Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 1315: Things are booming, key fragments

Wang Kai knew that the cave entrance on the far left was where Brother Ming and his legion were located.

Why is there no strong wind blowing out of his cave?

Could it be

Could it be that Brother Ming came here in advance and already cracked the secret of this cave?

Wang Kai quickly opened his friend list and called Chen Tianlei again.

"Boss, what do you want from me?" Chen Tianlei asked respectfully.

"How long have you been in the cave?" Wang Kai asked.

"Today is the third day." Chen Tianlei replied.

"It's been such a long time. Did you encounter anything special when you entered the cave?" Wang Kai asked.

"No, boss, everything is normal. There is a strange boss in the cave we entered. In the end, Brother Ming commanded the troops to kill it." Chen Tianlei said.


"Tell me quickly, what is that boss like?" Wang Kai asked anxiously.

Brother Ming led someone to kill a boss?

Wang Kai had some vague doubts as to whether this boss had anything to do with the strange strong wind just now.

Otherwise, among the eight caves, only the cave entrance where Brother Ming and the others are located does not have wind blowing out?

"Boss, I don't know the specific situation very well. I was still helping Brother Ming deliver potions at the time. Why don't you ask Brother Ming yourself," Chen Tianlei said.

"Okay, you go ahead." Wang Kai quickly hung up.

Open Ming Ge's name and he starts to request a voice connection

"Little brother, long time no see." Brother Ming said.

"Brother Ming is getting more and more energetic. It's my fault that I haven't greeted you for so long," Wang Kai chuckled.

"It's okay. You're so busy right now, so I can't disturb you. I like this leveling place very much, and Chen Tianlei is also very capable. I'm very grateful to you." Brother Ming said politely.

"Brother Ming, I have something to ask you. Did you kill a big guy after you entered the cave to level up?" Wang Kai asked.

"That's what happened. This guy is of a very high level, and we wasted a lot of effort killing him." Brother Ming nodded.

"Do you still remember the name or attributes of that boss?" Wang Kai asked happily.

"Of course I remember. I'm not old enough to forget what happened three days ago." Brother Ming chuckled.

"Then tell me quickly. We have entered the cave, and we are in the big stone hall at the front." Wang Kai said.

"Okay, I'll check the chat history and maybe I can help you find a screenshot of the boss' attributes." Brother Ming replied.

Wang Kai waited. Less than five minutes later, Brother Ming sent a screenshot.

This is a screenshot of the boss' attributes. The name of the monster on it immediately made Wang Kai overjoyed.

Howling Wind Beast [Epic Level Boss]

Level: 100

? ? ?

Howling beast

Looking at this name, Wang Kai could immediately explain the source of the strong winds coming from each cave just now.

However, Wang Kai really admires Ming Ge's courage. He actually dared to directly ask his troops to encircle and suppress a level 100 epic boss with invisible attributes.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Ming sent another picture, which was a screenshot of the boss's appearance.

This is a strange animal with the head of a male lion, a golden mane around its neck, the body of a unicorn, and four ox-hooved and leopard tails!

"Brother, these are the screenshots of the attributes and appearance of that big guy. This guy can spit out hurricane winds and wind knives, which are extremely powerful. If you encounter such a monster, it's best not to use melee classes to mess with it." Brother Ming said.

"I know, maybe there are many big guys like this hidden in this cave." Wang Kai nodded.

"You're right. Maybe there are a lot of big guys hiding in this cave. There should be at least seven." Brother Ming said.

"You also know?" Wang Kai was surprised.

"After we killed the big guy, we got a strange thing. I thought you always like to collect props with unknown uses, so I kept it for you. Now I'll leave it to you. As for how I knew there were seven more like this The big guy discovered it from this prop." Brother Ming said.

weird stuff?

Wang Kai immediately became excited. As long as such unknown props appear, there must be a big pit dug by the system!

Didi didi

As soon as the email alert sounded, he couldn't wait to open the mailbox and receive the new email from Brother Ming.

All I saw in the mail was a blue broken key.

After Wang Kai took out the attachment, he immediately began to check the properties of the broken key.

Feng Sheng Shui Qi [1/8]: System special props, necessary props to open the magical secret realm.

No wonder

The moment Wang Kai looked at the broken blue key, he understood what Brother Ming was saying.

This is just one of the eight damaged keys.

Eight stone caves, eight key fragments, this fool already knows the reason.

"Brother, I also want to go to other cave entrances, but dealing with this guy has given us a headache, so we are going to wait until we upgrade a few levels before dealing with other monsters. Now that you are here, those few I'll leave the entrance to the cave to you." Brother Ming said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Brother Ming. Let me deal with the other big guys." Wang Kai nodded.

He knew that there must be another boss in the remaining seven caves. As long as he killed all the big guys and collected the eight keys, the secrets of the system would naturally come to light.

Thinking of this, Wang Kai immediately felt that something had been done during this period.

He had been sitting idle, waiting for the outcome of the Heavenly War, and happened to take the time to level up and fight the boss. This period of time was boring.

As for taking over Gonggong City, he doesn't have to worry at all.

The player level of the life profession is still being honed. Even if they now have the advanced seaport and system facilities in the main city of the system, players are currently unable to use the full functions of these system buildings.

In this case, quickly improving the level has become the most important thing at the moment.

What's more, the broken blue key in his hand attracted his curiosity even more.

Things are booming?

Howling beast

What kind of secrets are hidden behind the eight broken keys?

Wang Kai thought of those little monsters outside the City of Nirvana, and was even more surprised.

After he saw that the attributes of those ordinary little monsters had the same characteristics as those of the wild wolves in the Wild Wolf Valley in Novice Village, he suspected that there was something strange hidden in this map.

Now he can be sure that there is definitely something that interests him in this huge cave, strange grotto, and weird key.

"Remember Wang Kai, don't use melee classes to provoke the boss. I've suffered a lot." Brother Ming warned.

"Thank you for your advice." Wang Kai said politely.

After finishing the conversation with Brother Ming, he suddenly felt happy, so he called all the core management together to prepare to search for seven more strange grottoes.

There is no next chapter, let’s read something else first

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