Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 580: The Coming of Troubled Times

Wang Kai was thinking about the updated content, and his heart was surging for a while.

From today, Tianyu is no longer the peaceful country he is familiar with, and the flames of war are about to sweep in!

"Brother, which camp should we choose after this update?" He Weida asked the most critical question.

"Let's choose the god-man camp. I just established a good relationship with the city lord and a few beasts here. It's too bad to choose the demon camp." Wang Kai thought for a moment and said.

"Then let's have dinner and go online quickly, and discuss the choice of camp with the other guild leaders." He Wei nodded.

"Wow, this update is so powerful." Xiao Ning's cheers came from beside her, and she just finished reading the content, and lost her composure in excitement for a moment.

Wang Kai and He Weida looked at each other and smiled, and started to eat quickly

Xiao Ning returned the phone to He Weida, and several of them started it at the same time.

They all know that after going online this time, they will face a brand new world.

The opportunity has arrived, it depends on whether you can grasp it!

The five quickly finished their breakfast, Wang Kai and He Wei bid farewell, and led the three of them quickly towards the workshop. . .

Entering the studio, Wang Kai and Xiao Ning hurried into the health care cabin and started to log into the game.

A white light flashed, and he and the ice beauty appeared in the City Lord's Mansion one after another.

As soon as he logged in, he saw an email-like logo flashing in the corner of his eyes.

Wang Kai understood that there was a new email, so he immediately opened the mailbox to check.

"System update instructions?" Wang Kai knew at a glance that this is a reminder email sent by the system to each player, so that players who have not seen the official website can learn more about the update situation.

But where to choose camp?

Wang Kai opened his character attribute bar suspiciously, and saw that under his ID name, there was already an option for race.

League of Gods!

Behind his camp, he has already chosen the side of the god-man camp.

what happened? Doesn't the system allow players to choose their race freely?

How did I get here, I chose it directly!

"Xiao Ning, how did you choose your camp?" Wang Kai asked the beauties beside him suspiciously.

"I'm still watching. A dialog box popped up just now, asking me to confirm the camp." Xiao Ning said.

"Little brother, don't be confused. You are the first player to receive the human race to open the main line, so your camp must be on the side of gods and humans." City Lord Ouyang suddenly explained.

"That's it." Wang Kai understood that he was planning to choose the god-man camp, so he didn't need to think about it now, the system had already made the choice for him.

"Xiao Ning helped me inform all the guild leaders to choose the god-man camp, and then called everyone to wait at the teleportation points in the main cities." Wang Kai said.

"I understand, you do your work first, and leave the rest to me." Xiao Ning nodded.

Wang Kai rejoiced in his heart that he didn't have to worry about many things by his side with this beautiful woman.

He watched Xiao Ning start busy contacting several guild leaders, while he unpacked his luggage to check the few items rewarded by the system yesterday.

The first one is Tianshu Yuling Pill.

Tianshu Yuling Pill: a system item, a magical medicine that can be used for good fortune. After taking it, the player can change the current camp. It can only be taken once in a lifetime, and it is bound.

This is what the system said, the props that can help players change the wrong faction?

Wang Kai understood, put this elixir into the package, and continued to look at the next one.

"Heavy Armor and Golden Armor Manufacturing Atlas": system item, can equip NPC soldiers with heavy armor, only for NPC use, with material formula.

What is this thing, is it only for NPC use?

Wang Kai was puzzled, and took out the last reward to watch.

"Front Arrow Manufacture Atlas": a system item that can increase attack attributes for NPC soldiers, only for NPC use, with material recipes.

This is exactly the same blueprint. Behind the simple system introduction, there are several material formulas needed to make props.

It can only be used by NPC soldiers, so could it be used by guarding troops like NPC soldiers?

Wang Kai suddenly thought of this, and immediately became happy.

There is also a conscription order from the city lord in his package. Obviously, the main city built by the player can also hire NPC soldiers to defend the city, so the two blueprints can come in handy!

Wang Kai hurriedly put away the blueprints, the final reward was 5000 reputation points. For him, what he needed now was a lot of reputation, and 5000 was far from enough.

"Brother Ouyang, I'm going to build the city soon, do you have anything else to explain here?" Wang Kai asked politely, actually thinking if he could get some more benefits.

"Little brother, hurry up and prepare. I also want to find the great god. I will ask him to help you defend the city with me later." The city lord said with a smile.

"Then get busy, I'll take my leave first." Wang Kai saw that he couldn't get any more benefits from this situation, so he said goodbye and turned around to leave.

"Let's go back to Tongmu Zhize first. Anyway, there are four hours of preparation time after the city is built, which is enough for us to build a defense system." Wang Kai greeted Xiao Ning, and the two started the teleportation of the second home at the same time.

A white light flashed, and the two appeared on the shore of a beautiful lake.

"Brother is here, everyone be quiet."

King's Landing had been waiting for a long time at Tongmu Zhize with his men, and now that they had appeared, he immediately quieted everyone down.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work." Wang Kai hugged him gratefully, and when he turned around, he found that there were more than 10,000 people standing secretly from the shore of the lake to the prairie!

Ye Xuan, Jun Lintianxia, ​​and all the team members who cleared Tongmu Zhize, they all activated the teleportation array, filling up the upper limit of the number of people that can be teleported in.

Nirvana and Wuwei, the pride of the Three Realms, Fatty and Xiongzai, the holy blood Zifeng, and even the god of ribs who has not appeared for a long time, all gathered here!

"Boss, you really know how to choose a place. It takes too long to build a city in this place." Ribs said with emotion.

After he entered the map, he carefully checked the terrain of this place. Not only was he shocked by the hidden city built by this hidden map, but also saw the piles of monsters on the prairie and the high amount of experience. The reason why he fell farther and farther behind his leveling.

"Although this place is good, the difficulty of defending the city will be three times that of building a city in ordinary places! So I have to call all of you here today." Wang Kai laughed.

"You are the leader of the guild, and the city you built is a big guy's city. How can we not come." Ribs said solemnly.

"Then please." Wang Kai bowed his hands to thank everyone.

In the eyes of more than 10,000 people, there is no fear at all at this time, but excitement is shining, and they are already gearing up for the upcoming battle!

Troubled times are coming, and those who fear before fighting are destined to be eliminated!

The fixed update time is around 00:01 every day.

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At the same time, I recommend my friends' books "Mad Dragon Retirement" and "Extreme Cultivation and Evil Shao"

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