Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 127 The battle between fighting the world and Pian Pian Xueer, after-sales service?

Terran Lieyang City, Headquarters of the Hot Sun Trade Union.


A young trial pastor smashed the cup severely, gasping for breath.

"To fight the world, deceive people too much!"

"My iron head baby is not at odds with him!"

The many high-level leaders of the Sun Guild around him also looked filled with righteous indignation.

"Yes, Zhan Tianxia will pay for his recklessness!"

"Dare to play murder with us? Our Hot Sun Guild is not easy to provoke!"

"Special, let's go to war with the shining stars guild, president!"

"We can't swallow this breath!"

The atmosphere in the meeting room was full of anger. Almost everyone said that they would make the world pay the price, or even a little bit more radical, that they would directly start a guild war.

The president, Xueer, sat in the uppermost position calmly, and did not make a decision.

The most ugly face in front of the trial priest Tietouwa was her ineffective younger brother.

The equipment purchased from the previous Star Auction House spent huge sums of money was also equipped on his body for the first time.

Of the ten pieces of equipment, Xueer is very familiar with each one, and she can see it at a glance.

At this time, the most important legendary small round shield on Tietouwa's body was gone!

Just half a day ago, the shining guild leader and the world gathered 2,000 players to kill the iron head baby in seconds.

At that time, Tietouwa was still a red name, and with very bad luck, he directly exploded the Legendary Buckler [Judgement Moment]!

This is the reason why this group of people are discussing here.

"Sister, I really can't swallow this breath, let's go to war with Zhan Tianxia!" Tie Touwa said with gritted teeth.

"Shut up, I'll make my own decision on this matter!" But Xueer gave him a cold look, "If it wasn't for your red name, could you be exposed to equipment? Humph, you are also responsible for this matter!"

Tietouwa opened her mouth, her face turned blue, but she did not dare to speak.

However, Xueer is right. If he is always in a white name, the probability of being exposed to equipment is less than 1%, and the probability of being exposed to the legendary small buckler in one death is less than 0.1%.

Therefore, he does have to bear some responsibilities for this matter.

And the most important thing is that Xueer wasn't the demon helping brother, and told him to shut up, but he didn't dare to speak.

The high-level guilds around looked at each other, and they all fell silent in unison.

No matter how fierce they are here, the person who finally made the decision is still the president of the president.

But Xueer glanced across the group of people, and said in a deep voice:

"The shining stars guild forces are in the Colosseum. The cross-city battle is too heavy for us. In order to purchase equipment, we owe a lot of debts and can’t afford it. Also, there must be a large number of players to protect the world. Name, it’s hard to burst out!"

"Moreover, this matter has a follow-up! What if he won the [Judgement Moment] against the world? Can't wear it, it's just a decoration!"

As soon as the voice fell, a member of the guild reported that Zhan Tianxia and a team of one hundred people arrived at the center of Lieyang City, wanting to negotiate with Fan Xueer.

"Dare to come to our Lieyang City, this is a decision. Don't we dare to kill him in front of the NPC? Go, we will meet him!"

But Xueer's eyes flashed, and she walked out first.


Soon, the group arrived at the center of Lieyang City.

From a distance, I saw that Zhan Tianxia and a group of people were standing in place comfortably, and the president Zhan Tianxia himself did not know where to find a chair, with a relaxed face.

But Xueer glanced away and found that this place was chosen really well.

The City Lord’s Mansion is not far away, and NPC soldiers line up to pass by from time to time.

Players who dare to play here, regardless of whether they can beat the opponent or not, will surely be caught by private soldiers and sent to prison for a while.

Seeing the partial Xueer's gaze, Zhan Tianxia felt in his heart.

This girl, really wants to kill him!

No, I have to quickly dispel her thoughts.

"Hehe, but President Xueer, since I dare to come, the Legendary Buckler will naturally be stored in a safe place, don't imagine it, and negotiate!"

However, Xue'er sighed impenetrably, then turned to raise her mind, and said in a cold voice: "We will admit this matter. Let's talk about it. Under what conditions will you return the small buckler to us?"

In Xueer's view, Zhan Tianxia just wanted to take the opportunity to make a mistake.

As long as it can be solved with gold coins, it is not a big problem.

Anyway, I owe too many debts, and it’s no problem to make an extra. The big deal is to borrow another one. After buying [Judgement Moment], the Sun Guild has a lot of allies, and it’s not a big problem to borrow three to five million gold coins.

I'm afraid that simply gold coins will fill the appetite of the world.

Therefore, Xueer is already ready for hemorrhage.

However, she still underestimated Zhan Tianxia's appetite.

"Actually, what I want is very simple. Your Hot Sun Guild can become the branch guild where my stars shine. Then we are all a family, and the equipment will naturally be returned to you."

As soon as the voice fell, the faces of the members of the Sun Guild present changed drastically.

The killing intent in Tietouwa's gaze towards Zhan Tianxia seemed to be reduced to substance.

But Xueer's eyes suddenly became cold.

"A legendary buckler would dare to make such a request? Are you lunatic?"

Although the value of [Judgement Moment] is very high, it is not comparable to the Sun Guild.

In Xueer's eyes, Zhan Tianxia is dreaming!

"No, no, no, why is this lunacy? Obviously, I am thinking very carefully!" Zhan Tianxia narrowed his eyes, "Now this matter has not been spread to the outside world, right? You said, I will change the small round shield The matter of the Lord broke out, what would your creditors think?"

But Cher's expression froze.

Before borrowing gold coins and promising to return them to others in the future, it is not only gold coins, but also a certain amount of high-quality equipment.

Now that the news that the Legendary Buckler is gone, those creditors know that they can still believe that the Sun Guild will be able to repay the loan as agreed?

This is a huge blow to the reputation of the guild.

One who is not careful can even become a target of public criticism.

"Huh, if you have the ability, you can pass it on!" But Xueer quickly found a way to deal with it. "As long as you dare to pass it, the Great Devil Qianye will learn that the buyer of his equipment has been intercepted and killed. Is it possible for him to provide after-sales protection?"

"...Smelly woman, do you think I'm scared?"

Zhan Tianxia panicked and almost jumped up and couldn't help but yell.

He didn't expect that Xueer would be so cheeky.

It’s just a game, but there is still after-sales service? Never heard of it!

But even if there is a 1% possibility, Zhan Tianxia dare not presumptuous.

Because, with his ten thousand courage, he didn't dare to go against Jiao Yuan.

After all, the last emperor who went against him is still on the pillar of shame!

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