Han Yu, also known as Tuizhi, called himself"Junwang Changli" and was known as"Han Changli" in the world."、""Mr. Changli".

An official in the mid-Tang Dynasty, a writer, thinker, philosopher, and statesman.

In the eighth year of Zhenyuan, Han Yu ascended to the rank of Jinshi. He served as an official in Jiedu twice, and was appointed as a censor to supervise the censor. He was later demoted for discussing matters. In Yangshan, he held the positions of wailang, an official of Lidu, editor of the History Museum, and secretary of Zhongshu.

In the 12th year of Yuanhe, he served as Prime Minister Pei Du's marching commander and participated in pacifying the"Huaixi Rebellion".

Later, he welcomed the Buddha's bones for admonishment. Yi Shi was demoted to Chaozhou. In his later years, he became the minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and was known as"Han Libu". In the fourth year of Changqing, Han Yu died of illness at the age of fifty-seven. He was posthumously given the title of"Wen" by the Minister of Rites, so he was called"Han Wengong".

In the first year of Yuanfeng, he was granted the title of Uncle Chang Li and worshiped in the Confucius Temple.

Han Yu was an advocate of the ancient prose movement, advocating the inheritance of the prose tradition of the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, and opposed parallel prose that focused on tonal and rhythmic contrasts but neglected content. Han Yu's articles were majestic and thorough in reasoning. , with strong logic, was respected as the first of the"Eight Great Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties".

At that time, people had the reputation of"Hanwen".

Du Mu juxtaposed Hanwen with Du poetry and called it"Du Shi Hanbi"; Su Shi called him"the best writer in the Eight Dynasties""The decline of ancient prose". The ancient prose movement advocated by Han Liu opened up the development path of ancient prose since the Tang Dynasty. Han poetry strives for novelty, emphasis on momentum, and has originality. Han Yu uses prose as poetry and introduces new ancient prose language, composition, and techniques into the poetry world , enhanced the expressive function of poetry, expanded the field of poetry, and corrected the mediocre poetry style since the Dali Dynasty.

In terms of feudal ideology and morality, he also made unique achievements. He vigorously advocated Confucianism, regarded himself as inheriting Confucianism, and was the founder of Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties. One of the characteristics of Han

Yu's articles is that he"speaks truthfully and without fear", or"speaks without restraint", that is, he dares to speak and dares to tell the truth.

This characteristic is closely related to his positive political attitude Inseparable. Several of his memorials dared to expose the facts and dared to say"what the officials have not said".

Therefore, if Han Yu was in the center, Lu Yan might have to accept some scenes of being criticized.

This is why Han Yu He is often demoted because he has no discernment.

There are some things that the emperor plans to do.

But you insist on not letting him do it.

Then······You can only be demoted.

After all, the one in power is the emperor.

If you disobey the emperor's will, you will definitely be the unlucky one.

There is no doubt that Lu Yan admires Han Yu.

Moreover, Han Yu's talents and abilities are also top-notch, especially his role in the literary world.

It can greatly enrich the literary level of Yun State and improve the literary prosperity of the city.

It allows people to learn more knowledge and improve their ability to write poems and songs.

Lu Yan wants to create characteristics for major cities.

The capital of Yun State is Baiyun County, and Lu Yan wants to make it a political, economic, cultural, and even transportation center.

Other counties also have their own characteristics.

For example, Ji County and Jushi County are fruit capitals.

The soil in both places is suitable for growing fruits, and fruits can be grown on a large scale.

The sweet oranges from Ji County and Yan County can be combined and called Qingyan County sweet oranges.

Yunhe County is the cultural capital and has King Luo Bin.

Tie County, the capital of iron ore, has iron ore.

Qingbai County, the capital of timber, has Qingbai trees.

Qing County has stone carvings and can develop the stone carving industry.

Let every city have its own characteristics and form a culture. This is Lu Yan's goal.

There is no doubt that Han Yu is a great figure in the literary world, but in addition to his high status in the literary world, he is also unique in education.

Han Yu entered the Imperial College three times and served as a doctor. He also served as a wine worshipper in the Imperial College, recruited disciples, taught academics personally, and left articles on the teachings of teachers to inspire future generations and promote talents. Han Yu tried his best to change his attitude of being a teacher and recruited many younger students.

In his papers on education, he emphasized the importance of seeking teachers, believing that anyone who is knowledgeable is his teacher; he compared talented people to horses with a thousand li li, and explained how those in power can identify talents, treat talents and The problem of using talents.

Hence the ever-famous article"Shi Shuo".

Ancient scholars must have teachers. A teacher is the one who preaches the truth, receives karma and resolves doubts. People are not born with knowledge, how can they be free from confusion? If you are confused and do not follow the teacher, it is confusion, and you will never be able to understand it. If you are born before me, you must have heard the Tao before me, so I will learn from you. If you are born after me, if you hear the Tao before me, I will learn from you.······

Han Yu was also a thinker. In the eyes of Song Confucians, under Confucius and Mencius, he was Han Yu.

When Confucianism declined and Buddhism and Taoism prevailed, he tried his best to refute Buddhism and Laoism, devoted himself to reviving Confucianism, and achieved great success.

The classical prose movement he advocated was actually an important means to revive Confucianism.


Han Yu, Lu Yan began to think about whether there was any position worthy of him.

Such an awesome talent cannot be allowed to be buried.

You must use people well.

The next one was Wu Yinzhi, this person made Lu Yan frown. do not know.

But since it can appear here, it must be unusual.

The next one is Su Wu.

Lu Yan must know this man. The story of"Su Wu Shepherding Sheep" is famous throughout China.

It symbolizes the integrity of a country.

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