Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 150-The Place of Trial, Screaming Cave


Jiao Yuan was startled, and looked at Celia with some reproach, "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Celia stuck out her tongue mischievously, "I said it earlier, maybe you won't agree, I don't want to wait another hundred thousand years!"

Jiao Yuan was startled.

This was a reaction, it was just an opportunity for him, but for Celia, it was a hundred thousand years of waiting!

One hundred thousand years!

I was alone in these 100,000 years, and I don’t know how Celia survived alone!

No matter what, it must be an extremely long wait!

Jiao Yuan's expression softened, "Okay, I won't blame you this time!"

After hearing the words, Celia stepped forward to grab Jiao Yuan's right hand, and said with emotion, "Thank you, Warrior Qianye!"

"Don't talk about it, tell me what conditions are needed to become a dungeon lord?" Jiao Yuan asked.

"A qualified dungeon lord needs to undergo a lot of trials and become a junior dungeon lord. The first step is to clear the King-level Screaming Cave!"

Celia waved her small hand, and in the ruins in front of him, a swirling nest gleaming with red light appeared, just the size of a person Jiao Yuan could enter, and explained:

"There have been many wars in the Arad continent, but apart from the ancient wars at the beginning, there are a total of four important wars, the simplest of which is the Screaming Cave!"

"As long as you complete the trial of the Grief Cavern, you will be initially qualified!"

As soon as the voice fell, a new task appeared in Jiao Yuan's ear——

[Temporary task: "Become a primary dungeon lord", trigger! 】

[Quest content: Clear the Screaming Cave of King Difficulty within 10 minutes. 】

【Duration of the mission: within 7 days. 】

[Task success reward: change the career to a junior dungeon lord. 】

[Punishment for mission failure: Lose the qualification to become a lord! 】

[Do you accept the task? 】

There is nothing to hesitate, Jiao Yuan just click to accept!

In his memory, the Screaming Cave was a copy of Lv60, and he didn't know how many copies of the "Original" world it was.

However, the prerequisite for using [Ancient Ruins] is Lv80. It is estimated that the monsters in the Grieving Cave are at least Lv80 or above.

But Jiao Yuan is not worried.

Because the mission limit is one week, but there is no limit to the number of entries.

In other words, it doesn't matter if you didn't clear the customs at the beginning, or if the customs clearance time is less than ten minutes, just keep working hard later.

"I'm going in!"

Jiao Yuan waved his hand to Saylia, and stepped over to the dungeon's entrance.

At the last moment when he entered the copy, he heard Celia muttering to himself.

"Warrior of the Thousand Nights, how lucky to be able to meet you again!"

"Today is also a day full of hope!"


[System prompt: You have entered the dungeon "Sorrowing Cave (King Difficulty)"! 】

The scenery in front of Jiao Yuan changed, and the next moment he appeared in a dark cave.

"Is this the King's Screaming Cave?"

Jiao Yuan carefully looked at his surroundings, secretly surprised.

Because it is so realistic, it is almost the same as the stand-alone game he played at the beginning, except that one is 2.5D and the other is a holographic online game.

Not long after, some monsters appeared in front of him!

Disgusting, white worms, and some stiff puppets!

There are about ten in number!

Jiao Yuan used reconnaissance skills.

[Lv88 Level Slaughter Gu Larva (Ancient Dark Gold Level), HP: 20 million, Attack: 1.66 million, Defense: 1.35 million, Skill:? ? ? 】

[The puppet of the Lv88 magic sword (ancient dark gold level), HP: 20 million, attack power: 1.66 million, defense power: 1.35 million, skill:? ? ? 】

The two creatures have the same basic attributes, and their ranks are ancient dark gold ranks.

This is the first time that Jiao Yuan has seen this level.

But looking at offense and defense and HP, Jiao Yuan doesn't think it is that simple.

This attribute is even much higher than the ordinary epic BOSS of the same level!

"Sure enough, it's Lv80 or above... and, as expected, it's awesome to carry the word antiquity!"

Jiao Yuan sighed, and then immediately slashed forward.

Although the ancient dark gold is strong and not inferior to the epic BOSS of the same level, it is far from enough in front of him.

Water Moon God Dance MAX!

Dragon bomb!

The attack range of the two skills is not small. Once used, all the ten Slaughter Gu and Demon Sword puppets present were hit!

-8.8 million!


-86 million!


A total of eleven blood-red numbers appeared on each monster's head!

After only using two skills, it hasn't been superimposed passive yet, it's almost dead!

Without waiting for the monsters to reflect, Jiao Yuan made persistent efforts and released the [Ultimate Bomb]!


The cave at the foot trembled a few times.

At the next moment, the ten puppets of Slaughter Gu and Devil Sword all fell down!

One side down!

It's a pity that maybe because of the quest instance, these monsters didn't explode any equipment or items.

Jiao Yuan was originally curious about how the equipment in "Poisoned Milk Powder and Warrior" would change in "The Original", but now he can only calm his curiosity temporarily.

"This is not in a hurry, anyway, I have a chance to know in the future!"

After all the monsters present were defeated, a door appeared out of thin air in front of Jiao Yuan.

Jiao Yuan remembered that there were six levels in the Screaming Cave. The first level was the simplest, so he didn't have any pride, so he went straight in.

The picture flashed, and the background was still the same cave.

But unlike before, the number of monsters in front of him has increased, and two guys with the same little boss have appeared.

[Lv88 Tomb Raider (Ancient Legendary Level), HP: 50 million, Attack: 4.14 million, Defense: 2.99 million, Skill:? ? ? 】

[Lv88 evil Farrow Digger (Ancient Legendary), HP: 40 million, attack power: 4.66 million, defense power: 2.28 million, skill:? ? ? 】

The attributes of these two creatures are much higher than those of the Ancient Dark Gold rank Slaughter Gu.

But there is a big gap between Jiao Yuan's attributes, and it doesn't take much effort to deal with it!

Water Moon God Dance MAX!

Dragon impact!

Dragon bomb!

The ultimate bomb!

The sky is falling apart!

The cooling time of the five skills is not long, so Jiao Yuan will not save skills.

Soon, all the dark gold mobs all fell, and the two ancient legendary BOSSs quickly followed in the mobs' footsteps!

The little skill fell into the CD state, Jiao Yuan stepped forward to make up a few ordinary attacks!

At the same time, because he wanted to see how the ancient legendary BOSS hurt himself, he used his body to resist the opponent's two attacks.



Two blood-red numbers emerged from the top of Jiao Yuan's head.

At the same time, he was also put on a "bleeding" debuff state!

[Bleeding state: Lose 1% of HP per second for 5 seconds, during which time the healing effect will be reduced by 50%, stacking up to 10 times! 】

"Ten layers means losing 10% of HP per second? Very troublesome!"

Jiao Yuan frowned and decided to make a quick battle, not to give the monster a chance to continue to attack him!

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