Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 131 New Missions and Unbearable Sky Ghosts

[System reminder: You found the sleeping place of Edmund, the quest "Advanced Hellhound". 】

[Content: Killing the mythical NPC of the demon clan, Xiao Hei can be upgraded (0/10)]

[Task reward: Hellhound can be upgraded to a god-level mount, and the level is not limited by the upper limit of experience! 】

[Do you accept the task? 】

[System reminder: You found the sleeping place of Edmund, the main mission "Exploring the Devil's Camp" mission completion degree is +1]

New missions to advance the Hellhound!

Jiao Yuan's spirit suddenly shocked.

This task was too timely, and I did not hesitate to accept it.

The three-headed Hellhound Xiao Hei, since the last time he was upgraded to Lv40 in Yunmeng Swamp, he couldn't continue to increase his level, and Jiao Yuan had no clue.

These days, because they are dealing with high-level BOSS, unless he is on his way, Jiao Yuan rarely summons Xiao Hei.

Now that Xiaohei sees the hope of advancement, how can he be unhappy?

After all, although it is only a mount, in fact, the combat power is not bad at all, which is equivalent to raising a loyal BOSS.


The completion level of the main task also reminded Jiao Yuan that he had not found the wrong target.

As soon as I came to the Demon Race, I was lucky enough to encounter one of the mission goals.

"Damn human beings, how dare you touch the dormant place of the heavenly ghost with your dirty hands?"


The demon creatures still alive on the altar rushed towards Jiao Yuan in an attempt to stop him.

But how could Jiao Yuan be affected?

If you dare to come up, just kill it in seconds.

He also didn't deliberately slaughter these creatures, because he couldn't explode equipment items, and taking the initiative was a waste of time.

Instead, he raised his sword and cut it down at the coffin board!

"Xiao Hei's advanced task is to kill ten demon kings, so the heavenly ghosts are dead, and Jesus can't stop them, I said!"

"And if you kill, maybe there will be additional progress rewards for the main mission..."

The degree of freedom given by the third ring of the main mission is too high. Just exploring, how can Jiao Yuan be satisfied?

Now there is a chance, of course, it is going to be slaughtered.


The coffin board didn't know what material it was made of, and the sharpness of the sword of the mythical master could only be cut in half, and there was no way to continue.

But it doesn't matter at this time.

Because the coffin board suddenly scattered like dust, a handsome demon NPC about two meters high appeared in front of him.

It's not Edmund, who else can it be?

Jiao Yuan threw a reconnaissance technique--

【Tiangui Maharaja Edmund (Myth Grade)】

【Level: Lv50】

【HP: 8 million】

[Attack power: 1.01 million]

[Defense: 860,000]

[Skills: Sacrifice, Lava Meteorite, Spiritual Intelligence, Abyss Gaze, Awe, Summon Demon...]

[Mythical BOSS Aura: All attributes of oneself are increased by 100%. 】

[Status: recovering (5% of peak strength)]


The Lv50 Heavenly Ghost Maharaja has an attribute that is not tough, not even lower than Jiao Yuan's Lv'50.

A skill, unpredictable power, no shortage of output, control, and defense.

But in front of Jiao Yuan, it is not enough to see!

"Human powerhouse, what's your name?" Tiangui opened his eyes, looked at the surrounding situation, and instantly judged the situation.

Jiao Yuan didn't answer, and directly raised the sword: "The dead don't need to know..."

Take a sword and slash it directly!

Hurry and be ruthless!

-799.9 million!

Huge numbers emerge.

In an instant, the sky ghost seemed to be split in half.

In the battle information, a line flashed--

[Combat Information: You use a normal attack on "Edmond the Devil", Edmund suffers lethal damage, triggers the "Devil's Asylum" skill, and enters 20S invincibility! 】

It was just a normal attack with a single sword, without using any skills, almost instantly knocking the sky ghost off!

If it weren't for the 20-second invincibility protected by the Demon God, it would really be dead, because the damage had already overflowed!

"Lv50 mythical BOSS, it's too easy..."

Jiao Yuan murmured faintly, feeling no pressure at all.

On the other side, the sky ghost was stunned.

What's this?

To what extent can a human being kill me with a single sword?

Is the era after three thousand years so dangerous?

The heavenly ghosts began to doubt people...the devil was born.

Seeing Jiao Yuan standing silently on the spot, staring at him with the gaze of the dead, the heavenly ghost suddenly felt aroused.

"Wait, why kill me?"

Jiao Yuan was taken aback, "I am a human race. Isn't it normal to kill demons?"

Anyway, Twenty Seconds of Invincible can't do anything about it, and there may be unexpected gains in a few words.

After all, Jiao Yuan has already seen that this mythical boss seems to be persuaded!

"That's why?"

"Of course, otherwise what else can there be?"

"...What's the benefit of killing me? Why don't you let me go, wealth and strength, as long as you want, I can give you!" Tiangui said hurriedly.

"What do you have?" Jiao Yuan was curious. This scene reminded him of the first meeting with Mount Xiao Hei.

If the heavenly ghost gives him a bargaining chip, such as when he is an NPC servant or something, then he must be merciful.

Although the game system hasn't opened up NPC follower and other functions, he thinks there should be any way for the mythical boss of the demon clan, after all, Xiao Hei can take out the contract scroll.

Unfortunately, the sky ghost shook his head.

"Three thousand years ago, the battle of God was too difficult. I have nothing. Therefore, I can only give you this!"

Speak, take out a small pile of legendary and dark gold equipment.

"...These are not enough!" Jiao Yuan was speechless, the legendary equipment was okay, and he didn't bother to pack the dark gold equipment in his backpack.

Poor ghost!

"Why don't you be my servant? I know that your demons have a contract or something, come to a master-servant contract!" Jiao Yuan simply proposed.

"Impossible, I dared to let the great sky ghost Edmond serve as a servant. Don't even think about this kind of thought!" The sky ghost was angry, as if being insulted, "If it is at peak combat power, you are like this. Little character, I can run to death by lifting my finger, otherwise, would you have this opportunity?"

"Hehe, don't beep these, now I can kill you!"

"Anyway, when I want to be a servant, you don't even think about it!" The sky ghost looked stiff, "Anyway, I won't really die, it's a big deal to sleep for thousands of years!"

"Oh, wait for you to die, the time is almost here!"

The invincible time protected by the demon god has begun to count down.

5, 4, 3, 2...

Jiao Yuan raised his long sword, preparing to kill the heavenly ghost.

However, at this moment the silent heaven ghost spoke again.

"Wait, what conditions do you want to let me go?"

Jiao Yuan had an idea, "It's not impossible to let you go..."

In the sky ghost's sudden surprise gaze, Jiao Yuan said: "Tell me the sleeping positions of all the princes and gods of the demon clan."

If the heavenly ghost could tell himself, Jiao Yuan's time would have been saved too much.

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