?

What about his own family?

He thought that he had also sought support, but everyone else had come, and his own people hadn't come yet.

Should this differential treatment be so outrageous?


A few minutes ago, inside the Frontline Fortress -

Fang Cai Ye Chen said that he was in danger and asked for support. "

"Dangerous? What's dangerous, isn't he with Luo Heng now? "

"But aren't we going to entrap Luo Heng?"

"Alas, the matter of young people, what are we involved with the older generation, rather than our fanfare in the past, it is better to let Xiaochen solve it by himself. "


[Ye Chen]: "What about you people!"

The president of the Chiba Guild - [Ye Beishan]: "In the frontline position." "

[Ye Chen]: "What are you doing on the front line? Didn't I ask for support?"

[Ye Beishan]: "It seems that someone in our guild has started a fight with the Yanlong guild. "

[Ye Chen]: "So you're mediating?"

[Ye Beishan]: "No, I'm watching a play." "

[Ye Chen]: "...... mmp"

In the real world, Ye Beishan is already a dying old man, and he has experienced the vicissitudes of his life.

But when he came to the game world, he became a young man again.

In the constant world, no matter what the body in the real world is, a young body will be generated in the game world, and its appearance is also generated at the peak of its appearance when it is young.

After playing Constant World, Ye Beishan felt that he had regained his youth and his youthful demeanor.

And his original body has gradually become younger as the body in the game has become stronger.

Now the whole world is showing a sign of rejuvenation.

Many elderly people gradually regain their youth after playing games, and some women in their thirties and forties seem to be back to their prime age after playing games.

The number of players in Henderson World is skyrocketing every day, and it can be said that tens of millions of people are entering the game every hour.

The world's 20 billion people will soon all be in the game.

By then, the real world was empty, and the gaming world was bustling.

It's like reality and game intermingling.

After Ye Chen finished sending the message, when he saw the other party's explanation, he suddenly felt angry.

Ye Chen stepped forward and said, "Luo Heng, I want to join your guild. "

"Yes. "



There seems to be a question mark on the bright eye of the sky and the source of the cui.

And the big sword slashing the sky and the sword song are even more big question marks.

If you can say it directly, then why do you need so many scenes? It's too watery, right?

[Ye Chen quit the Chiba Guild]

Such a message popped up in front of Ye Beishan: "Huh?"

Then he reacted: "Damn!"

[Ye Beishan]: "Xiaochen, you can't quit the guild just because I don't want to support, no matter what you say, you are also the pillar of our guild, don't make a child lose his temper, go back to the guild quickly." "

[Ye Chen]: "No, I won't go back." "

[Ye Beishan]: "Xiaochen, this is your mistake, no matter what you say, the boss is not small, although grandpa loves you, but this kind of strategic thing is not sloppy." "

[Ye Chen]: "No, I have already joined other guilds. "

[Ye Beishan]: "What? Even if you want to be angry, you can't do this, what do you make the rest of the Chiba Guild think, they will think that our guild is incompetent, tell me! What guild are you joining! I'll declare war on him now!"

[Ye Chen]: "Eternity - the entropy of the universe. "

[Ye Beishan]: "Oh, that's okay, don't come back." "

In an instant, Ye Chen felt as if he had been abandoned by his own family.

[Ye Chen]: "What about declaring war?"

[Ye Beishan withdrew a message]

[Ye Beishan]: "What declaration of war? What are you talking about?"

[Ye Chen]: "......"

Facing the owner of his own living treasure, Ye Chen didn't know what to say.

So he turned his head to look at Luo Heng.

"President, what should we do next? will we fight the dragons, or will we save the world?"

After attacking the Sunset Sunset Tower, Ye Chen felt the refreshment of going down with Luo Heng.

This is the adventure, this is the blood!

Everyone also held their breath, looking at Luo Heng, expecting Luo Heng to guide a clear path, follow Luo Heng, there will definitely be meat to eat.

Cuiyuan turned on the recording function, and the sword song was directly recorded.

I saw Luo Heng open his mouth lightly, and answered what they should do now in the simplest words.

"Upgrade first. "

That's it?

Luo Heng had just come to the second layer and had done so many big things on the first day.

Just when everyone wanted to follow Luo Heng to do something together, he actually wanted to upgrade?

In the chaos of everyone, Luo Heng said to Yu Feifei: "Yu Feifei, open the door." "

"Hehe, received! Brother Luo Heng, where are you going?"

For them, upgrading is really the number one priority.

But for Luo Heng, he still had to get another poisonous weed in his memory.

[Fire Ambition] was just an additional product of the information provided by the Great Sword Slashing Heaven, and the other poisonous weed in the second layer of Luo Heng's memory was still waiting for him to obtain it.

It is a poisonous weed that is diametrically opposed to the attributes of the Burning Ambition, and it is also a poisonous weed that is completely opposed to the Burning Ambition.

No. 68: [Frozen Blood Seal]

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