Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 589 Administrative Building

Wang Kai searched for a long time in the system city description, and finally saw an introduction in the corner.

Flame Arrow Tower: Defensive city building, intermediate city building.

Nima, the feeling is that my city level is low, and such buildings cannot yet appear.

Wang Kai shook his head and was speechless. It seemed impossible to build more buildings that could be attacked.

All he had to do was turn off the tower management panel, return to the city model interface, and hold his chin to start looking for other things.

But besides the city tower, where else can we build buildings that focus on attacking?

While looking at the city description, Wang Kai looked for a suitable target on the model.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and there was an item in the system description that made him excited!

Facilities outside the city: The city owner can set up infrastructure such as horse repelling, traps, and defensive fortresses within 300 meters outside the city.

Haha, and this good thing?

Wang Kai looked at the virtual model of the city, and he saw a red border line on the ground outside the city wall, which seemed to be the dividing line of the city's outline.

Could it be that the range between the outside of the city wall and the red line is the suburbs outside the city?

He immediately stretched out his finger and clicked on the not-so-large flat ground. With his click, a system panel popped up again!

It turned out to be the management panel outside the city!

Available buildings at the current city level:

Primary Resisting Horse: An auxiliary facility about 1.5 meters high, which can effectively block the advance of enemy cavalry and siege equipment. Each repelling horse requires 300,000 gold coins, and the maximum number of places is 10.

Primary trap: a primary trap with a depth of three meters and a length and width of five meters. There are sharp stakes at the bottom to injure the enemy. Each trap requires 300,000 gold coins, and the maximum number of placements is 10.

Damn, the low level of the city is really not good, there are only two projects that can be built.

Wang Kai doesn't think the construction cost is high now, but he is afraid that the lack of construction things will not be able to stop the monster's attack.

He built all the two defensive buildings and spent a total of 6 million gold coins.

Looking at the dense traps and repelling horses outside the city, he immediately upgraded them all to the highest level.

From primary to intermediate level, 500,000 gold coins are required for each refusal horse and trap, and 800,000 gold coins are needed to upgrade from intermediate level to advanced level!

After upgrading twice in this way, he lost 26 million in one fell swoop!

Including the cost of building these facilities, on the ground outside the city, he has already spent 32 million gold coins.

But he doesn't feel bad now, because according to the system's instructions, facilities such as horse refusal and traps outside the city will reach the top when they are upgraded to a high level.

Regardless of whether you are a small town or the main city of the system, the auxiliary facilities outside the city can only be upgraded to advanced levels.

Satisfied, Wang Kai closed the management interface outside the city. Now all the defensive buildings that can be made have been completed. Although it cost a lot of money, he feels that it is worth it.

As long as he survived the siege of the monster, he planned to secretly open the fire crystal vein to make up for the large amount of money he spent on building the city.

He also plans to open the prairie to all players for leveling, so as to boost the popularity of Zhulu City.

Thinking that soon, a large group of players will flood into this city, just to buy medicines and collect taxes for repairing equipment, that is a terrifying figure!

What's more, in each city, the management rights of players to trade and extract taxes are in the hands of the local city lord.

As long as it is within Zhulu City, Wang Kai intends to reduce the transaction commission to 5%, which is less than half of the system, and let all players come here to do business!

Wang Kai smiled. If these ways of making money are to be implemented, the first step is to pass the monster siege.

"Boss, you haven't built any administrative facilities yet, we are all waiting for you." Saint Blood Zifeng said.

"Kaizi, hurry up, you hand over the household registration to me, but you don't even build a treasury, what are you thinking." The fat man also urged.

"Yeah, if you don't build a recruiting hall, we can't even recruit soldiers to defend the city." Ribs is in charge of the official secretary, and now he looks anxious at the management panel. Wang Kai's administrative building has not been built, so he can't do anything he wants .

"Don't worry, everyone, I just finished building the defense facilities, and I will build an administrative building for you right away." Wang Kai said with a chuckle.

He stamped the seal of the city lord on all the defense options that had been set, only to hear the loud rumbling sound outside the city, and countless arrow towers sprung up like mushrooms after rain!

Only when the seal of the city lord is affixed can the construction task be confirmed, and the spent gold coins cannot be returned!

Now he is about to start construction on the administrative buildings.

In the first step, he chose a building in the city that was close to the store area, and spent 1 million gold coins to build a first-level treasury.

This is the storage center for all the city's revenues, and it is where the players who manage the finances have their offices.

Fatty finally had his territory, so he immediately opened the account book and began to set various options.

In the second step, Wang Kai chose a building near the city lord's mansion as the recruiting hall. If you want to recruit people to work for your city, this building is indispensable.

Ribs waited for him to finish building the recruiting hall, and quickly opened the official book and started to operate.

The third step is to build the military and political hall, which gives Zifeng a place to form a large-scale army and command a dedicated channel. After the birth of this building, the maximum number of guilds in Peerless Peak will rise to 100,000 people!

Moreover, the number of guild battle teams has also increased to 50,000, and can form two large legions!

As the level of the military administration rises, the upper limit of the guild will be larger, and the number of the two legions will also increase.

The fourth step is to build a system cell, giving Xiong Zai a place to exercise security management rights in Zhulu City. If any player dares to make trouble in Zhulu City, Xiong Zai has the right to kick him into the cell directly.

With this system prison, Xiong Zai can walk sideways in the city in the future.

The 5 buildings cost him nearly 10 million gold coins. Fortunately, these five people did not ask Wang Kai to upgrade the buildings immediately, otherwise the cost would be enough to bankrupt him!

After completing a few buildings and dismissing the five people, Wang Kai began to use the remaining gold coins to build various necessary functional buildings in the city.

A weapon store for repairing equipment, a potion store for selling medicine, a grocery store for selling groceries, etc. A lot of buildings.

Fortunately, the asking price of these commonly used building systems is not too high, and Wang Kai managed all of them without using 10 million gold coins.

Now in Zhulu City, all the building facilities have been constructed, the only thing lacking is the personnel to manage these stores.

The teleportation array needs teleportation, and the weapon shop needs a foundry

Wang Kai is now facing a new problem, how to recruit talents?

Where can I find so many people to manage the city all of a sudden?

The ribs were entrusted by him to manage the staff. He could only look at the ribs and wanted to ask him what he thought.


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