Online Games: Only I Can See Hidden Information

Chapter 372 Begging On Orders, Franchising

Stand firm to the death.

As soon as Ying San finished speaking, Ying Erye brought out the guillotine, electric chair, gallows, oil pan, etc.

There are thousands of kinds of death penalty, but there is always one suitable.

The two war kings trapped in the bone cage were trembling and completely confused about the situation.

They still don't know what happened!

What's so special about Ye Bai?

Is it just because Ye Bai and Huo Tianyi are too close?


Both of them denied this possibility at the same time. The two big figures in the shadows both respected Ye Bai.

Even Shura cannot easily convince the ninth-level God of War!

Then there is only one possibility, Ye Bai himself is a big shot in the shadow!

They were fished...

No, in other words, this trap is to capture stronger beings. Small shrimps like them got in by mistake.

A name emerged in the hearts of the two of them, bringing them endless fear.

Shadow four!

Rumor has it, the most powerful man in the shadows!

Ye Bai turned out to be Shadow Four!

This secret is destined for the two of them to rot in their stomachs.

Ye Bai knelt down and looked at the two of them, with disgust in his eyes.

"Check it out."

With Ye Bai's permission, a dark shadow rushed up, enveloped the two of them, and began to look through their memories.

After a few breaths, a sissy voice sounded, and Master Ying said happily,

"They were once captured by the demons in the abyss, and the former demon sect believers came forward to betray the human race..."

According to Ying Er's description, these two people once had principles and beliefs.

Facing the test of life and death, it is human nature to fail to persevere.

These two people have something in the hands of the Demon God. At the same time, they do not contact the Demon God directly, but communicate one-way with people from the previous Demon Cult.

In this way, they will not have any traces of the devil themselves.

There is also a special name for this kind of person - gopher.

Unlike the people in the Demon Cult, gophers are the most troublesome existence!

If it weren't for the props related to the devil that he carried on his body, even Ye Bai wouldn't be able to see through their undercover identities.

After hearing Ying Er's conclusion, Ye Bai thought for a while and said,

"Delete that memory just now."

Second Master Ying did not hesitate and started directly.

When dealing with those who collude with the Demonic Cult, Master Ying always strikes hard!

Soon, the bad man said proudly,

"The memories of the last three days have been deleted."

Ying San frowned slightly,

"Didn't you hear what Fourth Master said just now? The memories of the last half month have been sealed."

Ye Bai shook his head,

"It's too short, maybe the last three years. It's safer this way."

In this way, the bad man sealed the memories of the two war kings for three years.

"Then just hand it over to the City Defense Department. They have something on them..."

Ye Bai directed the bad woman to step forward and take out a prop related to the devil.

"This is?"

Everyone's eyes fell on a black ball. From the moment it appeared in the bone space, the bones began to vibrate and tremble slightly.

"The fifth demon..."

Everyone got the same answer.

Who else could dare to do something like this and stretch out his hand so long, except the fifth demon who is not afraid of death?

The sensible Demon God has already taken the initiative to disband the Demon Cult, leaving characters like Gopher alone.

To be honest, in the early stages of the bloody battle between the two races, the Demon Cult was very handy.

After all, at that time, many people within the human race advocated surrender.

There will always be no shortage of weaklings and capitulationists in any era.

But as time went by, the human race gradually took the initiative on the battlefield, and the demon sect was gradually marginalized and became an extremely useless existence.

The Demonic Sect today is no longer what it used to be.

Ten high-level officials of the Demonic Cult are meeting, eight of them may be human undercovers, and the remaining two may still have time to die.

This is a hammer!

The Fourth Demon God, to a certain extent, fell under the scheme of the leader of the Fourth Demon Cult!

The demons are not fools either.

If the organized demon sect cannot survive, then decentralize it!

Gophers become their best choice.

If the two gophers in front of Ye Bai attack at a critical moment, they might cause a lot of losses to the human race!

Ying San took the initiative and asked,

"Fourth Master, the Fifth Demon God's belongings, Ninth Master used to be sealed in Shadow's warehouse."

Ye Bai glanced at Ying San, always feeling that there was something in the other person's words.

Without thinking too much, Ye Bai nodded and said,

"Then follow the old rules and send it to Fourth Brother and seal it in the warehouse."


The bone space faded, Ying Er took the two instructors away first, and Ye Bai returned to the classroom as if nothing had happened.

This small episode did not affect Ye Bai's pace of life.

He continued to attend class as if nothing had happened, waiting for the Eternal Tower to open.



The bell rang and it was 12 o'clock.

Countless people entered the Eternal Tower at this moment.

Ye Bai appeared in the Eternal Core City and soon found his mature sheep-Huo Tianyi at the agreed place.

Ye Bai got straight to the point and asked,

"Xiao Huo, where should we find Sun Li?"

Tonight on the twenty-ninth floor, there is a threesome, one of them is indispensable.

Ye Bai must lead Sun Li through the twenty-ninth floor.

Otherwise, the shadow will have one more favored person of the poor god, which is absolutely unacceptable to Ye Bai!

"I don't know either."

Huo Tianyi shook his head,

"Look for a beggar on the street, and if you find him, he is Sun Li."


Ye Bai looked towards the roadside and quickly found his target.

A man in ragged clothes, slovenly, and unkempt hair was huddled in the corner with a broken fan tied to his waist.

The man's appearance is not ugly. If he is carefully groomed, he will definitely be a handsome guy.

There was a broken bowl in front of him, looking very much like an unemployed internet writer.

He is truly worthy of being: the favored one of the god of poverty, disease, death and misfortune!

This looks like a professional.

Ye Bai raised his eyebrows slightly,

"Is he Sun Li?"

Huo Tian nodded,

"Yes, he is the only one in the entire Eternal Core City who can beg."

After thinking about it, Huo Tianyi added,

"Begging for orders, the franchise kind."

Noticing the arrival of the two men, Sun Li raised his eyes, sickly, and said feebly,

"Come on, enjoy the food. I've been hungry for more than seventy years."


Ye Bai nodded, summoned Dracula from his exclusive space, snatched half a chicken leg from Dracula's hand, and put it into Sun Li's bowl.

Ye Bai said seriously:

"If you eat this chicken leg, you will mess with me."


(Let me tell you about the update. The Chinese New Year completely disrupted the biological clock. I was busy socializing during the day and writing at night. As a result, I fell into an endless loop after the New Year. The longer I wrote, the later the time went. The more Xue Meng owed everyone.

I can’t make it through tonight. There is only one more chapter left and I can only record Xue Meng’s account.

Xue Meng owes everyone three chapters, which must be paid back within half a month.

Starting tomorrow, I will try my best to resume my routine in the human world, and I should be able to adjust by the weekend. )

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