Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 101: Creating a God, Fully Serve the Great Earthquake

Half an hour later, Pin Xixi arrived at Qianye Town.

"Father Qianye, she is the businessman I told you about!"

Shuang Aoxue introduced to Jiao Yuan.

When Jiao Yuan heard this, he immediately turned his head and looked at it.

I saw a mature woman about 30 years old in front of her. She was dressed in a cheongsam with dark gold stripes and was not wearing any equipment. She looked like an ordinary sub-professional player.

"Hello Dad Qianye, I've heard of the name for a long time!" Pin Xixi's funny expression pleased her.

"... Just call me Qianye!"

Jiao Yuan was speechless for a moment, this woman was much older than himself, and he didn't want to be her father.

Although Jiao Yuan has countless children in "Original", he is shy to call him in front of him, mostly young girls, sisters and brothers.

It was the first time Jiao Yuan faced a woman in her thirties like this.

What this father called made him feel uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for Shuang Aoxue's face, he would probably leave with a cold face!

"Okay, Qianye Great God." Fighting Xixi's good faith, "Listen to Xiaoxue, do you have four sets of equipment packaged for auction? Our Xingchen Auction House is willing to relieve your worries!"

Pin Xixi is a businessman with a keen sense of smell.

She found that a short greeting made the other party feel a little dissatisfied.

If there are no four sets of equipment this time,

So straight to the topic: "If you hand over the equipment to us, our auction house not only does not charge any handling fees, but also guarantees that you don't need to worry about it, just wait for the gold coins to arrive!"

Jiao Yuan had always had a good sense of such decisive businessmen, and felt a little more comfortable.

"As for the handling fee, I don't have any shortage, just charge it at 5% of the official transaction price, but I have a little requirement!"

"any request?"

"It will be sold out in five days at the latest, no problem, right?"

"...Five days is too short, can you give me a few more days?" Pin Xixi hesitated for a moment, and added: "If there are ten days, I can guarantee that these four sets can sell at least 2.1 million gold coins. !"

As a businessman, Pin Xixi is unaware of the prices on the market.

Although even gold-quality equipment is rare at this stage, this does not affect her judgment.

Legendary equipment matching dark gold, what is the concept?

This means that no matter who finally succeeds in one of these four sets, it is tantamount to flying into the sky!

Become the top player second only to Qianye Devil in an instant!

No matter who it is, it is absolutely impossible to remain indifferent.

Especially for those top big guilds, they have to find a way to buy a set!

Suddenly two words popped up in Pin Xixi's mind--

Create a god!

She feels that if she can give her ten days of publicity, and let the big guys who think they have the ability to collect money, and then hold an auction at that time, they will surely be able to auction an incredible price!

It's a pity that Jiao Yuan shook his head and rejected her proposal.

"It's only five days at most, it doesn't matter if you make a little less, I don't care!"


The corners of Pin Xixi's mouth twitched for a moment.

She suddenly remembered that the legendary equipment was unattainable for 99.99% of the players in the whole server, but the man in front of her could get it with little effort.

For him, it doesn't matter if there is more and less!

It's so jealous...

It must be a good relationship!

Pin Xixi settled down and said with a smile, "I promised that there will be no handling fees. It is not a polite. You can consign the equipment to our Star Auction House, which is the greatest benefit to us!"

"If you are satisfied this time, if there are still equipment items that need to be auctioned in the future, I sincerely hope that you can still choose our Star Auction House!"

In Pin Xixi's view, receiving Qianye's order is the most important thing.

Although the exemption of 5% of the handling fee is distressing, she feels that a successful businessman must have a long-term vision!

The 5% handling fee is nothing more than hundreds of thousands of gold coins. Instead of accepting it, it is better to use it to build a good relationship with the other party, and there are more benefits!

And after this auction, its own Star Auction House will instantly become the most famous player auction house.

It is conservatively estimated that 50% of Terran players will choose their own auction houses to buy and sell equipment and items, these are the big money!

Jiao Yuan had nothing to do with Pin Xixi's plea.

"That's OK, let's say that for the first time, you take these equipment!"

Pin Xixi is a businessman introduced by Shuang Aoxue, and Jiao Yuan does not doubt her integrity.

He traded four sets of equipment to Pin Xixi, and then asked a few more words before leaving.

As a guild president, he is also very busy.

And after arriving at the Tianti rank, Jiao Yuan learned that the NPC arena is only held once a year, and now there is no way to gain merit through the arena.

In addition, it takes ten minutes to match the ladder individual match to match a master opponent, which is too inefficient.

But fortunately, by participating in multiplayer PVP, like individual matches, the ranks can be played again from low to high.

But this is an extremely time-consuming thing.


After Pin Xixi took over the equipment from Jiao Yuan, he immediately gathered the team under his hand to plan the auction plan.

The efficiency of their group is very high. In less than half an hour, they began to promote on the player forum.

On the forum, a post turned out, attracting the attention of countless players——

Title: [Want to get legendary equipment? Five days later, at seven o'clock in the evening, Star Auction House, we will see you or leave! 】

Content: The boss of our bank is fortunate to accept the commission of Qianye Great God to sell four sets of equipment in five days. The specific information is as follows——

[Abyss Orb: Lv36 Legendary Mage Secondary Weapon], [Wrath of the Colossus: Lv36 Legendary Scepter], [Red Flash: Lv36 Legendary Assassin Dagger], [Trial Moment: Lv36 Legendary Buckler]!

You can click on the equipment name to view specific attributes.

[Friendly reminder: The legendary equipment in this auction has corresponding dark gold equipment, so you can wear it on the spot if you have enough level! 】

[Want to keep up with that man? Get the gold coins ready, five days later, at seven o'clock in the evening, at the Qianye Town Auction House, see or leave! 】

[Note: The Great God has a request, please do not disturb players who look down on the heroes of the guild! 】

That's right, this post was published by Pin Xixi.

Once it was issued, it was immediately topped by countless players on the homepage.

In an instant, the entire game forum seemed to explode, and countless people began to leave messages at the bottom of the post!

"Fuck, Dad Qianye is going to sell equipment?"

"Legend! There is also matching dark gold, is Dad Qianye giving benefits? I'm so stupid!"

"Hi...This is the horror attribute of the legendary equipment? I can be considered a person who has met the world!"

"I also want to participate. I have saved ten gold coins since the opening of the service. Do you think I can buy admission tickets?"

"Upstairs is thinking about fart, you can also hand in a gold coin to enter Qianye Town, don't think about anything else!"

"Uuuuu~ The guild player who looks down on the heroes has been crying in the toilet!"

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