Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 1217 The cunning fox

The two beauties, Long Ying and Sheng Xiu, were filled with murderous intent because of what happened to Princess Zhenguo!

Wang Kai straightened his robes, held up a large summoning flag, and led them away into the distance.

Tens of meters ahead, a group of people were still confronting the demon queens on the opposite side.

Xiaohuo and Qingyan were still lying on the ground, guarding Xiaojin and the two generals in front of them.

Since the fighting stopped, they have been guarding here in order to prevent the Demon Queen from sneaking in with the three demon foxes and the two phoenixes whose divine power has been exhausted.

So much so that they didn't know anything about what happened over there.

"Brother, Xiao Huo is so embarrassed!" Xiao Huo spread his wings and lay there helplessly. He scolded himself when he saw Wang Kai walking by.

"It's not your fault. The Bifang monster actually feeds on divine fire. This is something none of us expected." Wang Kai consoled him.

"Prince-in-law, where is the princess?" Situ Nuo asked doubtfully.

"Sister is tired and is taking a rest." Long Ying rushed to say.

"Your Highness, just be fine." Ouyang Yi nodded.

"Brother Shenshang, I'm afraid we don't have the ability to help you in the battle." Qingyan said with great effort.

"You and Xiao Huo go to rest first, and I'll come find these foxes to help you take revenge!" Wang Kai said.

The golden light on Xiao Huo's body flashed, turning into a ball of light and flying into Wang Kai's body, and he was able to cultivate in space.

Only Qingyan was left in the field, unable to return to Qingqing because of the strange seal.

Helpless Qingyan could only reluctantly transform into a human form and follow everyone.

Wang Kai raised the big banner heavily, preparing to attack the Demon Queen!

At this time, his eyes were burning with anger.

In order to attack the monster sanctuary, Xuanyuan Xuening suffered such serious injuries, which he could not tolerate!

Although there will always be casualties in battles, he is still grieving when things happen.

"Long Ying and Sheng Xiu, you two use all your strength to deal with the Demon Queen. Use all your skills to kill her for me!" Wang Kai ordered.

"I know, husband!" The two beauties nodded heavily.

"Everyone else, grab those three little foxes and beat them if you can. If you can't, just delay them." Wang Kai turned around and said.

"Understood." The three replied.

"Fight!" Wang Kai waved his big flag, and while waiting for everyone to move forward, he summoned the golden-winged roc.

In his left hand, he still held the small red jar that Xuanyuan Xuening gave to him.

Fuli Town Demon Altar!

He didn't have the time or the inclination to check the properties of this prop. He didn't know how this thing suddenly became what it is now.

But he understood that this thing was upgraded only after Xuanyuan Xuening exhausted her divine power to seal the Bifang monster inside.

As he strode forward, the enchanting figures of the Demon Queen and three Demon Foxes appeared in front of him again.

Four foxes stood in front of the door of the central temple, looking at them angrily.

"Little babies, release Bifang, and I will spare your life!" came the Demon Queen's sharp voice.

At this moment, she could no longer maintain her heart-stopping and charming voice, and was already a little frustrated.

"Demon fox, we are here today just to kill you. We don't need you to spare us." Wang Kai sneered.

"Husband, brother, don't talk nonsense to her, I'm going to kill her." Long Ying shouted angrily.

"I'll go first!" Sheng Xiu said.

I saw her holding the sword high in both hands, and the golden afterimage flashed away.


At this moment, Long Ying's figure disappeared

In the blink of an eye, two golden figures immediately appeared three meters in front of the Demon Queen, slashing at her with one sword after another!

"I don't have time to play with you. I'll come back to you after I get some rest!" the Demon Queen said coldly, and quickly returned to the hall with her three daughters.

Boom boom!

The door of the main hall quickly closed, leaving only two beauties standing in front of the closed door, still in a daze.

"The Demon Queen escaped?" Long Ying asked in shock.

"She has a vicious mind. She is probably waiting for news from the two nearby halls." Sheng Xiu shook his head.

"I'm afraid things are not that simple!" Wang Kai frowned, feeling a little overwhelmed by the sudden departure of the Demon Queen.

"They won't help, right?" Ouyang Yi asked doubtfully.

"Oops!" Wang Kai turned pale with fright at his words.

The Demon Queen was not running away, they were just helping others deal with the four mythical beasts!

Damn, foxes are cunning!

The Demon Queen was originally bringing the Bifang Warcraft with her, and was planning to come out of the central hall to kill Wang Kai, Sheng Xiu and others as soon as possible.

She originally thought that the four great beasts would be vulnerable to a blow after she had mobilized them, but the development of the matter was beyond her expectation.

Not only did they not kill any of them, they even lost a super master like Bi Fang!

The Demon Queen knew that she would not gain any advantage if she continued to fight, so she simply went to deal with the old guys on both sides first, and then gathered all the beasts of the Demon Clan to deal with these tough guys.

Wang Kai immediately understood the Demon Queen's thoughts and was horrified.

A long time has passed, but in the Fire Temple and Water Temple on both sides, the fighting has never stopped for a moment.

After fighting for so long, there is still no winner. It can be seen that the Demon Queen has done something in the two temples!

"Everyone, think of a way quickly. The Demon Queen is going to deal with Xuanwu and Qinglong!" Wang Kai said nervously.

"Ah, this old fox is really vicious!" Sheng Xiu also reacted.

"There's nothing we can do. The palace door here is very strange, and even the dragon-slaying blade can't open it." Long Ying said helplessly.

"Let's think of other ways. In short, we must open the palace door and rescue all the great gods!" Wang Kai said.

"Then think about it." Long Ying said with a grimace.

Everyone immediately began to think and look for countermeasures

Just as they were looking sad, they suddenly heard a seductive laughter coming from the temple where Qinglong and Suzaku were!

The Demon Queen actually brought people with her to deal with them first.

"Qingju, you don't stay in the earth realm, but you come to my demon realm to cause trouble. I didn't expect that the leader of your dragon clan, the great god Jin Ji, would actually be my guest." The demon queen laughed.

"Old fox, if you dare to take in the rebellious dragon clan, my king will definitely not let you go!" Qing Ju said angrily.

"Don't scare me with Old Yinglong. He's already old. He doesn't even dare to come out of the dragon's lair. How can he come here to show off his power?" the Demon Queen said with a charming smile.

"Sister Fox, don't talk nonsense with him. Let's go together. Kill him and Suzaku as soon as possible, and then go deal with Old Xuanwu and Bai Hu." Jinji said.

"You useless thing, come with me if you have the ability." Suzaku shouted in a sweet voice.

The great masters inside were arguing fiercely, but Wang Kai, who was listening outside, seemed to be reminded by their words.

Lao Yinglong is the super mythical beast among all mythical beasts. It should be very powerful, right?

If he could help, the battle would seem much easier!

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