Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 125: Jiao Yuan's Domineering Response

"It's just an Lv10 mythical dagger. You have to be forgiving and forgiving. I believe Qianye is not a person with a small belly!"

"Yes, yes, the Great Devil Qianye has so many mythological quality equipment, so would he still covet this?"

"Bigill is too pitiful, will the only mythical dagger capital be handed over? The Great Devil Qianye wants to kill him?"

"The Great Devil Qianye, wouldn't he not even have such a tolerant belly, would he? No, would he not?"

"Hehe, should it be Qianye's father's business, you group of Madonna's disease is so disgusting!"

"That is, what is the age, and still uphold the idea of ​​‘the weak are justified’? Are they mentally retarded?"


There don’t need to be many players with rhythm, and one in a hundred will make others feel very irritable.

On the forum, because of the sudden appearance of players, many people are disgusted.

In their mouths, if Jiao Yuan forcibly wanted to take Bijir's mythical quality dagger, it would be a small belly chicken intestine, which could not tolerate people, and his character would be corrupt.

On the contrary, if it ends here, it is worthy of the title of the first person in "Original"!

A discerning person knows at a glance that this is all perverted reasoning.

After all, who stipulated that the first player in the game should be generous and informal?

This kind of remarks similar to moral kidnapping really makes people look down on it.

But unfortunately, there are a lot of ordinary players, I believe it.

They were distorted by the central idea of ​​"the weak are justified," and they gradually felt that if Jiao Yuan didn't let off Prince Bijier, he would call him the number one player in the game, and his virtue was not worthy.


Demons, Blood Moon City.

"The president is awesome, how did you come up with such a useful trick?"

"Handsome! Under the pressure of public opinion, what will Qianye do now?"

"No matter how high your personal combat power is, what's the use? My brain is not so good! Hehehe~"

Around Prince Bigir, a dozen players from the dark monarch management gave him thumbs up.

That's right, it is Prince Bigil himself who instructs the players to bring the rhythm on the forum!

As the president of a large guild, he is well aware of the horror of public opinion and has experience in how to bring rhythm.

Seeing that the water on the forum was muddy, Bigil couldn't help but enjoy it.

"Most ordinary players have no firm thoughts and are easy to be influenced. It is often the east wind that overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. The focus of the question now has changed from whether I should give the dagger to Qianye to Qianye, right? Questions that should be accepted!"

Bigir felt that after the turmoil on the forum, Qianye would most likely not find his troubles.

After all, the reference was taken from the incident that "the president who once despised the guild, offended him over and over again, and he only retaliated once and ignored it".

Qianye still attaches great importance to face, and he is probably unwilling to leave a careless label in the hearts of all server players.

"Seeing that so many players think that he should let me go, Qianye shouldn't be entangled anymore, right?"

"At least, it shouldn't be on the bright side!"

Bigil murmured twice.

In his opinion, Qianye has given people a perfect personality from when he became famous.

Powerful, mysterious, domineering, generous, gentle...

There is a high probability that he will not kill himself completely because of this little thing.

Otherwise, the perfect person may collapse.

Besides, what effect does the LV10 mythical dagger have on him? In order to use the equipment that you don't need, destroy your perfect personality? Not worth it!

Thinking of this, Bigir smiled again on his face.


As the protagonists on both sides did not speak, the turmoil on the forum gradually became more and more intense.

It's natural for Jiao Yuan to know such a lively thing.

He is not Xiaobai either. After understanding the cause and effect, he deliberately looked for the most active players with the rhythm, most of them are demons.

Seeing this, Jiao Yuan understood who the commander was behind the scenes.

"It's a very insidious trick to mobilize public opinion, but is this an attempt to lose the bet?"

"Haha, interesting!"

Jiao Yuan couldn't help laughing.

Originally, he was going to let go of this matter gently.

As long as he is softer than Jill, he might sell his dagger to him once he is happy, just because he is short of gold coins to strengthen the mythical quality equipment.

But now that Bigil does this, it makes Jiao Yuan a little unhappy.

What's this? Is it moral kidnapping?

Jiao Yuan thought for a while and responded publicly on the forum with his ID.

He also didn't specify that Bigil was the commander behind the scenes, because without more accurate evidence, speaking out might be counterproductive.

Most people may find it difficult to face this situation, but Jiao Yuan will not be trapped by the name.

As for the so-called "perfect personality" that Bigir thought?

Jiao Yuan believes that the Virgin Mary is not included in his perfect personality.

"Those players who persuade me to be kind, shut up!"

"Everyone has to pay for their actions!"

"I, Qianye, formally informed that if Prince Bigir fails to follow the agreement and sends a piece of mythical quality equipment to Qianye Town within a week, I will personally go to Blood Moon City to ask for advice and see if I dare to do so. what!"

There were very few responses, only a few sentences.

But the shock caused on the forum has a finalized effect.



This is the impression Jiao Yuan gave to outside players at this time!

As soon as the three-sentence post came out, it immediately aroused the responses of countless players.

"Great, Dad Qianye is domineering!"

"You want the talent I gave you, but I don't give it to you. How dare you take it? This is the first-person pattern of the game!"

"Yes, what about those with a rhythm? Come out and talk about your thoughts!"

"I'm expecting that Bigil will not hand over the dagger in a week, there must be a good show at that time!"

"Cut, I don't think Bi Jill has the guts, right?"

"Why the Great Devil Qianye is like this? I have to forgive others and forgive others..."

"Breaking out!"

In this rhythm of public opinion, the players who supported Jiao Yuan's fulfillment of the gambling agreement, seeing the strong response of the Lord, suddenly enjoyed themselves.

In their opinion, this kind of reckless, domineering and reasonable person is worthy of the title of the first player in the game.

Otherwise, the words of the Virgin will definitely make most of the players who support him feel aggrieved.

From a certain point of view, Jiao Yuan's response can be regarded as standing up and resisting the pressure for fans.

Contrary to these people, the rhythmic players, the mood takes a turn for the worse.

The mastermind behind the scenes, Bi Jill, looked more gloomy, anxious and panicked.

"Fak Qianye, if he dares to do this, is he not afraid of the collapse of the human design?"

"Hmph, I want me to hand over the mythical dagger. It's not that simple. I want to see if he can be so arrogant in front of the advanced NPC of Blood Moon City!"

Bigir decided to ignore it and contend to the end!

Anyway, when the sky fell, there was a tall man against it. If a human player dared to come to Blood Moon City, the NPC forces were the first to refuse.

You know, the human race and the devil race have been incompatible with fire and water since three thousand years ago!

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