Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 118 The latest panel, new task: observation of the royal family

There are a total of 12 pieces of equipment and 1 skill book out of 13 mythical quality treasure chests.

Among the 12 pieces of equipment, a total of five pieces are overlapped, and Jiao Yuan can only equip seven pieces.

They are deputy, necklace, and five pieces of armor!

After all, it is a mythical quality equipment, none of which has bad attributes.

After all equipment is equipped, Jiao Yuan's attributes become——

ID: Qianye

Level: Lv77 (610 million / 870 million)

Race: Human Race (Race Talent: Skill upgrade experience reduced by 10%)

Occupation: Junior God of War

HP: 9.98 million.

Mana: 1.261 million

Physical attack: 9.81 million to 14.715 million

Magic attack: 4.016 million to 6.008 million

Material defense: 3.91 million.

Magic defense: 3.83 million.

Attributes: strength 4.01 million, agility 2.13 million, stamina 3.28 million, intelligence 1.161 million

Unassigned free attribute points: 0 points

Attack speed: 0.03S/time

Reputation: 2.61 million (worship)

Merit: 1100

World legend: 71

Skills: Lv31 Thunder Footwork, Lv31 Wushuang Flurry, Lv31 Silent Slash, Lv31 Rage, Lv23 Dreadnought MAX, Lv23 Counter Slash Max, Lv23 Dragon Bomb, Lv23 Ultimate Bomb, Lv23 Combo MAX...Lv23 Star Power

Equipment: Sword of Domination (mythical level) Dark Night Shield (mythical level), Ring of Chaos (special jewelry), Heart of Frost (legendary level)...Berlin's armor and shoes (mythical level)

Fashion: Shadow Cloak (S-Class Fashion)

Title: The person who transcends everything, the fearless person, the spider terminator...the guardian of the empire.

Mount: Black (Legendary)


After all equipment was equipped, Jiao Yuan's minimum physical attack power was already close to 10 million!

The various attributes have increased several times compared to yesterday.

The power has become a terrifying four million, the agility is more than two million, the physical strength is more than three million...Even the least-needed intellectual attributes have broken through one million!

And compared to attributes, the skills that come with myth level equipment are even more abnormal.

Jiao Yuan's eyes straightened!

too strong!

Reduce injuries and reach 80% of the game's upper limit!

Only after the level is raised higher, the percentage of damage reduction can continue to increase.

And the skill level, even with the level 2 added by Frost Heart, adds a total of 22 levels!

In other words, the Lv1 skill instantly became Lv23!

Although the 20-second invincibility of the Scarlet Helmet and the Epic Center of the Earth·Bottoms had disappeared due to the replacement of equipment.

But the 7 new myths that came up for Jiao Yuan have a total of 60S invincible time and a 24 hour cooling time.

Skill passively increases damage by 130%.

Automatically restore 2% of HP every second!

A skill that instantly restores 100% blood volume can be used once within 24 hours.

It can be used once per minute to add a shield that can absorb 50% of itself for all teammates within 2000 meters!

The newly acquired skill [Lv21 Star Power] is a rare domain type skill in the world!

Effect: every second to the target within 300X300 meters, cause 310% damage to your own attack power, increase your own 4D attributes by 310%, reduce skill CD by 30%, BUFF effect lasts for 180 seconds, and cool down for 24 hours!

Not only has a high amount of continuous damage, but it can also increase a huge amount of four-dimensional attributes!

After releasing the skill BUFF time, almost doubled the extra base panel!

"so horrible……"

After browsing line by line, Jiao Yuan felt a little scared himself!

"Now my attributes, it is estimated that even NPC camps are rare opponents, right? Maybe only god-level NPC humanoids can pose a threat to me!"

After a long time, Jiao Yuan gradually calmed down.

Next, he is going to the demon clan camp to inquire about the dynamics of the ancient gods.

Originally there was some lack of confidence, but now, he is full of confidence.


The Tower of Darkness has been completely cleared, and Jiao Yuan has nothing to do in the imperial city, so he plans to go back to the guild to rest and do the main task.

"Except for the Sword of Domination +10 and the Heart of Frost +5, the rest of the equipment should also be strengthened and strengthened, and once again upgraded a wave of attributes... The materials are enough, but the gap in gold coins is very large... Then sell low-level legendary equipment. Bar!"

"There are a total of 116 targets in the main quest, and they are destined to stay in the demon camp for a long time. You have to take care of the guild..."

"Now I have five spare Lv77 mythical equipment and three epics. Put these in the guild warehouse!"

Jiao Yuan thought for a moment, and decided to put the equipment he didn't use in the guild warehouse.

Of course, the myth-level equipment is too powerful, and the guild contribution required for each piece of equipment is definitely an astronomical figure.

Therefore, the members can only drool and appreciate it for at least two years.

But even so, it can be considered a disguised increase in the cohesion of the guild.

After all, looking at the whole server, which guild is there that can even have mythical equipment like its own?

Seeing a guild warehouse with such high quality equipment, who would be willing to leave unless his brain is abnormal?

Just when Jiao Yuan went to the teleportation array, ready to leave the imperial city.

Suddenly, Zuo Xiaoxiao followed!

"Lord Qianye, wait for me!"

"What's wrong?"

Jiao Yuan was taken aback and scratched his head.

After clearing the Dark Tower, he can directly receive various rewards from the game system, but Zuo Xiaoxiao and other three NPCs have to go to the palace to receive the rewards of the Human Empire, so they scattered as soon as they cleared the level.

Jiao Yuan thought that the connection between Zuo Xiaoxiao was running out.

But now she is looking for herself, what is she doing?

Is it to post a task?

Jiao Yuan stopped decisively and looked at Zuo Xiaoxiao suspiciously.

"Then what, help me, the top of the royal family already knows about your clearance of the Dark Tower. The emperor himself is very curious about such a powerful immortal like you and began to pay attention to it, so I sent me to observe the immortal group, which is convenient Do you walk together?" Zuo Xiaoxiao explained briefly.

At this time, the panel prompts arrived as scheduled.

[System reminder: You have triggered the hidden task "Observation of the Royal Family"]

[Task content: After Sword Emperor Li Chungang informed the Human Emperor about the recovery of the demon camp and the gods, the Human Emperor decided to do everything possible to improve the nation's combat power. On this occasion, your heroic figure entered the Emperor’s sight, causing the Emperor to right? The curiosity of the destroyer (player) camp decided to send Zuo Xiaoxiao to observe. 】

[Task progress: a total of ten rings (0/10)]

【Task Reward: It will be settled according to the degree of completion. 】

Jiao Yuan's mouth twitched.

I didn't even clarify the task evaluation criteria. It was a strange task...

However, no matter how strange it is, for the sake of a task chain, Jiao Yuan has no reason to fail.

"What do you want to observe?" Jiao Yuan asked.

"Potential, growth rate!"

"...Okay." Jiao Yuan nodded and invited: "I created a group of players, one of the strongest among the immortal. Would you like to stay in my territory?"

The territory is Qianye Town, Zuo Xiaoxiao naturally knows, he is immediately happy when he hears that, "That would be better!"

She has seen Qianye's strength with her own eyes.

To be honest, he almost killed the mythical bosses on the last eleven floors of the Tower of Darkness.

Such a master, there is no need to blame her.

The strongest among the immortal? Very good!

But the next second Jiao Yuan's words made her stunned.

"It's okay to help you observe, but what's the advantage?"

"Good, good?"

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