Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 148 Ancient Ruins, the Destroyed Arad Continent?

Aside from the attention of the outside world, Jiao Yuan started to look at the surrounding environment.

[Random Teleportation Scroll] After use, the range is only within the current camp, so he is still in the territory of the Demon Race!

What appeared in front of Jiao Yuan now was an endless ice field.

The cold wind was bitter, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere.

Judging from the map that comes with the game system, this is the northernmost map of the Demon Clan-the Arctic Icefield.

Jiao Yuan looked at the coordinates he had learned from Edmund, the sky ghost, and frowned.

"In the entire Arctic Icefield, there is only one mythical boss, but it is too far from my position. It is estimated that it will take at least five days to arrive!"

It's too close to the north, and even the living things are scarce.

For his progress in continuing to do the main task, there are some negative effects.

However, there is plenty of time, and Jiao Yuan is not in a hurry, but the biggest question before him is how to avoid the next chase by the Lord of the Abyss?

After the previous battle, Jiao Yuan had to admit that his strength was much worse than that of the Lord of the Abyss, and he was not of an order of magnitude at all.

Now that I have used the only [Random Teleportation Scroll], if it is found by the Lord of the Abyss again, the situation will not be good!

As the controller of the entire demon camp, Jiao Yuan didn't report any extravagant hopes about whether he could find himself.

"It's too dangerous to stay in the demon camp now. If you are killed by the Lord of the Abyss, exploding a piece of equipment on your body is a huge loss, and if you control it and you can't even die, then It's even more miserable!"

"Hey, if you give me some more development time..."

Jiao Yuan sighed, thinking about countermeasures silently.

The best way at the moment is to temporarily abandon the third ring of the main mission, first return to the human camp, wait until the strength is almost catching up with the Lord of the Abyss, and then come to the Demon Race territory wave.

But although Jiao Yuan is confident, there is no absolute certainty about how long this process will take!

Moreover, the main task must be delayed!

Jiao Yuan was a little unwilling to think of this.

"Now what can I do to improve my strength quickly?"

Jiao Yuan silently checked his inventory, hoping for any help.

Lots of legendary and epic equipment?

It's all rubbish!

The best is worn by him!

A treasure chest of mythical quality?

The level has not been improved, and the promotion of mythical quality equipment will not improve him much.


In the Yunmeng Swamp, some enchanting materials were shot out, and they have been idle in the backpack.

Now after the game is updated, it can be used, but it is estimated that the improvement is not big, and you have to go back to the human race to find an NPC to use it.

In the same way, mounts and pets basically have to go back to the main city of the human race before they can be obtained through the newly-produced dungeon, and the chance of obtaining them in the wild is too low.

What is left then?

Jiao Yuan looked at the items in his backpack line by line, suddenly his eyes lit up.

[Item: Admission Ticket for Ancient Ruins]

This dungeon ticket exploded from Demon King Doze, because it was originally required to be Lv80 to enter, it has been kept in the corner of the backpack by him.

Turning it out now, Jiao Yuan suddenly felt hopeful.

"Ancient... A copy that can be named with these two words must not be simple!" Jiao Yuan muttered to himself.

Judging from the background story of "Original", the farthest one is the war of the gods that swept across the entire continent three thousand years ago.

But three thousand years of time obviously cannot be called ancient times, at best, it can be called ancient times.

Therefore, the antiquity must be a more distant age!

"Hope I can find a way to quickly improve my strength in it!"

"Otherwise, for safety reasons, I can only leave the demon camp temporarily..."’

Jiao Yuan made up his mind and decided to explore this ancient relic first.

Anyway, he is now at Lv79, and his experience bar is more than half past. It won't be long before he can reach Lv80.

No matter how well-informed the master of the abyss is, it is obviously impossible to be so fast.


The map of the Arctic Ice Field is very large, and monsters are scarce due to the bad weather.

But there are also several kinds of creatures like "ice apes," which are not very difficult to find.

The most important thing is that the Arctic Icefield is a high-level book, and the monsters in it are all Lv120 or above, which makes Jiao Yuan's experience gain very fast.

In less than a day, he reached Lv80!

ID: Qianye

Level: Lv80 (0.01 billion/12.9 billion)

Race: Human Race (Race Talent: Skill upgrade experience reduced by 10%)

Occupation: Junior God of War

HP: 14.66 million.

Mana: 1.81 million

Physical attack: 14.17 million ~ 21.085 million

Magic attack: 6 million to 9 million

Material defense: 4.91 million.

Magic defense: 4.63 million.

Crit: 99% (same level, leapfrogging will reduce the chance)

Blast damage: 170% (at the same level, the upper limit will be reduced if you leapfrog)

Attributes: strength 5.16 million, agility 3.12 million, physical strength 3.29 million, intelligence 1.47 million

Unassigned free attribute points: 0 points

Attack speed: 0.03S/time

Reputation: 2.61 million (worship)

Meritorious service: 69 thousand

World legend: 71

Skills: Lv31 Thunder Footwork, Lv31 Wushuang Flurry, Lv31 Silent Slash, Lv31 Rage, Lv23 Dreadnought MAX, Lv23 Counter Slash Max, Lv23 Dragon Bomb, Lv23 Ultimate Bomb, Lv23 Combo MAX...Lv23 Star Power

Equipment: Sword of Domination (mythical level) Dark Night Shield (mythical level), Ring of Chaos (special jewelry), Heart of Frost (legendary level)...Berlin's armor and shoes (mythical level)

Fashion: Shadow Cloak (S-Class Fashion)

Title: The person who transcends everything, the fearless person, the spider terminator...the guardian of the empire.

Mount: Black (Mythology)


In terms of attributes, the improvement is not big.

The free attribute points obtained from the upgrade are all allocated to strength and agility in a ratio of 5:5.

Jiao Yuan didn't think much about it, so he directly took out the [Ticket to the Ancient Ruins] and crushed it hard!

In the next moment, a flower appeared in the ruins!

[System reminder: You have reached the Arad continent that was destroyed by the ancient gods after the war 100,000 years ago! 】

Ancient God War?

Destroyed continent, Arad?

Jiao Yuan was taken aback.

The name of this continent gave him a very familiar feeling!

"what is it?"

Jiao Yuan is thinking hard.

Finally, he remembered!

Before the real world was destroyed, he used to play an ancient stand-alone game because of his boredom. The name seemed to be "Poisoned Milk Powder and Warriors". The background story was the Arad continent!

Because this game is operated by a computer, it has no advantage in front of many online games of the whole series.

Had it not been for Jiao Yuan to experience it because of its pitifulness, it might be called the worst game in history!

Because Jiao Yuan found that he was the only player from the beginning to the end!

But just this, after losing interest because of customs clearance, Jiao Yuan also retreated decisively.

And now that he heard the Arad continent in "The Original", it made him think deeply.

"Is it a coincidence or is there a mysterious connection?"

Jiao Yuan frowned.

At this moment, a nice female voice suddenly heard——

"Warrior, it's been a long time!"

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