Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 1051 Bear Cub VS Ribs

The match between the ribs and the bear boy did not disappoint all the players watching the match.

As soon as the system countdown ended, the two quickly rushed towards each other!

It's just that this time, Xiong Zai didn't dodge like he did against the fat man in the first game, but drove the golden armored bear and slammed into the ribs at high speed.

He tried to use the huge impact of the golden armored bear to give the ribs a violent impact!

But for such a god-level player with rich PK experience and skilled operation skills like ribs, such an impact is just a blow to him.

The whistling wind sounded, and one person and one bear quickly approached!

Both of them activated the rushing skills, and the two long strings of afterimages were like two comets colliding and rushing forward!

Such a strong sensory stimulation caused all the players to stare at the field dumbfounded, wondering whether the next step between the two would be a fierce hand-to-hand battle

But one second before the two afterimages were about to collide, Ribs suddenly twisted his waist slightly, and his body slid about one meter to the left like a spinning top.

While he quickly dodged the bear and charged, the long knife in his hand also quickly slashed towards the opponent on the mount.



In the blue light of the knife, Xiong Zai couldn't control his mount to dodge the difficult moves like ribs at all, so he had no choice but to bear his attack.

Fortunately, both of them are heavy armor professions, and the best equipment helped him offset a lot of damage figures.

Not to be outdone, Xiong Zai immediately brandished the Nine Dragons Shaking Sky Spear, and the tip of the spear quickly stabbed at the dodging ribs like a poisonous snake coming out of a hole.


While the ribs retracted the knife, he slammed down hard and hit Xiong Zai's gun shaft with the back of the knife, causing his attack to change direction and stab into the void

The two of them attacked and defended, and they fought hand to hand three times with lightning speed!

The audience sticks out their tongues, marveling at the fast hand speed of the two

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the top five players in Huaxia District, and all players are convinced.

The two people on the field launched a quick attack. Relying on dexterous movement, the ribs scrambled around the golden armored bear, and kept slashing at the bear boy on the mount with a big knife.

In the match between Xiong Zai and Fatty, he was often harassed in the same way, and he has slowly gotten used to it. While turning around on the mount to dodge, the spear in his hand started to fight back

ding ding ding

The urgent sound of striking iron came out in the arena, and the weapons of the two kept blocking, and they could still see brilliant sparks shooting out!

God, what kind of hand speed is this?

All the players watched with trepidation as the two competed in the game of micromanipulation hand speed, and they were all surprised in their hearts.

But he dared not blink his eyes due to all the stubborn illnesses, for fear that he would miss the wonderful moment of the game within the time of opening and closing the eyelids!

Things are just as all the audience guessed, no matter how fast the players are or how accurate their eyes are, they are all human beings, not machines, and everyone makes mistakes

The one who made a mistake this time was the ribs!

I saw that he seemed to be hit by the bear's quick stab, and his reaction couldn't keep up, and his body suddenly froze for a second!

But the loophole in just this second was seized by Xiongzai like lightning

Puff puff!

Xiong Zai flicked his wrist quickly, and the Nine Dragons Shaking Sky Spear flashed three gun heads in a row!



Crit - 1126!

Three consecutive hits, the first two shots stabbed Ribs' chest, and the last shot directly pierced his throat, luckily triggering the weak point damage


The audience exclaimed again and again, because in their eyes, they saw Xiong Zai's domineering shot again.


Xiong Zai has a characteristic. At the end of each combo, he will end a round of berserk attacks with a challenge.

And he practiced this move with great proficiency, once the tip of his spear passes through his body and is lifted into the air, all the players are as if their movements are restricted, they can only be thrown a few meters away by him, and get hurt again!

"Xiong Cub is going to suffer!" Wang Kai kept staring at the game. He really didn't understand just now. How could a master like Ribs show such a flaw and let others seize the opportunity?

But after watching Ribs get hit three times in a row, Xiong Zai habitually made a pick attack, and he completely understood!

Cunning Ribs, deliberately waiting for his trick

Xiong Zai's scooping hand stunt is a trick that all good friends know. It is almost hopeless and disadvantageous in previous battles. The skill is not only dazzling, but also cool and handsome.

But ribs, it seems that they intend to tease him to use this trick


As soon as Xiong Zai gave it with both hands, the spear quickly pierced the ribs' body!


The Kowloon Shaking Spear pierced through Ribs' body, exposing a section of the spear tip

Xiong Zai flicked his wrist, swung the spear high, and lifted the ribs from the ground into the air at once!

This is his best trick. After hitting the enemy, throwing him into the air or smashing him to the ground, no matter who he is, he will have a short reaction time.

And this reaction time is just enough time for the bear to launch a second round of attacks

As usual, he prepared to lift up the ribs, then slammed them hard to the ground, and rushed over to continue the onslaught.

But this time it exceeded his expectations

The ribs were indeed lifted into the air by him, but they were not penetrated by the spear point!

He just clamped the barrel of the gun with his arm, creating the illusion of being penetrated by the spear

When Xiong Zai picked him up, the ribs flew into the air with the power of his gun, but the moment he flew to the top of Xiong Zai's head, he suddenly let go of his arms, and with the help of the upward flying force, he swung a big knife with both hands and slammed from the sky. Chop up and down!

Slash Huashan!


Crit - 1339!

After he flew up, the black shadow of his body blocked Xiong Zai's eyes, and before he could react, the big knife had already slashed firmly on his head

The number of critical strike damage appeared, accompanied by a round of little stars!

Bear Cub was stunned for three seconds!

Three seconds is enough for a life-and-death struggle between masters

Swish Swish Swish!

The ribs began to explode at a frenzied speed, and the big knife turned into a blue fan-shaped halo, constantly slashing between the bear's throat



Within three seconds, four or five critical strike numbers kept flashing!

Before Xiong Zai got out of the dizzy state, he had no time to fight back, but Ribs continued to stalk him regardless, and with two or three stabs, he instantly cleared the life bar on Xiong Zai's head


Xiong Zai's burly body fell off his mount, and within a second, the golden-armored war bear also turned into a phantom and disappeared

"Uh, you're so cunning." Xiong Zai said speechlessly.

"Remember, no matter how good the trick is, you can't scoop it up often, and it's easy for the opponent to seize the opportunity to take advantage of it." Ribs laughed.

ding dong

The system's notification sounded throughout Tianyu, and the fifth winner appeared

Tragic bear!


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