The fog is heavy, and players are beginning to figure out how to move in the fog.

Although the portal was opened, Luo Heng did not step into the fourth floor for the first time.

【Heart of Dawn】

An item that allows you to evolve your talents.

It takes three days for the fusion to take place.

Now that the third layer of the strategy is completed, Luo Heng can finally fuse the Heart of Dawn.

This will undoubtedly maximize the efficient use of time.

Other players who enter the fourth floor to play their own should have a certain level of clearing after three days.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to let these players spend three days on the third layer.

For the control of time, Luo Heng's details are extreme.

Ignoring those players who were shrouded in fog and looked confused, this was something they should adapt to in the future, Luo Heng directly summoned Bangosel to leave with a dragon.


【Tianxing Mountain has been explored】

It's not the tallest mountain in the third layer, but it's definitely the brightest mountain in the entire third layer.

This place is rarely set foot and can only be regarded as a little-known attraction.

Luo Heng took out the [Heart of Dawn] here

There are two reasons to choose this place.

On the one hand, it is to not disturb his heart of fusion dawn.

On the other hand, it is to allow the [Star Ring] to quickly absorb enough starlight value.

So that three days will not be wasted.

When the starlight value is full on the third day, Luo Heng can make a prayer.

[Do you use the Heart of Dawn?]

[Note: The fusion process is irreversible and cannot be interrupted.] 】

[Fusion interruption will cause the item to disappear.] 】

Such precious props, if they are wasted, I don't know when I will be able to get them.

Not every floor has a chance to save the world, and not every floor of the environment can be changed.

It was a coincidence that this time it was able to change the environment of the third layer.

Looking around, after all, it is a precious prop that can only be used once, and after all, I am still a little worried.

So with a slight stroke of his right hand, five traps were ambushed around.

And when activated, the [Poisonous Seed] sown

On the ground, [Poison Spraying Flowers] grew out one by one.

Because of the characteristics of serial number 43.

[Endless: Your health recovery speed is increased by 300% +1500 per second, all your summons gain an additional 300% of their maximum life, and gain passive: fast recovery, infinite regeneration]

Luo Heng's summons, such as zombies and the like, will no longer die out naturally.

Zombies are meant to decay over time, draining health.

Infinite regeneration and rapid recovery make up for their decaying properties.

Subsequently, Luo Heng sensed the surrounding environment and sensed a creature three thousand meters away, and a giant bear was swaying on the mountainside.

"Xiaoqing, spider planting, hunting. "

The order was given, Qingzhu escaped into the ground, and soon came to three kilometers away, and bit the giant bear to death.

The corpse of the giant bear that was bitten to death by Qingzhu swelled and divided, and from the skin of the corpse, a flame giant bear, a zombie bear, and a pool of stars appeared.

Then, among the corpses of itself, six long legs stretched out, and with a brush, the entire skin bag was broken, and a bear-faced spider appeared on the mountain.

There is more than one spider mother.

Today is the nightmare of the monsters of Tianxing Mountain.

The spider mother quickly looks for a target and hunts.

One by two, and soon the monsters that refreshed on Tianxing Mountain were all hunted.

White cobwebs spread around like mist.

One by one, the little spiders hatched.

A large number of burning monsters patrol around the mountain, turning the place into a zone of death.

Luo Heng looked at the sky, opened his hand, and laid a heavy cobweb visible to the naked eye in the sky, any creature that passed through the sky, whether it was a player or a monster.

You have to be cut by a spider web several times before you can break in.

And every cut is a flat A injury from Luo Heng.

In addition, the cobwebs are infused with the toxin of the [Voodoo Curse], and any unit cut by the cobwebs will be attacked by the Voodoo Curse.

At this point, Luo Heng sat down on the top of the mountain.

He was enveloped in a white transparent silk cocoon, the last line of defense.

"Use, Heart of Dawn. "

Like an old Taoist priest, hold the yuan and keep one.

The point of light rose and fell in front of Luo Heng's body, and then drilled into Luo Heng's body.


【Talent is evolving】


Emperor Long Xiang: "The fourth floor is opened. "

In the Yanlong Guild, above the high-level meeting, they were discussing the next policy: "We are not ready to advance to the fourth layer, do we want to keep up?"

"But...... The foundation we are working on on the third layer is not yet complete, and we will definitely have to allocate some of our manpower in this way, which may be a little weak. "

After the third layer became a safe zone free of calamities, the major guilds began to prepare to establish their own strongholds in the third layer.

There is credible intelligence claiming that it is able to learn to fly at the fourth level and is capable of autonomously synthesizing equipment.

This synthetic equipment refers to the use of various materials that already exist in the constant world to create new equipment.

And the materials for crafting equipment are available on every layer.

The material of each layer is extremely special.

Exploring the synthesis of equipment requires a lot of materials, just like Edison experimented with the materials of a light bulb.

The constant world is becoming more and more real, and people are constantly adapting to new content.

Plans can't keep up with the changes.

In the high-level meeting of the Yanlong Guild, it was divided into three factions.

On the one hand, it is conservative, advocating that it will develop in the third layer now, and then enter the fourth layer after the strength is enough.

On the other hand, their attributes that have been solidly honed in the familiar environment of the third layer are not much worse than those of the blind players who are caught in the fourth layer.

On the other hand, there are reformists.

He advocated directly advancing to the fourth layer, joining the front-line land reclamation business, obtaining the resources and intelligence of the front-line, and walking in the forefront.

There is also a third faction, which is the Balance Faction.

It is advocated that part of it will stay in the third layer of development, and the other part will advance to the fourth layer.

It's just that there is a problem, there are only a few people with cutting-edge combat power, is the cutting-edge combat power accumulating attributes in the familiar third layer, or is it in the unknown fourth layer to carry out the wasteland development business?

After the fourth layer was unlocked, not only the Yanlong Guild, but also the major guilds immediately held an emergency meeting to set a policy for the future.

However, in the shadows of the third layer, there was a group of avengers who had a grudge against Luo Heng.

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