Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 584 The Mystery of the Faction

Wang Kai used the aggressive method to test Qing Ge's reaction.

As expected, Shenlong was excited!

"Who says I can't fight back? As long as I'm within the temple, I can fight back any enemy who breaks in." Qing Ge replied anxiously.

"Can you fight back?" Wang Kai suddenly became happy. He thought that he could only keep a guardian animal without a body and watch it here, but he didn't expect that he could really protect the totem.

"It's not enough now. I need to absorb the divine power in the temple. It will take at least a month before I have the ability to attack." Qing Ge said truthfully.

"One month later, we still don't know if the city will be able to hold on today." Wang Kai shook his head.

"Don't worry, if I am attached to the statue, I can help your city improve its defense and attack. Where can you find such a good thing?" Seeing that he did not agree to let him go, Qing Ge said helplessly. The most secret thing.

Huaxia District has five main cities guarded by divine beasts, Xuanwu City, Qinglong City, White Tiger City, Suzaku City, and Weiyang City.

The defense and attack capabilities of these five cities are far from what the other four main cities can compare.

The reason for this is that these five cities have the divine power of divine beasts, whether it is the durability of the gates or the attack power of the arrow towers, they are much stronger than other main cities.

A city with guardian beasts and a city without beasts, even if the building level is the same, the final ability is different.

Wang Kai doesn't know about these high-end system settings. He only knows that the guardian holy beast can help the city resist the invasion of the enemy. What can a dragon soul that can only stay in the temple do?

"What you said is true?" Wang Kai immediately became happy, being able to bless the city's defense and attack is too powerful!

"I'm a divine beast. Although I don't have a body anymore, I won't lie to you." Qing Ge sighed.

"Then how about this, since you're bored inside, I'll let you out right away and hire you to be my lifelong guardian beast of the Deer City!" Wang Kai said his purpose happily.

"Ask me to be the guardian animal for life? That's not acceptable. Once I find a suitable body, I will go to the Dragon King for comment." Qing Ge refused.

"What's the relationship between being a guardian animal and asking Lao Yinglong to judge?" Wang Kai asked strangely.

"You are in the camp of gods and men. I will be the guardian beast of your city, and then I will fight Lao Yinglong. Where do you stand?" Qing Ge asked back.

question. "Wang Kai choked.

"It will be difficult for you then, right?" Qing Ge laughed.

"I've thought about it, fight as you want with Lao Yinglong, I'll definitely help you, Lao Yinglong is still chasing me, anyway, I've already offended, and I'm not afraid of offending me a second time." Wang Kai smashed the jar and threw it. road.

"Have you figured it out?" Qing Ge was stunned by his sudden reply.

"It's settled like this, don't care about him so much, are you willing to be the guardian beast of my Zhulu City?" Wang Kai issued another invitation.

"Little friend, you are not afraid anymore, what am I afraid of, let me out, I am willing to be the lifelong guardian animal of Zhulu City!" Qing Ge replied loudly.

Ding dong. . . System: Congratulations to player Shenzhishang, the divine beast Qingge is willing to become the protective divine beast of your Zhulu City, do you accept it? Once accepted, it cannot be changed unless the divine beast dies!

"I accept!" Wang Kai couldn't wish more, and he was afraid of nonsense that could not be changed.

Ding dong. . . System: Player God's War, you have chosen Qingge, a beast from the demon camp, as your guardian beast, and your favorability in the god-man camp has dropped by 5000!

What is the favorability of horses? Also down 5000!

As soon as Wang Kai finished his selection, he was taken aback by the second system prompt.

Between the camps, there is also a favorability setting?

Wang Kai went online today and was in a hurry to build a city. Before he had time to carefully browse his new options, he went to 5000 favorability. What negative effects would there be?

He hurriedly opened his character column in fear, and began to search for the page about the description of the faction.

Finally, after searching for a long time, he saw the triangle relationship between the camps!

God's Sorrow:

Current camp: God-man camp

Deity faction favorability: 5000 [initial value] - 5000 [monster protection] = 0

Favorability of the monster camp: -10000 [Fox Clan Hatred]

Neutral faction favorability: 10000 [Gratitude of the Spirit Race] - 10000 [Hate of the Dragon Race] = 0

Wang Kai broke into a cold sweat after reading the short three lines!

The god-man camp that the system helped him choose, now his favorability suddenly turned to 0!

The favorability of the demon camp, because killing Fan Ji angered the fox family, the favorability was minus 10,000.

The funniest thing is the neutral camp. The anger of the Dragon Clan is as high as minus 10,000. They even got the gratitude of the Spirit Clan for completing the missions of the Peak of the Demon Cliff and the Ze of Tongmu.

On the pointer bar of Wang Kai's three camps, at this moment his camp is already between neutral and god-man.

However, after the system was updated, it only stated that players could choose between the two camps of monsters and gods, so why did they become neutral again?

Is it another hidden mission plot?

Wang Kai was confused by the system, all players thought there were only two camps to choose from, but in his attribute column, there were clearly three options!

Perhaps only after all the races in the Three Realms have hints of favorability, such strange things will appear.

Wang Kai didn't bother to think about it, let Qing Ge out first, he still has a lot of things to deal with, time is very tight!

He lifted the Qingling Orb high above his head, and smashed it hard towards the hall floor. . .

With a bang, under everyone's gaze, the Qingling Orb was shattered like a glass ball, and at the same time, a large piece of blue light scattered in the sphere.

Like countless fireflies, the cyan light danced in the air little by little, and slowly gathered together to form a ball. A bright cyan light ball appeared in front of Wang Kai's eyes.

"Thank you little friend, I can feel infinite divine power coming here, and I can move around freely again at last!" Qing Ge said happily.

The cyan light ball suddenly flew up and down in the hall like a naughty child, as if expressing his inner happiness.

"My God, you should hurry back to the statue. I am in a hurry to build the city. The monsters will attack the city in more than 3 hours!" Wang Kai reminded.

"You are busy with your work, my activities will stop soon." Qing Ge laughed.

"Oh, by the way, where did the Azure Dragon Ball you picked up last time go? I didn't see it in the package just now?" Qing Ge asked suddenly.

He was still thinking about the Blue Dragon Ball!

Wang Kai was ashamed, the Green Dragon Ball had already followed Long Ying, and now I am afraid that no one can take it away.

Even if the dragon king came to ask for it in person, the fearless dragon baby might not buy it!


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