After about a bag of cigarettes, the Blood Wolf King had already killed all the members of the wolf clan who were in a hurry.

The blood immediately dyed the soil of the entire hill a deep red!

The blood wolf king's white hair has now turned blood red.

His sharp teeth gleamed again.

When the blood wolf king raised his head, the two of them looked at each other.

Qin Mu frowned and stared at the bloodthirsty and violent guy in front of him.

But the Snow Wolf King stuck out his long tongue, licking the blood of his fellow clan sticking to the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the wolf king raised his head and let out a low howl again.


This time, the howl from the wolf king was different from the other times.

The howl was full of killing.

Qin Mu's mouth twitched slightly.

"It seems that this guy wants to fight me to the death."

As soon as Qin Mu finished speaking, he saw the Snow Wolf King suddenly rush towards the hill.

When the blood wolf king rushed to the top of the hill, he howled again.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of red light fell from the sky.

Only seeing this beam of red light immediately wrapped the Snow Wolf King tightly.

Qin Mu couldn't help being surprised when he saw all this.

"Could it be that this guy also wants to transcend the calamity...〃?"

The sudden appearance of such an idea made Qin Mu shiver.

If the Snow Wolf King also chose to transcend the calamity, then the price of his transcending calamity is too great.

He actually used up the life of the whole family.

Doesn't he feel a little bit moved?

Qin Mu gritted his teeth.

After being wrapped in red light for a period of time, the body of the Snow Wolf King began to swell up.

The blood of the family members who were killed by him began to converge towards the position of the red light.

Looking at all this, Qin Mu felt that the scene in front of him seemed somewhat familiar.

In the next second, his face became very ugly.

"Could it be that the Snow Wolf King is offering sacrifices?"

In order to figure out this matter, Qin Mu took a few more steps towards the location where the Snow Wolf King was.

After a period of observation, he finally figured it out.

It turned out that what the Snow Wolf King did was the sacrifice recorded in the legend.

This information about sacrifices, he had only read a few words in some ancient books before.

It is true that I have not seen the whole process of sacrifice with my own eyes.

But he didn't expect that this time he saw the Snow Wolf King, sacrificing the entire family in order to improve his own strength.

He couldn't imagine such a thing happening.

It is said that each sacrifice is granted a special ability.

I just don't know what kind of special ability the Snow Wolf King can get by sacrificing the lives of the whole family this time?

If he really used the sacrifice of the whole family to achieve the state of transcending the calamity.

Then if his transcendence is successful, his strength should not be underestimated.

While he was thinking about the problem, the red light that was wrapped around the body of the Snow Wolf King (Zhao Li Zhao) just started to fade away.

It didn't take long for the red light to disappear.

As Qin Mu thought, after the red light disappeared, you, the Snow Wolf King, have already absorbed all the abilities from your fellow clan members.

Qin Mu looked at standing on the hill, the wolf king had changed color.

He turned into a blood-red Blood Wolf King.

His brows were furrowed.

The Snow Wolf King, who had successfully sacrificed, looked at Qin Mu who was standing on the bluestone.

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