Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 840 The first round of competition

Wang Kai asked the ribs and got even more shocking information!

How can those foreign enemies know the map of Huaxia District like the back of their hands?

But ribs knew so much, no matter how much he asked, he couldn't find anything more useful.

Now the situation is clear, the ribs are because they know too many secrets and are unwilling to cooperate with the enemy, so they take measures to force them to withdraw from the guild and hand over their power!

If it weren't for the enemy's premature exposure plan for fear of killing people, I'm afraid the ribs would have turned into bones by now

When Wang Kai was thankful for the ribs, he was deeply troubled by the enemy's plan.

But the damn underworld can only be opened to the majority of players when the national war starts after the first level. Wang Kai doesn't want to give up the lucrative place like Zhulu City and switch camps to the demon side.

Just bear with it, as long as those foreign hostile forces enter the Huaxia District, eliminate these monsters!

Wang Kai immediately took Ribs and others, and started the process of pulling monsters in this stone room with the newly joined Lin Meimei.

Experience numbers are constantly being posted on everyone's heads, and time flies by

Announcement of Dingdong system area: The first round of qualifying round of the first "Prosperous World Cup" Tianyu Athletic Competition will start drawing lots in minutes. All online players please pay attention to the system prompts at any time!

ding dong

Three consecutive new system announcements sounded over the heads of all players, and the grand competition kicked off.

"Haha, it's about to start, I really look forward to who my first round enemy will be." Ye Xuan laughed.

"As long as we don't run into each other, it's fine," Jun Lintian said.

"It's not such a coincidence, there are so many people in Huaxia District, the chance of us being drawn together is very small." Tian Zhiao said with a smile.

"What if it happens?" Xiao Ning covered his mouth and smiled.

"Haha, Wang Kai still has a way to cure our Ningning's illness." Seeing the cheerful ice beauty, Ye Xuan was actually happier than anyone else in her heart.

"I'll tear your mouth apart." Xiao Ning said coquettishly.

While the two beauties were laughing, the time slowly came to the last ten seconds!

Dingdong system: Dear player God, your opponent for the first round has been confirmed, the game will start in seconds, and you will be teleported to the arena. Please note that no auxiliary potions are allowed in this venue!


Can't use auxiliary potions?

Doesn't that mean that you can't restore life and magic power, and you can't use any auxiliary pills that are in a blessed state?

Wang Kai was dumbfounded. In order to cope with the competition, he carried a lot of Shengshenghuadan and Jiujiuchunyangdan in his bag.

Can't even use it!

Well, this is considered a fair game, Wang Kai immediately directed everyone to leave the monster spawning area and come to a safe place.

Ding Dong System: The game has started, do you choose to teleport?


Wang Kai held the banner tightly and chose yes.

A flash of light in front of his eyes immediately brought him into a strange space

This is a square space like an arena, and the surrounding stands are empty. On the opposite side of the field stands a player who is looking around curiously just like Wang Kai.

Young master Si Liufeng?

This is a Taoist casual player, and judging by the level, it is just right.

"What the hell, dare the summoner come?" Young Master Liufeng immediately beamed with joy when he saw the figure on the opposite side.

When a summoner faces a mage, as long as he is locked by the enemy's long-range attack, it depends on whether his magic defense is strong enough.

Wang Kai is holding the Haotian Supreme Banner. In order not to be too conspicuous, he has already turned off the halo of the artifact. It really looks like an ordinary equipment from a distance.

"Summoner on the opposite side, admit defeat yourself, don't say that I bully you." Young Master Liu Feng said arrogantly, but unfortunately his eyes were too short-sighted.

Wang Kai didn't bother to pay attention to him, and checked the competition rules on his own.

In the first round, this enemy was too weak, so there was no need to worry about it at all. Now it is true to learn the rules of the game as soon as possible.

competition rules:

One: When one side's life bar reaches zero first, the other side wins.

Two: The time for the contest is 10 minutes. If the time is up and the winner is not determined, the winner will be determined by the number of life bars.

Three: One side takes the initiative to admit defeat, and the other side wins without a fight.

Four: Do not use any auxiliary drugs to ensure the fairness of the game.


"Haha, it's just that the use of auxiliary medicines is restricted, and other things don't matter!" Wang Kai was happy, and his Qingming Shenlong arm was not included in the restrictions.

"Hey, is the person on the other side stupid? Didn't you hear me when I called you?" Young Master Liufeng roared angrily.

This guy waited for a long time, but the summoner on the opposite side neither summoned the summoned beast nor saw him move, which immediately made him anxious.

Garbage Summoner dare to underestimate me!

Young Master Liufeng swung his staff, and a ball of water polo shot towards Wang Kai.


With a bang, the water polo directly hit Wang Kai's body, causing a pitiful number of injuries.

Wang Kai's health bar dropped only slightly!

Uh, is my magic defense high, or is this guy's attack too poor?

Wang Kai was stunned by his attack

With a wave of the big banner in his hand, five divine sculptures descended from the sky one after another, directly frightening the Taoist player to stand on the spot!

Nima, five summoned beasts!

Young Master Liufeng opened his mouth wide and kept swallowing his saliva. He has seen many summoners, but he summoned five summoned beasts at once, and the five-color divine light emitted by these divine sculptures made him even more horrified!

He moved slowly forward a few steps, and then he could clearly see the player's

God's sorrow!

Damn, why did I meet him in the first round!

Young Master Liufeng was so frightened that he didn't dare to take the initiative to attack again. In the Tianyu game, this is the most discussed among the current casual players!

Shen Zhishang, the number one player in rank, Shen Zhishang, the lord of the city, and Shen Zhishang, who often makes announcements in the whole region, have now become the hotly discussed characters among all casual players.

The moment Young Master Liufeng saw his name, he was so excited that he almost went up to ask for his autograph.

But Wang Kai has already read all the rules of the game. In order to save time and practice leveling earlier, he has locked his finger on the air with his big flag, and has locked on the son Liufeng.

Hoo hoo hoo, five divine sculptures flapped their wings, and five transparent sound waves flew out!

With a thud, Young Master Liufeng only suffered three sound waves, and he couldn't afford it.

Ding Dong system: Congratulations to the player God, you have won the first victory in the preliminaries, and the current winning rate is %. The next game will start at 1:00 p.m., please be online on time.

As the system prompt sounded, a countdown window popped up, limiting the player's time in the arena.

"Boss God, remember to cover me." Young Master Liufeng lying on the ground was still shouting.

But Wang Kai couldn't hear his voice at the moment, he had already clicked the order to leave, and directly teleported out of the arena.

Simple and easy to do!

Wang Kai finally understood the rules of this competition, and the preliminaries were so easy that he couldn't arouse his interest.

Back in the pirate's lair, the heads of the major organizations have also been teleported back to the stone hall.

"I just met a weird guy, and when I saw my equipment, I ran away. I was so exhausted that I killed him." Ye Xuan laughed.

"The opponent I encountered was also very weak, and it was settled within two arrows." Xiao Ning laughed.

Everyone was talking about the opponent just now, but after a long time, Qi Bai did not appear.

"What's wrong with Xiaobai, did you fall asleep inside?" Ye Xuan asked.

"I don't know. I sent him a message, and the system said that he couldn't call during the game. Maybe he is still calling." Liu Hong explained.

Everyone was amazed at once. With Qi Bai's equipment and skills, how could he fight for so long in the first round?

The fixed update time is around 00:01 every day.

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