Qin Mu's face turned ugly.

His gaze fell on the tail of the eternal beast again.

The tail is still extremely tough, and it was the light that pierced the golden giant gate just now.

Qin Mu secretly complained in his heart that it would be very difficult for him to get out of trouble now.

The tail of this eternal beast is simply a weapon of magic.

I have just seen that even Qin Mu can only slash it with the sword of the flood.

It made him feel tricky. "Eight Zero Three"

If it were an ordinary god or a god, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to cut off this tail, let alone behead it.

"It's no wonder that the Eternal Ferocious Beast is so terrifying, it deserves to be an existence in myths and legends.

Qin Mu shook his head, sighed, and could only take one step at a time.

But this is not the time to bow your head.

At this time, he still has the determination to fight, and he will definitely kill it!

He continued to move forward, approaching the Eternal Beast, and the Sword of the Great Desolation also raised.

Seeing Qin Mu approaching again, the Eternal Ferocious Beast couldn't help but be angry and unwilling.

The two figures constantly staggered in the valley, fighting fiercely.

This time, Qin Mu used the supernatural power, and the supernatural power and the sword of the prehistoric became one!

Confronting the Eternal Ferocious Beast, one move after another, the Eternal Ferocious Beast was defeated steadily.

The body of the Eternal Ferocious Beast kept pouring out blood.

Qin Mu's attack was too strong and he was injured.

The eternal beast was damaged, and immediately became angry.

Its body swelled and turned into a giant mountain.


With a roar, the Eternal Ferocious Beast rushed towards Qin Mu.

The tail waved, like a sharp arrow shot towards Qin Mu.

At the same time, the nine heads were also attacking.

Qin Mu couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly fled to the distance.

But he did not escape from the pursuit of the eternal beast and was hit by the tail.

The power on this tail is very powerful, Qin Mu's physical defense is like paper paste in front of this tail.

Qin Mu felt like a piece of dead wood, hit by the tail of the eternal beast.

He endured the pain and attacked the Eternal Ferocious Beast to confront him.

There is absolutely no turning back at this point!


The two figures collided again.

This time, Qin Mu finally had the upper hand.

Although he squeezed his potential to get the advantage!

His fist collided with his tail, knocking it apart, and he fired a skill.

The power is extremely strong, and it will burst out a blood of the ancient beasts..

But this is nothing to its huge body.

The Eternal Beast was beaten to pieces by Qin Mu's supernatural powers, and blood spurted out.

Instead, he was motivated by ferocity.

Going crazy again, his body soared hundreds of times, and he charged towards Qin Mu again.

One of the nine heads opened its mouth and spewed out billowing black smoke, sweeping away like a poisonous mist!

Qin Mu was secretly surprised, this eternal beast is really terrifying!

He jumped up quickly, swinging his sword at the same time.


A golden pistol split out, tearing the poisonous mist into two halves.

"Boom! 35

There was another loud noise, and the poisonous mist was split, revealing the eternal beast inside.

Qin Mu fell to the ground.

1.5 I secretly rejoice in my heart!

The Eternal Ferocious Beast was enraged by Qin Mu, and attacked frantically, and launched a fierce attack on Qin Mu.

Qin Mu was also inspired to fight.

Not to be outdone, he integrated the supernatural powers of the prehistoric swordsmanship and attacked the ancient beasts.

Fight with the ancient beasts.

In this way, the two fought more and more fiercely, and the battle became more and more fierce.

The Eternal Ferocious Beast is powerful, each of its nine heads has magical powers, and can spit out energy of various attributes.

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