Online Games: Only I Can See Hidden Information

Chapter 302 The Power Of This Punch For Twenty Years

Listening to Ying Jiu's pointing, Huo Tianwang swept across with a gun and drove Ye Bai back.

He cocked his gun, tiptoed the ground, and jumped up.

Standing at the tip of the spear, Huo Tianwang put his hands into his sleeves and snorted condescendingly.

"Lao Jiu, if you have the ability, come and fight!"

Standing and talking doesn’t hurt your back!

Shura is holding a round shield. The human shield is one, and he can defend when advancing or retreating.

It leaves you with nowhere to say anything!

Yingjiu also had some clues.

Madman Huo didn't hide anything, but Thief Sun gave him a surprise?

Ying Jiu felt itchy for a moment, but quickly held it back.

Can't take action.

No matter whether you win or lose in a fight with Ye Bai, a grand thief, you will always suffer the consequences!

After all, King Huo Tian had little contact with Shura.

Yingjiu has been following Ye Bai these days, observing his words and actions.

As a human being, there is nothing to say.

It cannot be said that he is an ordinary person, I can only say that he has no redeeming qualities.

If Master Jiu really ends up, even if he kills Ye Bai with a knife, Master Jiu doubts that Ye Bai will be able to brag for the rest of his life!

It's like a fight between a man and a dog,

Regardless of the outcome, it is always the people who suffer.

Madman Huo is a madman, but Master Jiu is not crazy!

"Change weapons!"

Huo Tianwang's body sank, the spear bowed with great effort, and Huo Tianwang's whole body was ejected like a cannonball.

In mid-air, a cold light flashed.

Before anyone arrives, the knife has arrived!

This knife shocked Ye.

Ye Bai, with a gleam on his back, threw away the round shield in his hand.

Since he wanted to change weapons, he had to be particular about it.

A square shield appeared in Ye Bai's hand, blocking this stunning knife.

Yingjiu, Huo Tianwang:......

Does this kid only know how to use a shield? !

Ye Bai's voice came from behind the shield,

"This is my newly researched fighting method. I thought about it carefully and gained some insights."

King Huo Tian stopped and waited for the next words.

He would like to hear what Shura has to say.

"Actually, I'm a mage!"

Ye Bai vowed and said,

"Why on earth would I want to fight someone in close combat?

I used to be confused by the Heavenly King Sword and went astray!

Wouldn't it be nice to hide behind a shield and throw away skills? "

King Huo Tian was stunned when he heard Ye Bai's confident words.

That makes sense...

Forcing Shura to fight with him in close combat was because King Huo Tian didn't follow martial ethics first.

If you don’t want to talk about martial ethics, then implement it to the end!

The corner of Huo Tianwang's mouth curled up into a sneer, a pair of gloves appeared on his fists, and he smashed the shield hard.

Bang bang bang——

No matter how perfect Shura's defense is, the durability of the shield is limited!

King Huo Tian specifically attacked the weak points of the shield. After a while, the shield could no longer hold up and creaked.


With a crisp sound, the shield was completely shattered by King Huo Tian!

A new shield immediately stood in front of him.

King Huo Tianwang didn't care, and punched him one after another, like a god beating a drum.

The second shield lasts shorter than the first!

For dozens of breaths, the two fought fiercely, and Ye Bai changed three shields in succession!

Ying Jiu, who had been watching with cold eyes, showed a happy smile and did not forget to make sarcastic remarks.

"Thief Sun, your cleverness is misled by your cleverness, right?"

He and King Huo Tianwang were fighting in the north and south. What scenes had they not seen before?

What Ye Bai is playing now are all the leftovers from what they played back then!

Ying Jiu continued to stand on the high ground and pointed,

"People like Madman Huo are not on the same path as me.

When I kill an enemy, I always aim to kill him with one blow, cleanly and cut him down.

Madman Huo fights, and the more he fights, the braver he becomes. As time goes by, his attacks will become more and more severe. "

As if to confirm Yingjiu's words, Ye Baigang changed his shield, but it was shattered by King Huo Tianwang's punch!

"What the hell is this 10-point attribute?"

Ye Bai couldn't care less about complaining, Huo Tianwang's punch had arrived!

The fist rushes at him first, and the back of Ye Bai's head tightens, feeling an early warning in his heart.

Change shield again?

That's too late!

Even if Ye Bai resists this punch, the next one will be stronger!

From the beginning of the fight, Huo Tianwang has been playing Ye Bai.

It's not that he can't do anything to Ye Bai.

In fact, Huo Tianwang likes this kind of enemy who can't fight back the most.

Commonly known as - sandbags.

So there is this scene in front of us:

The grumpy old man is punching sandbags online.

"It's now!"

The moment the shield was broken, Ye Bai seemed to be in a hurry, but in fact he was as steady as an old dog!

Draw the knife!

Rarely, Ye Bai did not use the Heavenly King Sword, but chose another weapon - a knife!

Huo Tianwang's stunning sword before appeared in Shura's hand.


The fight between fists and knives erupted with terrifying power in an extremely narrow space.

Two level 1 players violently pecked each other's novices, showing their peak momentum!


King Huo Tianwang shouted loudly and advanced instead of retreating.

Shura switched from defense to attack, and this strike was beyond his expectation!

What King Huo Tian didn't expect was that Shura was so talented in swordsmanship, and he could learn a similar skill just by looking at it.

The inner charm was also learned by Shura.

The happiest thing in life is to meet an opponent in chess and meet a talented person!

Being able to have such a hearty battle with someone before doing the last thing.

King Huo Tian, ​​die without regrets!

"Just use the knife!"

With that said, King Huo Tian rushed up again, his momentum rising to its peak, ready for this gluttonous feast!

That is at this moment,

Ye Bai's eyes changed!

Ying Jiu, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, his face darkened.

He knew this thief very well.

When this serious look appears in battle, there is only one possibility:

Ye Bai has won!

Everything went according to Ye Bai's original plan, until the mystery was revealed and the killer move appeared!

What is Ye Baizang's killer move?

Ying Jiu actually had some expectations too!

As his eyes changed, a faint murderous aura appeared on Ye Bai's body, but he controlled it very well.

In his mind, the most powerful punch that King Huo Tianwang had ever punched appeared in his mind!

Before punching, King Huo Tian said:

"This punch requires not only one's own energy and spirit to be at its peak and at its peak, but also the enemy's strength to be at its strongest!"

"The stronger the enemy, the stronger this punch will be!"

"Let's wait and see——"

"Can you block this punch with a hundred years of skill?"

With one punch, the world is extinguished and everything returns to endless darkness...

Opening his eyes, that terrifying punch disappeared from Ye Bai's mind.

The next moment, abandon the knife, make a fist, and punch!

A set of movements flowed smoothly and extremely smoothly.

That terrifying punch appeared under Ye Bai!

King Huo Tian is fast, Ye Bai is faster than him!

Half a head taller than King Huo Tian, ​​Ye Bai raised his right fist and growled,

"Can you block this punch with twenty years of skill?"


The right fist hit hard, triggering endless murderous intent, and instantly penetrated King Huo Tian's defense!

The entire black mist space is extremely turbulent, and Ying Jiu is ready to use his sword to save people at any time.

Countless black murderous aura wrapped around Ye Bai's right fist and penetrated Huo Tianwang's left chest. The condensed murderous aura touched Huo Tianwang's skin and immediately transformed into a black coffin.

Ye Bai withdrew his right fist, his eyes were cold and murderous, and he said in a deep voice,

"This punch, black coffin!"

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