Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 1160 The role of internal response


Countless arrows and magic in the city rushed towards the sky at the same time...

In just three seconds, all the monster players in the city activated their skills!

I saw black dragons and fire dragons rising rapidly into the sky like setting off fireworks, rushing straight towards the small fire...

Countless arrows and magic hit Xiaohuo's huge body in an instant...

But the blazing fire shield around Xiaohuo made all the enemy's attacks useless.

As soon as the arrow branch approached the fire shield, it was instantly burned to ashes and sprinkled from the air...

What's even more ridiculous is that the countless fireball magic skills, when they approached the fire shield, they seemed to be hit by a magnet, and they were instantly sucked into the fire shield!

The countless fireballs not only did not cause damage to Xiaohuo, but instead caused him to lose part of his magic power bar, which actually returned to full value...

But the monster players immediately noticed this situation, knowing that in front of the Vulcan Phoenix, fire-type skills are useless at all, so they all changed to water-type skills...

This time, Xiao Huo began to feel overwhelmed.

Clouds of water jets and ice pucks are flying into the sky...

Puff puff...

Blue light flashed in the sky, and Xiaohuo's flame shield actually began to shrink little by little under the attack of countless water magics!

"Brother, they are so fierce, I want to fly up." Xiao Huo asked for instructions.

"Mission complete, withdraw!" Wang Kai laughed.

At this moment, the black spots on the sky are already clearly visible, and countless surprise attacking legions have already used parachutes, and everyone's parachute is like a bird with spread wings, falling lightly towards the city...

In less than a minute, they will land successfully!

In a minute, even if the monster players found out, it would be too late. They simply didn't have enough time to run to the location where the surprise attack army landed.

Xiao Huo vigorously flapped its wings, its huge body elegantly drew a large circle in the air, and quickly rushed towards the sky...

"Shen Zhishang wants to escape, hurry up and attack!"

Seeing the legendary invincible God of War, the monster players couldn't bear it and wanted to run away. They immediately cheered loudly and activated their skills even more desperately...


In the crisp sound, even though he was as strong as Xiaohuo, his flame shield was finally broken under the combined efforts of millions of players!

But Xiaohuo's advantage in the air is very obvious. The moment the shield dissipated, he turned around and flew high into the sky, leaving the attack range of the players.

"It's amazing, I almost didn't escape." Xiaohuo said deliberately.

"It's okay, you, your blood volume is not lost at all, what are you afraid of." Wang Kai said.

"Brother, what should we do next?" Xiao Huo asked.

"Keep hovering in the air at a high altitude and continue to attract the attention of these guys." Wang Kai ordered.

The golden-yellow phoenix was hanging there quietly in the mid-air at a height of 100 meters, causing the players below to shout loudly...

"Shen Zhishang, are you intimidated? You have the ability to come down."

"Hey, isn't the god boss very annoying, no matter what he is today, he is also a shrinking turtle."

"Land down if you have the ability, we can't kill you."


The monster players shouted happily in the city, as if they had won a big victory...

"Don't be too happy, you are dead." Wang Kai laughed in the air.

Because in front of his eyes, in the huge Qiongqi City, the northern half of the city was crowded with players, but the southern half of the city was empty, revealing a huge gap...

These gaps gave enough space for the surprise attack army to land!

I saw countless small black spots, which had fallen to the ground silently, and were gathering quickly in the city...

Wang Kai's task of luring the enemy alone has been successfully completed by now.

Moreover, the internal responses of the two guilds, Aoshi and Wandering, have also lined up without anyone noticing, and blocked the three main roads leading to the guardian temple in the city...

But at this time, the monster player is still competing with Wang Kai, unaware that something big happened behind him.

Anyway, Wang Kai is not in a hurry, since others have found him, he can't wait to play with them and create more time for all the raiding army...

Five minutes passed, and the surprise attack army had completed its formation and rushed towards the guardian temple.

A long team sprinted quickly on the main road in the city, and they were about to reach the location of the City Lord's Mansion.

But at this moment, a monster player finally felt that something was wrong, and when he looked back, his face turned pale with fright.

"The enemy has entered the city, hurry up and protect the City Lord's Mansion!"

"They are going to attack the city totem, everyone be careful!"

"Protect the Guardian Temple, everyone speed up."


The monster players who reacted no longer cared about Wang Kai in the air, and quickly turned around and rushed towards the center of the city...

Wang Kai chuckled and ordered Xiao Huo to quickly rush to the City Lord's Mansion.

Today's battle is no longer a confrontation between players. If you want to win Qiongqi City, the key is to kill the guardian beast and the totem!

Xiaohuo rushed forward in the air, and soon rushed to the sky above the raiding army...

A group of world-defying players have secretly occupied this place long ago, just waiting for the arrival of the surprise attack army.

The players were surrounded by the four great gods, and they were quickly entering the gate of the City Lord's Mansion under the support of Neiying.

There are also hundreds of thousands of arrogant and wandering players, following behind the surprise attack army, seemingly chasing and killing the enemy, but actually blocking them, blocking all the roads.

Millions of monster players who came here, as well as the monster c legion defending the city, were blocked outside the road.

Looking at the crowded intersection ahead, everyone is anxious...

Because according to the plan discussed in advance, Qi Bai and Pai Gu had already led some players, pretending to be fighting the enemy, but actually deliberately delaying time.

Wang Kai has already calculated all the steps...

He quickly directed Xiao Huo to descend at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, followed a group of players, and rushed into the gate.

Poor City Lord Qiongqi, like City Lord Wuwu, was blocked in the city and could never return to his territory...

Before each city battle started, Wang Kai would first garrison heavily outside the city to attract the attention of the system defenders and attract all the c to the city towers.

Then take advantage of the large number of players to block the passages in the city until the totem is destroyed.

It can be said that within a few months, Wang Kai, who was mixed with experience, led a group of managers to discuss the details of the city battle every day. These situations were already within his expectations...

To obtain the maximum benefit with the minimum loss, whether it is a commercial war in reality or a city war in a game, this is an unchanging truth.

Wang Kai watched Aoshi and Wandering block the passage tightly, and Ribs had already led a group of berserkers pretending to "shopping" with the enemy...

The overall situation has been settled, he no longer has to manage the situation in the city, and now he can concentrate on dealing with the Qiongqi beast!

Compared with 梼杌, uninjured Qiongqi beasts are more difficult to deal with...

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