Emperor Yan was also anxious at this time.

Because he felt that he had nothing to do with Qin Mu.

Just when Emperor Yan was just imagining, he didn't know what he should do and whether he wanted to continue to maintain the real body of Emperor Yan, Qin Mu smiled.

"Emperor Yan, Emperor Yan, this power of yours is really not good, but you are still so arrogant now, well, let me show you my true power, I only need three skills, and you are finished.

The disdain for Emperor Yan was still prominent in Qin Mu's tone.

At this time, when Emperor Yan heard this, his heart was even more dissatisfied.

He began to growl, waving his right hand.

The fireball began to descend faster, heading towards Qin Mu's face.

At this moment, Qin Mu suddenly flashed.

I saw an extra green and purple wing behind Qin Mu.

The green wings are the power of wind, and the purple wings are the power of thunder.

The power of the wind helps Qin Mu to become lighter.

And Lei can make Qin Mu have explosive ability.

In an instant, Qin Mu's body flashed, and even afterimages appeared one after another in the air.

A total of sixteen afterimages appeared in four positions on Qin Mu's front, back, left, and right.

There are four afterimages in one position, and the staff in his hand is lightly tapped under the ground.

The buzzing sound rang out, and the Emperor Yan suddenly felt that the surrounding situation was not quite right.

He didn't know what was going on either, shouldn't there be a valley around and it was daytime?

But why does this moment seem to be night.

He could see the dark night and a little bit of star movement.

Just as Emperor Yan imagined, Xing Dou suddenly landed.

At the same time, silver chains appeared one after another on the ground.

He tied the Emperor Yan to the ground.

It's a difficult thing for him to wave his hands now.

Is this what Qin Mu did? Qin Mu must have put too much pressure on himself.

Emperor Yan thought in his heart.

When he just imagined it like this, Qin Mu looked at Emperor Yan who was there and said with a smile.

"Emperor Yan, you can't move your power now, so it's up to me."

Speaking of this, Qin Mu suddenly held the scepter in both hands.

0.. ask for flowers...

At the same time, blue ripples appeared on his body, and they fled outside in waves.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Yan took a deep breath.

Because Emperor Yan didn't know what kind of ability Qin Mu was going to use this time.

The fluctuations in him are not weak.

Just when Emperor Yan was imagining it, he found that something was wrong with his body.


Qin Mu's skills applied four or five negative effects to him.

He took a closer look at these negative effects and had only one effect.

That is to make his body move slowly.

Some are curses that Qin Mu casts without knowing when.

Some of it comes from the power of the astrological signs that Qin Mu uses to limit him.

Others come from the power of toxins.

Unexpectedly, Qin Mu used so much power.

The Emperor Yan there was surprised.

And just when he was surprised here, suddenly, the scepter in Qin Mu's hand pointed towards the sky, and nine blue rays of light appeared.

And these nine blue rays of light formed a circle and surrounded the Yandi people in the middle.

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