Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 116 Clear the 300-story Dark Tower, 13 Mythical Quality Treasure Chests

Not counting the enhanced attributes, the Sword of Domination has advanced from the epic level to the myth level, and its basic attack power has doubled!

From 300,000 to a terrifying value of 900,000!

Moreover, the percentage bonus has also increased from 30% to 45%, and there is an extra 760,000 force sensitivity and strong attack passive skills!

In the case of strengthening +10 100% attribute improvement.

900,000 attacks and 760,000 power, doubled once again!

The power of 760,000 is doubled once again with the increase of the second rank passive skill [Power of God]!

Now this mythical-quality Domination Sword can almost increase Jiao Yuan's attack power by 4 million by entering the picture!

This is horrible!

A long sword almost supported more than half of Jiao Yuan's attack panel!

Jiao Yuan himself is about to swell!

After possessing the sword of the myth-level master, his output even felt scared by himself.

If he fights the Undead Bone Dragon again, Jiao Yuan doesn't even need to superimpose passive BUFF, and he will start with a sword [Sword of Destruction], which can be instantaneous!

Of course, this is based on the premise that the undead bone dragon will not trigger the devil's blessing state!

"After the Sword of Domination is advanced, there are still three layers of seals. After all the seals are released, it is really hard to imagine what kind of terrifying attributes it can become!"

Jiao Yuan was a little bit emotional.

It is worthy of the equipment exploded from the final demon god of Lv200, it is really incredible.

This sword can be used for graduation!

It was only a pity that Jiao Yuan was excited, but the task of unblocking the third layer was not triggered.

As expected, this is troublesome.

The process is also full of uncertainty.

However, the lifting of the second-layer seal gave Jiao Yuan some inspiration.

Is it possible to trigger when facing high-level BOSS?

For example, a higher-level Demon God Boss?

"I want to go to the Demon Race as soon as possible, look for the mythical BOSS, and see if I can continue to trigger the task of removing the seal!"

"By the way, let's just do the main task!"

Jiao Yuan muttered two secretly, then withdrew his mind.

At the moment, you still have to clear the Dark Tower and get all the rewards.

The 290th floor BOSS has contributed a mythical treasure chest to him, which can open up equipment and items that match his level and profession.

The BOSS above the 290th floor must also be mythical level, which gives Jiao Yuan some room for reverie.

Can I get a mythical treasure chest every time I clear the level?

Looking forward to it!

"Why are you in a daze, let's go!"

Jiao Yuan greeted Zuo Xiaoxiao and other three NPCs, and couldn't wait to walk to the teleportation formation, hoping to clear the level as soon as possible.

At this time, the three NPCs finally recovered from their shock!

"One sword killed the undead bone dragon?"

Zuo Xiaoxiao suspected that there was a problem with her eyes, but the body of the undead bone dragon was lying there, and she couldn't help but believe it.

"So, are we lying down here?" Qu Tingting was also in a daze.

"...Is this man really the immortal? The immortal who has only appeared in Kalitria for less than four months?" Zuo Siguang muttered to himself, "I feel that I am more than a hundred Years, I have lived on dogs!"

With the eyes of the three of them, it was natural to see that Jiao Yuan finally hit the horror of the sword aura of the Undead Bone Dragon.

To put it awkwardly, even if they were added together without using invincible skills, there was no possibility of surviving.

Zuo Xiaoxiao's four-man team was full, but Jiao Yuan was a strong output teammate, so under Wei Wuji's statement, he half-pushed and half-placed the invitation.

For this, he even did not hesitate to offend another old teammate.

But she didn't expect that the team that she thought filled with her heart was slowly advancing, unexpectedly evolved his solo challenge, and she waited for others to scrape and shout 666!

Zuo Siguang and Qu Tingting share the same idea.

Prosperous in a trance.

After seeing Jiao Yuan's output with their own eyes, the three of them couldn't help but doubt their lives.

Are they really old NPCs who have lived for more than a hundred years?

Why do you suddenly feel like you want to kneel?

Jiao Yuan didn't know the mentality of Zuo Xiaoxiao and others. Seeing them stunned, he couldn't help but beckoned again, "What are you going to do? Clear the 300th floor quickly, so I can go home and sleep!"


Zuo Xiaoxiao and the three people stepped into the teleportation array with a numb face!


Before the Sword of Domination was of epic quality, Jiao Yuan didn't have much effort to deal with the Lv100 Undead Bone Dragon.

He felt that if the mythical BOSS after the 291th floor was not far behind the Undead Bone Dragon, there should be no problem in clearing the level.

Now that the Sword of Domination has advanced to a mythical quality, it is as stable as Mount Tai.

On the next 10 floors, Zuo Xiaoxiao and the other three witnessed Jiao Yuan's more explosive output!

On the 291st floor, the Lv105-level mythical BOSS Dark Devil Dragon, refreshing is to usher in Jiao Yuan’s sword of destruction in seconds!

On the 292th floor, the Lv110-level mythical BOSS Abyssal Banshee, a sword that destroys the world, in seconds!

On the 293th floor, the Lv115-level mythical BOSS eternal dark monarch, the sword of world destruction, loses 99.9% HP in a second, 20 seconds after the invincibility is triggered, a slash of silence will kill again!

On the 294th floor, the Lv120-level mythical BOSS Ice Lord, the Sword of World Destruction drops 79% of HP in seconds, makes up for Silence Slash, and clears the level!

On the 295th floor, the Lv125-level mythical BOSS mountain troll, the sword of the world destroys 61% of HP in seconds, makes up for the silencing slash, and other small skills to clear the level!

296 floors...300 floors!

The Lv150 mythical BOSS Forest Dragon King, the output of small skills is superimposed for half a minute, using the bonus of "Strike" skill damage doubled, release the sword of destruction, knock down 51% of HP, and then use small skills to polish, smoothly pass the level !

Clear the Dark Tower in one breath!

At the next moment, a series of prompts came from the system!

[System reminder: You have cleared the 300 levels of the Dark Tower, rewarding 670 million experience and 60,000 obsidian. 】

[You get the first pass reward: 20,000 free attribute points, 20,000 prestige points, mythical quality treasure chest X1, and the title "Imperial Guardian"! 】

[You have completed the task: "The Guardian of the Empire", get the reward mythical treasure chest X1! 】

[You have cleared all three hundred levels of the Dark Tower. As the first player to clear the level, you will get the first pass reward: 50,000 free attribute points, 50,000 prestige, 1.5 billion experience, 100,000 gold coins, world legend +5, mythical level Treasure Box X1, a full-server announcement is about to be made, do you hide your name? 】


Jiao Yuan no longer needs to hide his name. For the final prompt of the system, just click No.

"The reward of the Dark Tower is really cool!"

"From the 290th floor to the 300th floor, plus the 300th floor reward for the first pass, it gave me close to 5 billion experience, 150,000 free attribute points, 150,000 prestige, 200,000 obsidian, and a total of 13 mythological qualities. Treasure chest!"

Jiao Yuan feels very much.

This reward is too generous!

The level has changed from Lv71 to Lv77 in one go, with a surge in prestige and attributes.

And most importantly, these 13 treasure chests of mythological quality!

Each one represents that the worst is a piece of mythical quality equipment!

Even higher-growth skills!

Seeing the attributes of the Sword of Domination, Jiao Yuan took a deep breath, and some of his hands were itchy!

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