Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 69 Demon Slayer Organization, Flattering Chekov! 【For Subscription】

Luo Cheng followed the map route given by the demon killer Rogge, and soon came to the edge of the forest.

I saw a city in the distance, shrouded in blood-colored mist.

In the fog, there are still many shadows.

It should be a demon patrol soldier in the city.

However, Luo Cheng was not in a hurry to sneak into the Cheng-chi to complete the mission.

But dodged to a big tree.

Selected to log out of the world of the heavens.

The length of his time in the world of the heavens today is about to reach the upper limit.

Therefore, Luo Cheng plans to continue exploring the Demon Castle tomorrow and complete the task.

After returning to the real world, Luo Cheng made a special trip to open the Dragon Kingdom database.

To inquire about the abyss world, the abyss reference token, and the related information of the [Demon Slayer].

The information in the Dragon Kingdom database is comprehensive.

These keywords that Luo Cheng searched are all recorded.

Among them, the records about the [Devil Killer] are the most sparse and brief.

[Devil Slayer: A mysterious organization in the world of the heavens, all members are demigods.

The main purpose is to deal with the abyss demons that invade all walks of life, and their attitude towards the Blue Star humans is fairly friendly.

Demon Slayers have special Demon Slayer Runes, which can enchant weapons to increase damage to Demons.

In reality, weapons enchanted with [Devilslayer Rune] can also cause great extra damage to high-level demons.

The members of the Demon Slayer are hard to come across, and the tasks they post are extremely difficult.

After completing the quest, you can get the highest level of high-level Demon Killing Rune, which can increase the extra true damage to the Demon Race by 30%.

As for whether there are more advanced slayer runes, it is unknown for the time being.

(Note: The leader of the organization seems to have disappeared a long time ago, and the existing demon killers are looking for the leader's heir on a large scale.)]

Look at the information on the tablet.

Luo Cheng couldn't help but click his tongue.

One force, all members are demigods!

I just don't know how many of them there are.

If more.


This power, I am afraid, can attack the entire Blue Star!

In addition to the information about the Demon Slayer.

Luo Cheng also saw the introduction of the abyss token.

To be honest, if he had seen the news a day earlier.

He might not be so reckless, and he directly took the abyss reception token and went to open the formation.

[Abyss reception token, a kind of token that insects only drop from the demon boss from the abyss.

This item is also known as the trap of the abyss.

If there is not enough strength, it is recommended not to use.

Each abyss token can briefly open a space channel leading to the abyss world, and forcibly inhale the opener into the abyss world.

After entering the abyss world, although there will be opportunities and tasks to accompany.

After completing the task, the rewards obtained will be extremely rich.

However, it is extremely dangerous!

The most important point is that.

If you die in the abyss world, there is no [Resurrection Stone] for the player to resurrect.

If you want to leave the abyss world, you must choose to liberate your soul one day after death.

You can only be resurrected in the main city of the native world by paying the price of level drop 10 and all unbound items.

If there is no death, you must find a teleportation circle in the abyss world.

After opening with special props, you can return to the original world.

Generally speaking, there are very few players who stray into the abyss world, successfully find the teleportation circle, and come back alive.


Luo Cheng carefully browsed the introduction of the abyss token.

I was really speechless in my heart.

When he obtained this token, he thought it was an ordinary adventure token.

Who knows, this is a trap from the abyss!

More importantly, in the abyss world, there is no resurrection stone!

After the player dies, there is no place to revive.

You can only choose to pay a great price and liberate your soul to return to the original world.

This place is really deceiving!

Fortunately, Luo Cheng has already learned about the news about the abyss world.

In the next action, he will definitely put his own safety first.

Try not to let yourself die.

In the end, what Luo Cheng looked at was the news about the abyss world.

In the various small worlds of the heavenly worlds.

There are figures in the abyss world.

A demigod-level powerhouse judged that there was actually more than one abyss world.

Rather, there are many worlds, all of which have been assimilated by the power of the abyss after being breached by the abyss demons.

It has become a small abyss-affiliated world.

Even in the records.

The army of the abyss world has also invaded the Canglong world.

At that time, all Canglong Realm players participated in the worldwide mission against the Abyss Demon Race.

If you replace it with the ideas in traditional online games.

The abyss demon force should be the biggest villain force in the entire heavens world!

And, in the data records.

The abyss demon world in the world of heaven is very similar to the demon world creatures that invaded Blue Star in reality.

Even, it is the same song and the same source at all!

I don't know if the abyss demons in the world of heaven have anything to do with the demonic creatures that invaded the blue star.

In the afternoon, Luo Cheng took a short rest.

I asked Jiayi for some information about the abyss.

What Jiayi knew, but it was not much different from what Luo Cheng found in Longguo Curry.

However, when Xia heard that Luo Cheng had received the quest issued by the Demon Slayer.

A special order.

If it's not necessary, try not to offend the Demon Slayer who gave him the quest, namely Rogge.

Because, the overall strength of the Demon Slayer is simply too strong.

Even, behind them, it is very likely that there is a real god-level powerhouse!

Once offended that level of existence.

No matter how good Luo Cheng's talent is, I'm afraid it will be difficult to grow up...  

Late at night, just as Luo Cheng was waiting for the new ten days to come.

In the abyss world, a faint brilliance flashed.

A bearded Chekov, holding an ice blue staff, appeared in the grass behind a big tree.

During the day, he avoided the pursuit of the moonwing demons.

After getting out of combat.

He directly found a hidden location and chose to log out of the world of the heavens.

During this period, he also secretly logged into the world of the heavens several times.

However, every time, a moonwing demon could be seen nearby, searching for his traces.

Fortunately, after he logged into the world of the heavens this time, there were no demon soldiers around.

It seems that those demons should have exhausted their patience and went back to the city to rest.

Chekov walked to a large tree at the edge of the forest.

Quietly cast an ultra-long-distance reconnaissance magic.

Floating Ice Mirror Technique!

I saw, with the surge of magic.

In front of him, two smooth ice crystals appeared.

One of them flew into the sky slowly, and the color of the sky was reflected, and it was not noticeable at all.

On the other ice crystal, it was floating in front of Chekov.

Above, there are still moving images.

With the ice crystal in the sky reaching the sky above the Moonwing Demon City.

On the ice crystal in front of Chekov, a huge, demonic city appeared.

Looking at the demons gathered in the city, Emperor Yin.

Chekov frowned.

Today, after he logged out of the world of the heavens, he also made a special trip to check a lot of news about the world of the abyss.

He also asked one of his uncles and seniors.

According to what he described.

His uncle concluded that he should have strayed into an abyss world.

I want to leave the abyss world.

It is necessary to find the corresponding teleportation array.

If you don't find it, you can only choose to commit suicide and wait a day to liberate your soul.

However, the punishment for liberating the soul is too severe.

All the equipment and items on his body, the staff in his hand has exclusive binding characteristics.

If all other equipment items are dropped..

He was afraid that he would have to fight again for a whole year.

To regain the strength it is now.

So, what he's doing now is.

Investigate the situation of Moonwing Demon City, I will go to the location of the portal!


Listening to my uncle, it seems that special teleportation props are required to open the portal.

And special teleportation props, generally only the BOSS will explode!

In Chekov's judgment, the boss with the teleportation props on his body is definitely the final boss in this Moonwing Demon City!


Chekov constantly mobilized his floating ice mirror.

It records the activity area and location of the demons in the city.

I also found the Devil Castle in the center of the Moonwing Devil City!

The location of the boss has been found. to enter Moonwing Mocheng is a problem.

Also, even if the boss is found...

Can I beat it?!

Chekov thought about the attributes and strength of the team of moonwing demons he encountered during the day.

…for flowers…

It's really a little bit of despair.

"Forget it, let's give up the treatment!"

"It's better to delay for a year than to be stuck here!"

Although Chekov said so in his mouth, his body was very honest and did not act.

After all, he was just trapped here, what if, what if he could turn around?!

Just as Chekov boredly stared at the ice mirror in front of him, he continued to observe the distribution of monsters in the Moonwing Demon City.

Not far from him, a faint brilliance suddenly flashed.

Chekov is very familiar with this unique light effect that players log into the heavens.

However, according to common sense, other players should not appear in this kind of place.

Is it...

Before he entered the abyss world, the Orni Mountain who was chasing him came after him?

Thinking of this, Chekov subconsciously raised the ice blue staff in his hand.

Powerful magic, ready to go!

But as the light dissipated, Chekov also saw the person coming.

Fortunately, not white.

Well, it should be the Oni Mountain who came to chase him.

Just, why is this person here?

My uncle clearly said that this kind of space portal that suddenly appears will last for a very short time!

Suddenly, Chekov thought of a possibility.

Could it be that this space portal was opened by this person.


Just accidentally, following behind.... the intruder?

Chekov thought about the scene when he was sent over.


more certain

Well, guesswork in mind!

So, those who dare to take the initiative to open this kind of portal to the abyss.

Will the strength be weak?

Certainly not!

What's more, Chekov quietly used exploration skills.

However, it was found that it was impossible to detect any information about the other party at all.

He couldn't even feel the strength of his breath!


"Hello, boss, my name is Chekov, I'm from Maoxiong Country. Excuse me, are you from Long Country?"

Luo Cheng, who had just logged in to the heavens, looked at the Chico doctor with a flattering smile in front of him, speechless.

This attitude of Chekov really made Luo Cheng a little unaccustomed to.

He felt that his cognition of Maoxiong Kingdom seemed to be a big problem!

People there shouldn't be all...

Carrying AK, shouting Ula...

Also, how did this person appear here?!

"How did you get here?" he asked, not understanding.

With Luo Cheng's current strength, a Tier 5 player like Chekov basically can't pose any threat to him.

Therefore, Luo Cheng is not afraid of Chekov's sudden attack or something.

"Hehehehe, boss, you really are from the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Our two countries have always been brother countries, and they pay attention to helping each other, boss!"

When Chekov heard Luo Cheng's words, the smile on his face became even stronger.

Because, he finally saw the hope of life!

Therefore, Chekov did not dare to neglect Luo Cheng's question.

He quickly explained: "I broke into the deepest depths of the claustrophobic abyss when I was chased by a white man.

"I was accidentally sucked in by a space vortex, and then I came here."

"Did you open that space door? I really didn't break in on purpose!"

"Also, what's your plan next, go to the magic city ahead to kill the boss?"

"I have a map of the guards in the magic city here. This is my floating ice mirror technique. You can see the situation in the city. Wherever you want to see, I can adjust it for you!"

After listening to Chekov's words, Luo Cheng had only one thought in his mind.

That is, the country of Mao Xiong also has talkativeness!!

However, the opponent's skill, the floating ice mirror technique, was quite effective.

You can clearly see the distribution of monsters in the city.

Luo Cheng briefly observed for a while and found that there must be at least 10,000 moonwing demon soldiers in this Mocheng.

Near the center of the Devil's Castle, there are many more advanced window soldiers guarding.

According to Chekov's description.

The soldiers of the Moonwing Demons on the periphery are basically the fifth-order limit, 500-level monsters.

Well, those higher-level magic soldiers guarding the castle.

Either a fifth-order elite monster, or a sixth-order monster!

It can be judged from this.

The boss in the city, that is, the strength of the city lord of the Moonwing Demon City, is the most powerful, that is, the strength of the sixth and seventh ranks.

In this way, the quest given to him by the Demon Slayer Rogge.

There is a lot of hope that it will be done!


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