Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 582: Chasing the Deer City

Thinking about Xiao Ning's words, Wang Kai began to think about how to name this city.

At the beginning, he only wanted to earn some money from Tianyu to help the girl pay off her debts, then marry her, and live this life smoothly.

But before the first dividend from the pharmacy came into the account, something happened to Qingqing!

From sadness and hatred, Wang Kai has slowly changed his original intention.

His mind now is not just as simple as making money,

He needs more money, more fame, and more influence!

Only in this way can Wang Kai protect the people he cares about so that they will not be hurt again.

"I want to compete in troubled times and make a fortune in the world!" Wang Kai whispered to himself.

"Zhilu, Dingding? What a good name!" Jun Lintianxia stood beside him, and couldn't help but praise him loudly when he heard him talking to himself.

"Is it called Zhulu City or Dingding City?" Ye Xuan asked suspiciously.

"Let's call it Zhulu City, so that others can understand our ambition!" Tian Zhiao said with bright eyes.

"Chasing the deer in the world, ruling the roost in troubled times, it's a good name." Xiao Ning said with a smile.

"I agree, Zhulu City is a good name." Ribs nodded.

He felt a sense of relief. When he was in the Nine Layers Demon Tower, he had already discovered that this person had an upward momentum, just like when he first became a professional player.

So when Zifeng found him, hoping that he could lead his brothers back to the king and regain their former glory, he found that he had completely lost the passion in the past!

So he immediately thought of Wang Kai, this man was ambitious and aggressive, he felt relieved when he entrusted his brothers to this man.

Looking at the establishment of this new city belonging to the players today, Ribs also felt the long-lost blood burning in his chest, and he couldn't help participating.

"Then call it Zhulu City. This new city will be the starting point for us to dominate the Tianyu!" Wang Kai immediately finalized the name of the new city after hearing the discussion from the crowd.

In the naming box in front of him, he solemnly entered the word 'Zilu', and then selected OK.

Ding dong. . . System: Congratulations, Player God, the name of your guild city has been determined, and the new city is officially named Zhulu City.

Ding dong. . . System: Player God's Death, Zhulu City has been established, and the countdown to the monster siege time has begun. You still have 4 hours to build your city's infrastructure. Good luck.

In an instant, two consecutive system prompts popped up, followed by a red countdown prompt, which appeared above the corner of his eyes!


Nima, the system really doesn't give you a minute!

Wang Kai had just finished naming the city, and the countdown to the monster siege began immediately!

"Boss God, there is a countdown!" Zifeng exclaimed.

"Yeah brother, I also have a countdown, and there are less than 4 hours!" Zi Xuan said loudly.

All of a sudden, all members of Peerless Peak received a system notification at the same time.

Wang Kai understood that Zhulu City is the pinnacle of the guild city, as long as it is a guild member, it will automatically join the battle to defend the city!

"Bosses, the monster siege will start in less than four hours. I will go into the city to open the teleportation array and other facilities, so I won't accompany you." Wang Kai said anxiously.

"Brother, go get busy, let's just look around, and just say hello if you need anything." Jun Lintianxia said.

"Go and do your work, don't worry about us." Ye Xuan smiled.

The other guild leaders knew that the matter was urgent and expressed their understanding.

Wang Kai turned around, took Ribs and several other peerless top executives, and strode towards Zhulu City. . .

A few people ran under the tall city wall, and saw a thick iron city gate.

There is a big plaque on the top of the city gate, and the inscription "Zhilu Ximen" is written on it.

Wang Kai touched the thick city gate with his hand, and a management panel popped up in front of him immediately.

Door lock order: After this order takes effect, no one except the city lord and those authorized by the city lord can open the city gate, and anyone who forcibly destroys the city gate is deemed to have launched a city war.

Door Opening Order: After this order takes effect, no one can close the city gate except the city lord and those authorized by the city lord.

open the door!

Wang Kai chose the second order.

With a bang, the huge iron city gate suddenly opened automatically, revealing the long city gate hole inside.

Wang Kai looked at the thick iron gate with satisfaction, and immediately ran into the city.

According to the system's introduction about the city, the center of the new town created by the player is the City Lord's Mansion.

All administrative orders related to the city must be issued by the city lord in the city lord's mansion.

"Zixuan is going to the east gate, I have a task for you later." Wang Kai said.

Whether we can defend the monster's siege today depends on the defense of the east gate.

According to the terrain and terrain, the monster group can attack Zhulu City today, and the only way is the east gate!

"Okay brother, I'll go right away." Zi Xuan immediately drove the armored rhino towards the east gate.

"Crazy City, you also go to the east gate to observe the terrain first. After a while, there will be the front line of the entire battlefield. You are the commander-in-chief of the warrior group. Let's see how to arrange the defensive formation." Wang Kai continued.

The Crazy City he was referring to was the Crazy City of the Holy Blood where he had fought against Fatty when they besieged the two guilds of Holy Blood and Eternal Mark last time.

This berserker player turned out to be a loyal fan of Ribs. After he learned about Ribs from Zifeng, he not only quit the Holy Blood Guild immediately, but also took away tens of thousands of professional warrior players!

Who made him the head of the Holy Blood Guild's fighter profession?

"Okay boss, I'm going to observe the terrain now." The Holy Blood Mad City took the order and urged his mount to chase after Zixuan.

"Follow me." Wang Kai led the rest of the people, and immediately walked towards the towering palaces in the center of the city.

The center of the entire Zhulu City is composed of a large palace-style building group that stretches for hundreds of meters, and the tallest and largest building is the Guardian Temple!

In Tianyu, every city has a guardian temple, but not all cities are guarded by divine beasts. For example, several main cities such as Fengming City and Banxian City do not have guarding divine beasts.

Without the temple of the gods and beasts, it can only be empty there, but the core of all cities - the statue totem, is set inside this temple!

And for the players' guild cities, the meaning of this temple is even more different.

Because all orders in the city must be in this temple to issue orders.

Wang Kai walked towards this temple at this time, because according to the instructions on the special command interface of the guild leader, he must enter this temple to give orders for all the construction and NPC soldiers in the city.

Ribs and the others ran after him for a while, and finally crossed several streets and came to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

Wang Kai used his identity as the city lord to open the gate of the city lord's mansion, passed through the outer courtyards, and directly entered the center of the main hall.

The fixed update time is around 00:01 every day.

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At the same time, I recommend my friends' books "Mad Dragon Retirement" and "Extreme Cultivation and Evil Shao"

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