Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 510 Fireball Savior

It didn't take long for the first group of mantis monsters to be converted into experience points under the joint attack of the players.

In the flashing white light, the fireball has been upgraded!

When entering Tongmuzhize, the fireball has just reached level 30.

However, after spawning monsters all the way on the grassland, the super high amount of experience directly rushed it to the first level!

It is also a good place to practice pets here, Wang Kai was a little excited.

Level 3 fireball, its attributes have undergone earth-shaking changes!

Red Flame Beast [epic battle mount pet, growable type]

Occupation restrictions: knight, summoner, pet archer

Level 2 turn 40 can be equipped

Movement Speed: 260%

Level: Level 36

Life: 55000

Mana: 57000

Magic attack: 3050-3120

Physical attack: 2970-3060

Physical Defense: 5300

Magic defense: 5300

Dodge: 2960

Precision: 2850

Skill 1: Crimson Flame Cover (talented body protection skill, forms a group of tangible body protection poisonous flames, automatically attacks close enemies, causing 50% of magic damage, and has a 50% chance to make the enemy enter the fire poison state, every second Damage to 100 lasts for 12 seconds, the state cannot be superimposed).

Skill 2: Flame Dragon Dance (continuous skill, the fire-breathing dragon attacks the designated enemy, causing 100% damage of the magic attack, each attack comes with 200 fire damage, the skill cools down for 1 second, and consumes 500 mana).

Skill 3: Shenhuo Burning Sun (non-PK skill, breathing out real fire to burn the designated enemy, causing 150% damage of magic attack, and making the enemy enter a state of real fire burning, causing 1000 fire attribute damage per second, lasting 5 seconds. Skill Cooling for 15 minutes, consumption of mana 1200).

Wang Kai has been paying attention to the attributes of the fireball. In fact, as early as the 30th level of the fireball, its total attributes have surpassed that of the unicorn, and the two newly released skills are too perverted!

After reaching level 3, Fireball has surpassed the top two pets in the pet ranking list, and directly rushed to the first place in the ranking list!

You know, the top two pets are both level 40

The bloodline of the divine beast is really extraordinary. It seems that as long as the level is high, the fireball can really evolve into a divine beast!

Relying on the fireball's strong defense, everyone moved forward step by step to clear the monsters, and made a way out.

And in front, the tall Vulcan Mountain has appeared not far from everyone

This cone-shaped volcano has not erupted for tens of millions of years, and it is already covered with green trees. The circular hilltop on the top of the mountain still emits thick smoke from time to time, forming a magnificent view.

Wang Kai and the team have been clearing monsters continuously, and now there are only the last group of monsters leading to the volcano.

"It's a pity, it's strange to kill you, but I didn't meet a boss." Ye Xuan complained.

In this vast grassland, although everyone killed a lot of monsters, they didn't meet any big boss, which made everyone feel a little regretful.

"Perhaps there are no big monsters like bosses in this grassland." Jun Lintianxia guessed.

"Regardless of whether there is a BOSS or not, we will look at it later, the task is important now." Wang Kai saw that it was getting late, and urged everyone to complete the task as soon as possible.

"Everyone will go offline later today, let's finish the task first." Xiao Ning said.

Everyone nodded, followed the moving direction of the fireball, and rushed towards the last group of monsters at the foot of the mountain

Flames are flying, skills are shining, and everyone is waving their weapons and starting to slaughter

After killing the last group of monsters three times, five times and two times, the volcano in front of him was no longer covered, and finally all of them were revealed in front of everyone.

A red stone trail artificially carved on the mountain winds its way to the top of the mountain.

Everyone walked quickly to the foot of the mountain and looked up. . .

This gigantic volcano is thousands of meters high. People at the foot of the mountain couldn't see the top of the mountain. They only felt a thick thick smoke, like a black dragon, from the top of the mountain to the Tianshan Mountain!

"Let's walk along the mountain road. Everyone, be careful and don't fall off." Wang Kai reminded that the road is narrow and steep. If he falls in the middle of the mountain, he might have to run back from Xuanwu City again.

"We will be careful, let's start." Everyone replied in unison.

Wang Kai commanded the fireball to go first, and then set foot on the mountain road with a few pets.

The crowd followed closely behind, forming a black line on the steep mountain road

In order to ensure safety, Wang Kai called Long Ying back in his heart and asked her to hold the line at the back of the team, in case of unexpected situations, so as to protect the way out.

After arranging everything, he focused on following the fireball, observing the situation along the road while climbing the mountain road.

This mountain is entirely composed of laterite rocks. Although the volcano has not erupted, the magma inside has been active all the time. Touch the rocks on both sides of the mountain road with your hands, and you can feel the warm touch.

Everyone crawled up all the way, and the surrounding temperature became higher and higher. When they climbed more than a thousand meters, they felt that fine beads of sweat had already oozed from their foreheads.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh that this Tianyu game is so realistic, even the temperature is so delicate.

Only Wang Kai understands that in this Tianyu world, except for the adjustment of the characters' abilities, everything else is just like the real world!

The purpose of Tianyu is originally for the development of the human brain, and making games is just to experiment with its basic functions.

After walking more than 2,000 meters, Wang Kai felt that the temperature had risen to over 40 degrees. It was so hot that he wished he could take off all his equipment and climb the mountain naked.

"Why is it so hot, I can't take it anymore, is there anything the boss can do?" Qi Bai was already yelling from behind.

"Shut up, we're not equally hot." Ye Xuan reprimanded, wiping the big beads of sweat off Fen's face.

"Persevere, we have already seen the top of the mountain." Wang Kai could only comfort him, the outline of the mountain could already be seen less than a kilometer ahead.

However, whether the steaming air of the heat wave will allow them to persist in climbing to the top of the mountain, Wang Kai has no idea.

Before they continued to prepare to move forward, trouble came again!


Suddenly there was a loud noise from the top of the mountain, like lightning and thunder!

Immediately afterwards, the mountain road under everyone's feet also began to tremble violently.

"Brother, be careful ahead!" Long Ying's voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of his heart.

Wang Kai was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look at the top of the mountain

I saw that accompanied by a loud bang, there were 4 small red dots on the top of the mountain, hitting them from a distance!

The red dot is getting closer and bigger in size

When they were three or four hundred meters away from the team, those red dots had turned into several huge flints burning with raging flames in the eyes of everyone!

The volume of each flint is as big as two trucks put together!

Everyone also saw these huge pieces of flint at this time, and their eyes suddenly began to panic.

Everyone is not afraid of monsters, no matter how powerful the boss is, if you think of a way or use the number of people to fill it, there will always be a time when it will die.

But this kind of natural power cannot be resisted by human beings at all, and everyone has nothing to do.

Wang Kai watched helplessly as the roaring burning boulders flew closer and closer, but he was powerless in his heart.

Such a big stone, not to mention the flames burning on it, as long as it is rubbed a little bit by the stone, it is enough to instantly kill any player in the early game!

bang bang

Three huge boulders fell on the hillside, and the crushed stones flew horizontally with a huge force, ash filled the sky, and countless burning fires roared and splashed, making all players have to squat down to avoid these crushed stones that were as powerful as cannonballs.

But Wang Kai's heart has sunk!

Because the direction of the last flaming boulder was the mountain path under everyone's feet!

And judging by the way the stone landed, it might land right in front of the fireball.

As long as this boulder falls to the ground, Wang Kai's team will be completely wiped out!

Nima, what the hell is the system doing?

Wang Kai was so frightened that his soul trembled, and it was impossible to run away, unless he jumped the mountain, which would be a dead end.

But there was not enough time for him to make a decision, and the huge rock wrapped in flames roared and smashed towards the mountain road less than ten meters in front of Wang Kai!

Woohoo. . .

The moment Wang Kai closed his eyes and waited to die, the fireball that opened the way in front let out a long howl!

The huge body of the fireball, facing the roaring boulder, did not even dodge, and rushed forward

A row of thick long thorns suddenly stood up on the smooth back of its head.

The fireball rushed forward a few steps, and arrived at the position where the boulder was about to land, very accurately, and flicked its thick fire tail


With a loud noise, the long tail of the fireball met the boulder in the air, making a dull bang, sparks shot out in mid-air, the boulder still accelerated to fall, and the fireball failed to intercept!

The heat wave was tumbling, and everyone felt that their hair and skin were going to be scorched. This burning boulder was finally about to fall down.

However, Wang Kai was overjoyed. He saw that the fireball flicked its tail to block the boulder, although it failed, but the arc of the boulder's flight in the air was slightly deviated!

Just such a small deviation is enough to affect the angle and location of the boulder landing!

Sure enough, when the boulder fell to the ground, it was no longer in the middle of the mountain path that Wang Kai had expected, but was about to fall on the edge of the mountain path to the left of the mountain path. Although it was a little bit off, the crisis was still not resolved.

As long as it hits the mountain road firmly, even if it is not in the middle, the broken rocks will be enough to kill everyone!

But the performance of the fireball is not over yet. Although it can't speak, as a descendant of a divine beast, it has a rudimentary IQ. Seeing that its master is in danger, it almost spontaneously begins to protect the master.

Just as the flint fell, the distance between the flint and the ground was less than a few centimeters. The huge body of the fireball started again, and with its broad, spiked back, it slammed into the huge boulder!

bang bang

The fireball passed a spike on its back through the gap between the ground and the boulder, and then used its body to push the boulder directly onto the hillside. Amidst a series of stone impacts, the flaming boulder kept rolling down the steep hillside. go

The crisis is finally resolved!

"Fireball, great job!" Wang Kai praised loudly after escaping from death.

"Smart little guy, my sister loves you so much!" Ye Xuan said excitedly, wiping the dust off her face.

Everyone cheered, Fireball also began to look up, proudly shouting


Wang Kai stood up and looked at the fireball roaring up to the sky, feeling a burst of relief in his heart.

I spent so many gold coins to acquire it, and used so much experience to make it grow, it seems that everything was not in vain.

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At the same time, I recommend my friends' books "Mad Dragon Retirement" and "Extreme Cultivation and Evil Shao"

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