Online Games: Only I Can See Hidden Information

Chapter 114 The Second Brother Can Be Really Punished


The smell of decay mixed with the aroma of wine, creating a strange smell.

It's like sitting next to a stinky tofu stall, having a candlelight dinner, and drinking 82-year-old Sprite mixed with Lafite.

A white light flashed, and Ye Bai's figure appeared.

Before he could clearly see what was going on around him, a sharp voice sounded in his ears,

"You freshmen, cheer up.

Get in line, it's time to receive your first hug soon! "

A young man in tattered clothes was showing off, his eyes glowing red, and he yelled at Ye Bai fiercely.

First love?

Ye Bai looked around and found that besides himself there were 9 other players in the basement, 4 men and 5 women.

"Friend, which camp are you going to choose?"

Seeing Ye Bai arriving, someone immediately came to greet him and introduced him kindly,

"There are 10 people in a group. We have agreed on 4 werewolves and 5 vampires before."

After entering the tenth level of eternity, everyone automatically wears a mask, covering the upper half of their face.

In this way, it will be difficult for everyone to directly identify each other's identity, and it will also prepare for the subsequent makeup party.

"Then I'll put it all together and the werewolf will be ready."

Ye Bai said casually.

He hasn't decided yet on what to choose.

Choose a vampire, go get your first embrace, and then join the costume party.

If you refuse the first embrace, you will be thrown deep into the dungeon, where you will gain werewolf blood.

Neither seems to be a good choice.

Information appeared in front of Ye Bai's eyes:

[Current werewolf camp exploration degree: 0%]

[Current human camp exploration degree: 0%]

[Current vampire camp exploration degree: 0%]


There seems to be something strange mixed in!

"The human camp?!"

Ye Bai noticed that there were not two camps in this level, but three!

Why isn't it written in the guide?

Has no one discovered it in the past hundred years?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Like the novice dungeon that Ye Bai once experienced, the triggering mechanism of the hidden levels was too outrageous.

Everyone only has one chance to break into the novice copy.

As a result, no one has been able to discover the hidden levels for the past hundred years.

The tenth level has been studied by the human race for who knows how long. It is impossible to miss the third camp!

The hint given by the Eye of Insight also confirmed Ye Bai's conjecture.

[Historical results: 1 person from the human race has passed the SSS level, and 1 person has passed the SS level. 1 person has cleared Werewolf SSS level....]

"No, someone once cleared the level with the SSS level of the human camp, but did not announce the strategy to the public?"

The whole thing is getting more complicated.

Ye Bai sorted it out again:

"On the tenth level, there are only two people in history who have achieved SSS level clearance. Both of them are the strongest."

"The information I checked during this period shows that the most powerful [Xiaoyao] rose very suddenly. When he appeared on the front line, he was already a god of war.

Except for the novice dungeon, he basically can’t pass the SSS level, and he’s just a little bit closer every time..."

Combined with the message board seen previously on the third floor.

Ye Bai even suspected that Xiaoyao did this on purpose!

Every time he scores before the SSS level, he will take the initiative to give up and settle directly!

Xiaoyao probably has his own reasons for doing this.

Of the three most powerful people, one person is eliminated, and only [Wuhen] and [Nightmare] are left.

"There's nothing to say. It's impossible to find a hidden lineup and expect nightmares!"

This guy, the Iron Werewolf!

Ye Bai immediately locked the correct answer.

"Wuhen, clear the level with the human camp and achieve an SSS grade.

Xiaoyao has an SS-level rating from the human camp.

Nightmare has a Werewolf SSS rating. "

"If that's the case, then it can probably be explained..."

The only person who found the human camp, the second brother was aloof and might not be too lazy to tell anyone.

Xiaoyao...stop talking, I understand, it's boring.

Looking at the results of his reasoning, Ye Bai scratched his hair, feeling a little distressed.

"Then should I clear the level with the [Vampire] camp SSS level and maintain the formation?"

While Ye Bai was thinking, a burst of curses came from outside the dungeon, accompanied by the crisp sound of a whip hitting the air.

"Hurry up, stop grinding, you little guys, walk faster!"


The dungeon door was opened, and the pale young man from before appeared again, urging everyone to move forward.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Lord Earl will give you guys the essence and blood to complete the first embrace.

What a precious opportunity, and you are still here! You should be thrown away as blood food instead of being embraced for the first time! "

After hearing this, the ten people began to move slowly and walked forward.

"Use blood to complete your first embrace?"

Ye Bai remembered an interesting incident in the information,

“On the tenth level, the original way of embracing someone for the first time is to bite the neck.

Later, [Wuhen] came to the tenth floor, and the method of first embrace became much more civilized.

Putting a drop of blood on the palm of your hand will complete your first embrace. "

Ye Bai was very curious about how the second brother persuaded these vampires to be civilized.

"If you refuse the first embrace, it is equivalent to choosing a werewolf."

Ye Bai doesn't want to be a vampire for the time being and plans to go to the depths of the dungeon.

“But the earl’s blood and essence cannot be wasted in vain.

If I don’t take anything for free, am I still a human being? "

As long as the blood essence comes into contact with the skin, it will immediately transform Ye Bai into a vampire.

When Ye Bai wanted to harvest the vampire's wool, the difficulty was not high.

A bold idea appeared in Ye Bai's heart.

"Shadow of the Three-Headed Dog of Hell!"

The dog appeared at Ye Bai's feet, very quiet.

Ye Bai discussed in a low voice,

"I'll hit you, and if you're not dead, I'll treat you to a barbecue later. Is that fair?"

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your promise."

Shadow of the Three-Headed Dog of Hell:...

Being with such a dog owner gives me the illusion of returning to the dog pack.

After discussing with the three-headed hell dog, Ye Bai took off other equipment, put on the [Glutious Claw], and gave the three-headed hell dog a gentle ace.


The three-headed hell dog's health dropped significantly.

The only good news is that it's not dead yet.

Ye Bai looked at the three-headed hell dog.

[Status: Scrooge...]

"It can happen!"

In the [Scrooge] state, no new props or currency can be obtained.

The shadow of the three-headed dog of hell acquires the [Scrooge] status, and Ye Bai only needs to wrap the shadow in his palm to form a natural firewall.

When the earl's essence and blood fell, it could not change the bloodline of Ye Bai or the three-headed hell dog. Ye Bai would find another opportunity to collect the essence and blood.

In this way, the wool can be harvested smoothly!

As the team continued to advance, the surrounding environment gradually improved.

The air no longer has that rotten smell, but has a slightly sweet smell.

Everyone stopped and reached the end, standing in front of a huge and luxurious coffin.

When Ye Bai saw the count's face clearly, the problem that had troubled Ye Bai before was solved.

How did the second brother persuade these vampires to be civilized?

Is there a possibility that the scars on the vampire count's face, the coffin broken in two under his feet, etc... are the answer?

Ye Bai sighed sincerely,

"Second brother, this is a real punishment..."

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