Online Games: Only I Can See Hidden Information

Chapter 332 I Want The Whole World To Know

After Zhao Lin was pulled into the lounge by Ye Bai, he took the photo several times again.

Looking at the final version of the short video, Ye Bai nodded with satisfaction,

"It's okay. It should be sold for a good price."

Putting away the camera, Ye Bai did not avoid Zhao Lin and asked Huo Tianyi directly,

"How much are you going to pay the actors?"

Huo Tian was stunned for a moment, "What?"

Do you want to give Zhao Lin some money?

Ye Bai counted with Huo Tian on his fingers,

"There are costs involved in making short videos, right? Actor's fees, director's fees, channel fees, promotion and marketing fees..."

"Stop it!"

Huo Tianyi stopped Ye Bai's crazy algorithm and said bluntly,

"Don't go to such trouble, after all costs are deducted, we will split it half and half.

And the cost cannot fall into your pocket. "

Ye Bai nodded in agreement, "No problem!"

That's fair enough.

Ye Bai looked at Zhao Lin and asked, "How about I give you 50?"

Fifty what?

50 gold coins is not a small amount of money for Zhao Lin now.

Huo Tianyi frowned slightly, but did not interrupt.

50 God of War Merits is a bit too much.

Although Zhao Lin has a low level and poor talent, he has an optimistic personality and is very economical in spending money.

Giving such a large amount of money to Zhao Lin rashly is not helping him, but harming him.


Huo Tianyi could tell that Zhao Lin and Ye Bai had a good relationship.

Just 50 God of War meritorious deeds, just give them if you can.

It's not his turn to dictate what Shura wants to do.

Zhao Lin waved his hand,

"No matter how big the deal, you have to pay for it. If you're out of town, just go back to the cafeteria and have a meal."

Zhao Lin also gained a lot from his fight with Huo Tianyi.

We classmates compete with each other, and talking about money hurts our feelings.

Ye Bai interrupted Zhao Lin and said seriously,

"No one knows, watching Xiao Huo lose money makes me happier than making money myself!"

Huo Tianyi: Are you also a human being?

Is this really something a person can say?

Ye Bai took out a card and stuffed it into Zhao Lin's hand.

"You must accept these 500,000 gold coins!"

Looking at the gold coins in his hand, Zhao Lin didn't react for a moment.

"This, this, this..."

Ye Bai whispered to him,

"This kid's family is extremely rich, and he didn't provide the money, so just accept it with peace of mind!"

"That, that..."

Zhao Lin didn't know what to say for a moment because of the sudden windfall.

He was stunned for a long time and said,

"Dabai, should I pay back the money I owe you first?"

In the previous [Wind-Walking Slash] skill book, Zhao Lin gave Ye Bai an IOU of 10 million dragon coins, worth 10,000 gold coins.

After getting the money, Zhao Lin's first reaction was to pay back the famine first.


Find a bank to deposit?

Facing Zhao Lin's request for repayment, Ye Bai shook his head and refused,

"Don't worry about the 10 million gold coins you owe me. We'll talk about it later."

At first glance, Zhao Lin felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the problem is quite big!

After settling Zhao Lin's performance fee, Ye Bai said hello to the two of them.

"Okay, I'll ask my master to help sell the short video first.

If I sell it for a good price, I'll be rich! "

After saying that, he walked out of the lounge, found a place to rest, and contacted Senior Sword Immortal.

Secretly taking out the Lone Wolf Medal, Ye Bai entered a number and sent a message to Lan Banxian.

Ye Bai: Senior, are you here?

Blue Banished Immortal: Busy, cutting down monsters

Ye Bai: Senior, this is a fresh short video that is of high quality and low price. Think about it?

After waiting for more than ten seconds, there was no reply from the other party, so Ye Bai entered again.

Ye Bai: Senior, it’s Huo Tianyi’s short video.

[The message has been sent, but was rejected by the other party]


Ye Bai never expected that Lan Banxian would directly block him!

Fortunately, Ye Bai was already prepared.

Open the sheepfold list and find the first person on the list - Xue Meng.

Shura: Brother Meng, a big deal to make money!

Xue Meng: Hello, I am away for something right now. I will contact you later!

Shura: I swear in the name of Xiaoyao that I will never cheat you this time!

Xue Meng: Tell me more.

Shura: Please give me a message to Senior Lan Banxian. Regardless of whether the matter succeeds or not, I will give you 180,000 God of War meritorious service fees for running errands!

Xue Meng: I'm on Uncle Lan's side. I'm open to the public. Just tell me.

Ah this...

Ye Bai never expected that Xue Meng didn't even have to run errands, but just paid for the errands for free!

In three words, Shura spent 180,000 on me!

If too much wool is gathered, will a long-term illness lead to a cure?

But that's okay.

Everything is according to Ye Bai's plan!

This 180,000 is deducted from the cost.

In other words, it only contains Ye Bai's 90,000 God of War achievements.

And Xue Meng received 180,000 God of War merits, 90% of which had to be handed over to Nightmare's adoptive father.

Half of this will be divided into shadows.

Isn't Shadow's funding just Ye Bai's money? !

In other words, 45% of the 180,000 yuan went directly back to Ye Bai!

And the 90,000 that Huo Tianyi lost was a real loss.

Don't forget, the money left in Xue Meng's hand will belong to Ye Bai sooner or later.

Rounded down,

Huo Tianyi lost blood, Ye Bai gained blood, and Xue Meng's wool grew but was harvested again.

The world where only Huo Tianyi was injured came true!

Ye Bai cleared his throat and said seriously,

"Senior Lan Banxian, I have here a black video of Huo Tianyi fighting a C-level talent for 300 rounds..."

After briefly introducing his goods, Ye Bai waited for the other party to make an offer.

Lan Banxian said without any fluctuation,

"I want it."

OK, it’s time to negotiate the price.

Ye Bai asked tentatively, "You want to pay 800,000?"

This price is almost the limit of Ye Bai's imagination, and it is also the package price of the next few movies!

"No, I will pay 1.8 million."

Lan Banxian said straightforwardly,

“The more you sell, the more you shoot.

1.8 million to buy three videos. "

Ye Bai forced himself not to get too excited and agreed immediately.

"no problem!"

Ye Bai never expected it.

I made a short short film of one episode.

Party A directly funded and let him film the series!

The first film, "The Fledgling Huo Tianyi, Fights C-Class Xiao Zhao Lin" has been successfully completed.

600,000 God of War meritorious deeds, Lan Banxian readily paid.

As for the script of the second movie, Ye Bai doesn't need to worry about it at all.

Lan Banxian made all the arrangements himself!

"Let Madman Huo fight against a guy with B-level talent. Both sides must use three or more weapons. Madman Huo cannot speak during the whole process. He is allowed to cry out in pain when he is beaten..."

Lan Banxian made a lot of requests, and Ye Bai wrote them down one by one.

Customized short movies belong to it.

"the last point."

Lan Banxian emphasized,

"The other leading actress wants to be named Lan. Forget it, I'll just send you her information."

Ye Bai:......

Why are there people who bring money to join the group?

For the sake of Lan Banxian's 1.8 million God of War meritorious deeds, Ye Bai endured it!

If you bring capital into the group, just bring capital into the group.

Anyway, it was not him, Ye Bai, who was beaten, so there was nothing to be afraid of!

After negotiating the deal, Ye Bai received the first payment of 600,000 God of War merit.

Ye Bai happily paid 180,000 to Xue Meng. With the remaining 420,000 God of War merits, Ye Bai happily returned to the lounge and started to share the money with Huo Tian.


In the Ninth Abyss, Lan Banxian finished appreciating the newly released short video and nodded with satisfaction.

This money is well spent!

He glanced at Xue Meng beside him and said,

"Go and send this video to Wanwu Pavilion."

Xue Meng hesitated.

"That's not good?"

He almost has a shadow on Wanwu Pavilion.

The last time he visited the Wanwu Pavilion Auction House, he lost 600,000 God of War Merits with just one hand!

The price of blood!

"Hang this video at the Wanwu Pavilion Auction House."

Lan Banxian said seriously,

"Anyone who browses once will receive 1 silver coin as a gift."

The happiness that Huo Tianwang's dark history brought to Lan Banxian cannot be enjoyed by him alone.

He wanted the whole world to know.

The dark history of King Huo Tian was taken over by Lan Banxian!

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