The general naturally did not hesitate at all, she directly agreed.

"I am the general of the Qingyou clan. You are good at this time. If I am not wrong, you are probably trying to save them. 35

The general directly stated Qin Mu's origin, and at this time they didn't need to hide and choke.

A faint smile appeared on Qin Mu's face, and he said slowly.

"You're right about "five-three-seven", I came here to ask you to let them go, if you let them go now, your Qingyou clan may be able to sit back and relax in the future.

Qin Mu said some promises of his own, but these words were simply big words to the general and the soldiers around him.

"You are not afraid to flick your tongue when you speak, and dare to say such words in front of our Qingyou clan, it seems that you have enough strength and think we can't do anything about you.

The general expressed his guesses, but he did not release his power from beginning to end.

In fact, he knew in his heart that at the moment Qin Mu had just released his power, he knew that their power was completely lost to Qin Mu.

In any case, things had come to a first step they couldn't handle.

The general is just trying to keep calm now, and he doesn't want anyone to see his panic.

"This guy wants to pass through our Qingyou clan territory for no reason.

"Empty vernacular, passing through our Qingyou territory with thousands of troops, do you think there is no problem?"

The general directly stated his doubts.

This is also the fundamental reason why he did not trust Yu Youwei from beginning to end, if Yu Youwei wanted to go through the Qingyou clan alone.

The general will certainly not have any threat.

But now it's different, Yu Youwei brought thousands of troops, and if a war is launched, their Qingyou clan can be completely destroyed.

Of course he wouldn't dare to gamble on such a thing.

He tried hard to keep himself calm, but he was constantly dealing with Yu Youwei, and he didn't plan to actually do it.

However, now that Qin Mu killed it, it was not as simple as he thought.

The general's expression became extremely solemn, and he didn't know how to face the powerful Qin Mu in front of him.

At this time, the expression of the patriarch Qingyou became extremely cold.

The general kept negotiating with the other party, but the other party did not hide their faces in the slightest.

Whether it was Yu Youwei or Qin Mu in front of them, they only had one purpose when they came out, and that was to pass through the territory of the Qingyou clan.

This is not too complicated a problem, but the problem now is, if these guys are a threat, then their Qingyou people can't afford the price.

An angry look appeared on the patriarch's face, and he roared directly before the general's words fell.

"If you really want to pass through our woodlands, then agree to our conditions. If you can get 200,000 taels of gold, we won't say anything."

After the Qingyou Patriarch's roar of 1.5 fell, Yu Youwei's pupils shrank involuntarily.

He didn't expect that the patriarch Qingyou would increase the price at this time.

"I can tell you very clearly now that if you talk well, then the compensation will definitely not be small, but if you don't plan to talk well and waste time with us here, then don't blame me.


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