Online Games: Only I Can See Hidden Information

Chapter 158 Are You Just Trying To Make Trouble Here?

"One day I will enter the most powerful realm, and the sword will not be sealed in the Nine Nights Abyss."

Ying Jiu's words completely dispelled the second demon god's murderous intention.

It's a simple truth.

He cannot kill Ying Jiu;

Yingjiu really has a chance to touch the most powerful realm.

Once Ying Jiu becomes the strongest, that lunatic will really dare to risk his life!

The three most powerful men, together with the information brought by Ying Jiu, turned the situation around and Professor Lan turned the corner.

Just when the negotiations were about to continue,

Facing the strong man covered in bones—Ying San, Lan Tianqi said,

"You said people from the Dragon Kingdom don't lie to people from the Dragon Kingdom."

Everyone:? ? ?

Ying Sanyi was confused for a while.

Then, in full view of everyone, Lan Tian gritted his teeth and ruthlessly pulled out a piece of his hair.

Demon Gods: ...You're leaving it here to make trouble, aren't you?

Inhumane! A centenarian man actually did this to the devil!

Shock! In order to kill the demon god, he reluctantly gave up his treasure of many years!

Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature...

It’s too much to deceive the devil!

This is too much!

"Let's not talk about knives today."

The humans and demons simultaneously ignored Lan Tianqi's actions and officially started negotiations.

There are nine demon gods in total.

Their bargaining chip is simple: not to participate in the war.

Since the human race is targeting the first, third, fourth, and sixth abyssal planes.

Then let them fight and beat him to pieces!

Other demon gods do not need to participate in the war, provided that the human race makes certain concessions in their interests.

The conditions for each demon are different.

Starting from the Thirteenth Demon God, they will speak in order.

The Thirteenth Demon God put forward his own conditions,

"Shura swears in the name of his eternal ID that he will not enter the Thirteenth Abyss within a hundred years."

Ye Bai who was watching:? ? ?

None of your business!

He was a theatergoer, watching with excitement, and suddenly found himself turned into a trading chip placed on the table.

Not to enter the Thirteenth Abyss within a hundred years.

Does this mean that as long as the Thirteenth Demon God hides in his hometown, he will always be safe?

Ye Bai was furious!

Look who can't afford it!

If I don't go to your house, does it have anything to do with whether I kill you or not?

It doesn't matter!

Before Ye Bai agreed, Xue Meng in the Demon Emperor's Palace nodded.


He agreed for his good friend!

Xue Meng figured it out in his heart,

"From now on, the special products of the Thirteenth Abyss will be sold to Shura at an increase of 50%, no, 100%!"

This wave is a win-win.

The human race wins once and Xue Meng wins once.

Shura lost hemp.

Ye Bai rolled his eyes helplessly,

"Damn it, at least respect my opinion!"

Ying Qi also rolled his eyes and said depressedly, "What are they talking about? There is only a picture but no sound..."


Ye Bai nodded, "The lack of sound is very unpleasant."

After saying that, he continued to read the subtitles.

[The Twelfth Demon God: The human race withdraws from the legions of the Twelfth Abyssal Plane, and the two sides will not invade each other for thirty years]

Faced with his conditions, the sword slave shook his head.

Not allowed.

In the abyss plane, all legion matters are handled by Wuhen with full authority.

What the sword slave conveyed was Wuhen's will.

Even the legion command center mostly cooperates with Wuhen and has the power to make suggestions but not to make decisions.

The Twelfth Demon God was silent for a moment, then spoke again,

"The area occupied by the human race will be retained and there will be a truce for ten years."

The sword slave shook his head again.

The twelfth demon god has no way to retreat and tells his bottom line,

"There will be a three-year truce. During this period, the human race can send out those below the God of War level to fight. The two sides are prohibited from mobilizing hundreds of people."

The sword slave slashed out with one sword:


"One year at a time!"

Now that the most powerful seed is born, the situation is turbulent.

The opportunity to survive for a year is crucial to the Twelfth Demon God.

As long as the human race stops its conquest of the abyss, the output of his demon kings and war-god monsters will be greatly increased, and his own strength will also be improved.

It is precisely because of this that the two sides repeatedly saw each other in time, and the Twelfth Demon God retreated again and again.

From the first thirty years, it shrank to the last year.

The agreement with the twelfth Demon God was concluded, and the Eleventh Demon God came out.

"Let's discuss my terms in private, and you will send someone to the Eleventh Abyss Plane."


Everyone’s eyes naturally fell on Xue Meng.

Da Mengzi nodded, "I'll do it."

He's used to it.

As the second adopted son of the strongest, Xue Meng has many titles and BUFFs.

The most powerful BUFF - a gold medal for immunity from death!

No demon dared to take action against Xue Meng.

Although Lan Tianqi is important to the human race, the most powerful people can say harsh words one after another and implement them without hesitation.

Xue Meng may not be that important to the human race.


Xue Meng is very important to Nightmare and Wuhen.

This is enough.

The projection of the Eleventh Demon God fell at Xue Meng's feet and took him away to negotiate in the Eleventh Abyss Plane.

Ye Bai, who had been watching, shook his head in disappointment.

Why did the only person in the room who was having fun just leave like that?

He also wanted to see what kind of deception Xue Meng could do.

The Tenth Demon God: "I want half of [Feng Qi]'s bones."

Ye Bai:? ? ?

Feng Qi is dead?

One achievement after another popped up in front of Ye Bai's eyes, all records left by Feng Qi.

Ye Bai couldn't help but sigh,

Second brother, punishment!

As expected of the fastest man and the fastest demon, the two of them together achieved the fastest kill!

Xu Qingfeng said, "The bones are gone and scattered."

"I want the ashes too."


The negotiation process was harmonious, and both parties exchanged views in a "candid" and "friendly" manner.

The devil is reasonable and dares to put forward any conditions, and the lion is asking for a price.

The human race strives for it and does not want to agree to any conditions. They are thinking nothing but nothing.

What left the deepest impression on Ye Bai was the condition of the fifth demon:

"Kill me within ten years!"

The projection of the fifth demon was a bit hysterical, and all kinds of demonic curse words blurted out.

The weak female shadow has a soft heart and hates killing. She stretched out the time a little longer: "Thousand years!"

"Fifteen years! The limit I can accept!"

The Fifth Demon God stared at Ying Yi, "Otherwise, go to Wuhen and ask for death. I'll see how many swords he can kill me with!"

In the negotiation with the Fifth Demon God, the style of painting changed so quickly that it was difficult for people to adapt.

He wanted nothing more than to die.

On the contrary, the human race was compassionate and unwilling to kill Him.

Ye Bai, who was watching, nodded slowly and figured out what was going on.

“The fifth demon god is the original demon god.

If you kill him, it will return the origin of the most powerful demon god and increase the number of powerful demon gods! "

For the most powerful, the Demon God is not a concern, but the most powerful Demon God is the biggest worry.

I would rather let the fifth demon live than let the strongest demon become stronger!

The progress of the negotiations was faster than Ye Bai expected.

In fact,

The Abyss Demon God came prepared, and each had their own desires.

Ye Bai gradually saw some clues and couldn't help complaining,

"These demon gods are here to fight the autumn wind!"

Ye Bai, who recognized the reality, was speechless.

"No demon is willing to be the first to take the lead, and they have no intention of participating in the war!

He is even happy to see other demon gods lose their strength and take the opportunity to devour their territory and resources..."

This negotiation is a matter of mutual consent on both sides.

The negotiations soon came to an end.

The second devil who had been silent suddenly spoke again,

"Is the Xeon Agreement still valid?"

The most powerful nightmare once reached an agreement with the most powerful demon.

Whether it is the abyssal plane or the human race, they have been acting within the framework of the agreement for the past few decades.

The powerful human race nodded almost simultaneously.


This was the instruction they received, and it was also the meaning of the three strongest men.

They have no intention of breaking the agreement for the time being.


Even if they really want to tear it up, they will not inform the abyss plane in advance.

After receiving a positive reply, the Second Demon God snorted coldly.


"Today, I want to take a closer look."

"How do you, the human race, use three legions to destroy the abyss plane!"

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