Online Games: My Theft SSS Level

Chapter 479 What a big pool, the stunned old man

Chen Ming looked at Su Su beside him with some discomfort.

Originally, Su Su would always sit on his shoulder.

But after taking the two little ones, Su Su could no longer activate the concentric state. She could only maintain the physical state and take care of the two children herself.

There is no way, who makes those children distrust anyone except Susu?

Currently, Chen Ming and others are not in danger yet.

Even if Su Su can't activate the concentric state, it doesn't hurt.

All the way forward.

Chen Ming could see that the refresh progress of nightmares was constantly increasing.

It can be seen that Brother Gang's advancement speed is quite impressive.

"Speaking of which, why do we encounter so many broken houses here and not large-scale demons at all..."

While walking, Ling Yue couldn't help but said.

Ling Yue was not asking, but she seemed a little regretful that her powerful weapon could not be used at this time.

But Chen Ming listened.

This was also something he didn't understand.

Logically speaking, the difference in the number of people on these roads in Qingfeng City is not that big.

There shouldn't be much difference in the situations that teams in the three directions will encounter.

But unfortunately, the gap is so huge.

The conditions encountered in the three directions can be described as completely different.

"It's like someone specially arranged it..."

Ling Xue, who had been silently following her sister, suddenly started mumbling.

His small complaint made Chen Ming and Ling Yue look at each other.

From the beginning, they knew it was arranged.

I just don't know what the purpose is.

I don’t even know who made such an arrangement.

But the only advantage is...the current strength of the Chinese players is far superior to that of players from other countries under normal development.

In such a large-scale battle, these advantages can be brought into full play.

Therefore, whether it is Brother Gang, who is facing most of his inner demons, or Chen Ming, who is not in danger yet, but the road ahead is full of dangers, the pressure is not too great.

The only thing that makes Chen Ming fearful is the nightmare that keeps increasing the progress bar and will eventually be released.

But even this biggest concern has improved somewhat.

Brother Gang was killing more and more quickly.

But the release progress is quietly slowing down.

At the beginning, Chen Ming personally took action to kill those inner demons, each of which could bring about a few tenths of a percent progress.

But now...

Brother Gang is killing people like crazy, but the growth rate has maintained a gentle growth that is almost the same as before.

"This growth rate has nothing to do with quantity, but to do with quality?"

"There are too many ordinary NPCs infected by inner demons in the city, so the inner demons that appear are not strong, and the value they can provide after being killed is not high?"

Chen Ming secretly guessed.

But there is no conclusion.

But overall, this is a good thing.

And the players other than him are completely unaware that there is a final boss called Nightmare.

As they kept moving forward without encountering any danger at all, everyone began to relax a little.

"I'm a little envious of the big army..."

"I took a look at the map. It's quite spacious over there, and there must be a lot of inner demons that can be killed!"

"Speaking of which, the inner demons don't explode equipment and don't give experience... Why do you want to fight so much?"

"What do you know! Such a large-scale event will definitely not give us players free money. It seems that there is no reward, but maybe it gives hidden points or something!"

Everyone started discussing it.

The point is nothing more than envy of Brother Gang for being able to fight with real swords and guns, full of passion.

Chen Ming didn't say anything after hearing this.

After all, he is also a player, so he can understand everyone's mood.

That's when.

The little girl who had been following Su Su stuck her head out.

She felt safe and sound along the way, which made her relax a lot.

In addition, the nearby players did not pay attention to her at all, which made her even more relieved.

At this time, listening to everyone's discussion, she suddenly felt a little confused. She looked up at Su Su and asked, "Sister, why does everyone want to go to Dongcheng District?"

Dongcheng District is the area where Brother Gang and others are located.

Su Su was asked this question, and for a moment she didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, the little girl did not continue to wait for the answer, but said to herself: "My father said that there is a super big pool over there, and my brother and I have not been allowed to play there..."

"If your brothers and sisters want to must be careful!"

When Su Su heard this, she immediately pursed her lips and smiled, then rubbed the little girl's head with distress and pity.

But Ling Yue on the side was a little confused after hearing this, "Big pool? Where is the big pool over there?"

"After Qingfeng City was renovated, I walked all over the area in order to take on the mission, and I never heard of any big pool there..."

Just a small question.

But the little girl shrank suddenly in fright.

After Susu was coaxed for a while, the little girl lowered her voice and muttered: "I'm not lying...that's what dad said!"

"Brother Gang, it's done here!"

"There's no problem here anymore!"

"Checked again to make sure there are no missing monsters!"

After receiving the report, Brother Gang did not check - he already had great trust in everyone's strength. After confirming that the nearby areas had been resolved, he immediately waved his hand.

"Okay, keep going!"

After giving the order, everyone moved forward excitedly.

And in some dark corner.

In total darkness.

Suddenly a pair of eyes appeared.

Although he is extremely quiet.

But his shock could be read just from his eyes.

"How could it be so fast..."

"No, you have to report it to the City Lord immediately!"


The teacup fell to the ground.

Fortunately, there was an expensive carpet underneath, and the equally valuable teacup just fell on it, spilling hot tea all over the floor.

"What did you say?!"

"Only ten minutes..."

"They solved all the riots in this area?!"

"Are you serious?"

"ten minutes?!"

In the tall building in the center of Qingfeng City.

The old man who was sitting quietly drinking tea was so frightened that he dropped his tea cup and didn't realize it.

He stood up in a hurry, pushed away his subordinates who came to report, went to the window, and looked towards the east of the city...

His face was ugly.

"It was cleaned up too quickly..."

"If this continues, after the inner demons have been wiped out, there will be no way for them to continue to infect..."

"The speed of infection can't keep up with the speed at which they kill their inner demons!"


"Do we still have to use that method..."

Muttering, he turned his head and looked at a complicated drawing on his big table.

That drawing was clearly the planning drawing of Qingfeng City's sewer system.

And in the easternmost part of the city.

It is the source of water supply for the entire Qingfeng City...

The biggest one, the reservoir!

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