"It can make me cold, and it can also condense the power of ice, making the cold on my body more intense!

"This way, my speed can be increased many times!"

"And the corpse of this giant scorpion, this is a treasure!"

"I can recover from my injury, haha!

The Snow Wolf King laughed excitedly.

Sit down on the spot, cross-legged, and try to absorb.

The body of this giant scorpion contained a huge amount of "seven eight seven" energy, which was absorbed by him violently, and the wounds on the body gradually healed.

Not only the injuries on the body, but also various losses such as spirit and blood power, quickly replenished with the help of this energy.

After a cup of tea.

All the wounds on his body have healed, and his mental strength has also recovered.

He stood up and stretched, and the bones all over his body were crackling.

The body of the giant scorpion is very strong.

This made the Snow Wolf King happy, but also a little wary.

I just came to this place, and I met such a powerful beast. If I continue to enter, I am afraid that the encounter will be even more powerful!

He stood up and suddenly his face changed.

He felt a gaze fall on him.

That gaze carried murderous intent, as if to kill him.

It made his heart beat wildly.

This is not a terrifying secret realm.

Outside the secret realm, monsters are all savage and bloodthirsty beasts, without wisdom, only killing and destroying.

He is extremely sensitive to danger, and once he is targeted, he will surely die.


An angry roar came.

A huge white tiger stepped forward.

The white tiger has six legs, each of which is several feet long.

And its body is covered with hard carapace, it looks like a giant elephant, very terrifying.

The Snow Wolf King immediately drew his sword and rushed towards the White Tiger, his arms spread out.

His muscles were bulging, and the blue veins were prominent.

Holding a long knife in both hands.

His blade shone with a deep cold light, exuding a cold aura.

The white tiger looked at him.

The Snow Wolf King's gaze was also locked on Bai Hu.

The two opponents were thousands of meters apart and looked at each other.

Then rushed forward.


Two powerful forces collided.

The blade of the Snow Wolf King collided with the sharp claws of the white tiger.

The White Tiger's minions were cut off, and the Snow Wolf King's blade was also broken.

The Snow Wolf King took three steps back in a row to stabilize his body.

The white tiger opened its mouth and spewed out a cloud of white mist.

The Snow Wolf King hurriedly avoided.

He gritted his teeth, increased his strength, and rushed forward like a sharp cone hitting his opponent.

"Boom! 35

A huge roar sounded.

The body of the Snow Wolf King slammed into the body of the White Tiger Ferocious Beast, restraining it on the spot.

Without waiting for a response, the Snow Wolf King quickly condensed his true essence, formed a light gun, and slammed into its body.

After rest, his physical strength recovered.

The attack was also extremely fierce at this time.

The six-legged white tiger beast on the opposite side waved its front paws in response.


The light gun of the Snow Wolf King collided with it.

The huge power was transmitted, and the six-legged white tiger beast took a few steps back.

The Snow Wolf King followed with another strong offensive.

1.5 "Roar!"

The six-legged white tiger beast roared angrily, constantly waving its front limbs to resist.

But, these are useless.

The Snow Wolf King is like a majestic mountain, no matter how hard it tries, it cannot climb over it.

Finally, the Snow Wolf King found the right opportunity and seized an excellent opportunity.

The light gun in his hand stabbed the six-legged white tiger beast fiercely, and lifted it up high.

"Bang bang bang!"

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