Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 152 Full Service Announcement, Authority of Junior Dungeon Lords

[Full server announcement: Player "Qianye" kills Lv88 ancient mythical BOSS for the first time, rewards 100,000 prestige/free attribute points, and 10 world legends! 】

[Full server announcement: The player "Thousand Nights" has been transferred to the dungeon lord (junior level), and the plot of "Arad Continent" in the ancient era is about to restart. Here is an announcement! 】


The six-door full-server announcement immediately made all players in the entire "Original" world boil over!

"Fuck, is the full server announcement taken over by Qianye's father? Ancient mythical boss? Great!"

"I've never heard of it before, what is the ancient myth?"

"Arad mainland plot? What is this again?"

"Awesome, I just want to know, what kind of job is the dungeon lord? Do I have a chance to change?"

"Speaking of the new story, does it mean that we have to take up the task again?"

"It must be so! Everyone line up and thank Dad Qianye with me!"


When "Original" was released, the information released was really limited.

As far as players know, the strongest BOSS in "Original" should be the Lv200-level mythical boss final demon.

However, now suddenly an ancient myth level appeared!

This antiquity makes the players of all servers unable to help but think about it.

What is the product of the plot?

Should the equipment or items exploded also show the qualities of ancient mythology?

Is the strongest BOSS also Lv200?

All in all, all players are extremely curious!

On the top five rankings of the whole server, Jiao Yuan’s suffix class has also changed from a primary God of War to a primary dungeon lord!

Logically speaking, the name of the lord of the dungeon is far less domineering than the god of war, but why did Jiao Yuan not have a full server announcement when he was in the second round, but now he has it?

This shows that the dungeon lord profession is many times more noble than the primary God of War!

Then the plot of "Arad Continent" was restarted, and most players in the whole server began to guess the future direction of the game.

Many anchors have also caught a wave of enthusiasm.

For a while, the whole world of "Original" was full of discussions.

But this has nothing to do with Jiao Yuan for the time being.

Because, after clearing the Screaming Cave of King difficulty, he reappeared in the ancient ruins.

Facing the charming Celia, she didn't have much thoughts, and she focused on investigating a new career.

This look immediately surprised him!

"The dungeon lord is actually of the ancient mythology class, that is to say, as long as you reach the high-level dungeon lord, it is equivalent to the strength of the boss of the ancient mythology!"

"This is much better than the primary God of War!"

The template of the primary God of War is the ordinary myth level, get rid of the primary title, the ultimate growth efficiency, the upper limit is only the ordinary myth level.

As for the ancient myth level, it can be seen from the attributes of the BOSS that it is completely different from the former!

The newly promoted dungeon lord, even at a beginner level, has increased Jiao Yuan's initial attributes by a full 100%!

Now his panel has changed to——

ID: Qianye

Level: Lv80 (0.01 billion/12.9 billion)

Race: Human Race (Race Talent: Skill upgrade experience reduced by 10%)

Occupation: Junior Dungeon Lord

HP: 34.66 million.

Mana: 5.21 million

Physical attack: 33.14 million to 49.71 million

Magic attack: 12.15 million ~ 18.225 million

Material defense: 13.49 million.

Magic defense: 12.77 million.

Crit: 99% (same level, leapfrogging will reduce the chance)

Blast damage: 260% (at the same level, the upper limit will be reduced if you leapfrog)

Attributes: strength 17.6 million, agility 8.13 million, stamina 6.9 million, intelligence 3.76 million

Unassigned free attribute points: 0 points

Attack speed: 0.02S/time

Reputation: 2.71 million (worship)

Meritorious service: 69 thousand

World legend: 81

Skills: Lv31 Thunder Footwork, Lv31 Wushuang Flurry, Lv31 Silent Slash, Lv31 Rage, Lv23 Dreadnought MAX, Lv23 Counter Slash Max, Lv23 Dragon Bomb, Lv23 Ultimate Bomb, Lv23 Combo MAX...Lv23 Star Power

Equipment: Sword of Domination (mythical level) Dark Night Shield (mythical level), Ring of Chaos (special jewelry), Heart of Frost (legendary level)...Berlin's armor and shoes (mythical level)

Fashion: Shadow Cloak (S-Class Fashion)

Title: The person who transcends everything, the fearless person, the spider terminator...the guardian of the empire.

Occupational permissions: Dungeon dress up mall, can resurrect 10 dungeon NPCs, equipment warehouses below Lv60, can recruit 500 adventurers, and can freely switch careers!

Mount: Black (Mythology)


The horrible panel is the lowest of 33 million and the highest is nearly 50 million!

Attributes such as strength have also more than doubled at least!

Although the basic attributes have only increased by 100% after the job change, from the point of view of mathematical calculations, certain attributes are more than just this bonus!

Is the difference between 100X300% and 200X300% the previous 100 gap? No, it is 300 of the multiplication result!

For example, the power attribute!

Originally, Jiao Yuan's power was only about 5 million, and his basic attributes were about 1.8 million. The rest were all bonuses from equipment and skills!

But after 1.8 million became 3.6 million, under various bonuses, it went straight to 17.6 million!


Just now let Jiao Yuan face the Abyss Demon God, he is confident that he won't fall into a disadvantage in a short time!

Even, maybe you can kill him in one fell swoop!

After being excited for a while, Jiao Yuan saw that after becoming a primary dungeon lord, a new authority appeared!

Dress up the mall!

Can resurrect 10 NPCs to follow!

Equipment item warehouse below Lv60!

Can recruit 500 adventurers!

Each of these four permissions made Jiao Yuan's eyes straighten!

Therefore, new functions appear in his system function interface at this time!

Needless to say, all the costumes in "Poisoned Milk Powder and Warriors" appear in the shop. Each costume is stored for 99 pieces, and Jiao Yuan can receive it for free!

Every outfit can improve a few attributes.

Collecting one set is a percentage bonus!

Although not much, but handsome!

How nice to be a sportsman!

In addition to dressing up, there are more items in the mall, such as Pandora's Box, Remy's assistance, etc., Jiao Yuan drools when he sees it.

It's a pity that the primary dungeon lord has no authority, and everything displayed is gray!

New permissions will be opened only when they are promoted to intermediate level.

The number of resurrected ten NPCs is also easy to understand.

It is nothing more than finding ten NPCs from the dungeon and resurrecting them as followers.

This Jiao Yuan can be slowly selected from the list of NPCs, not in a hurry for the time being.

The Lv60 warehouse means that Jiao Yuan can collect all the equipment lower than Lv60 in the tainted milk powder.

Five hundred adventurers means that Jiao Yuan can accept five hundred younger brothers.

And what surprised him most was the last one--

You can freely switch any profession in the dungeon!

Ghost swordsman, sharpshooter, fighter, priest, assassin, magician!

As long as Jiao Yuan thinks, these professions can be changed at will!

Immediately, Jiao Yuan turned the sharpshooter!

[System prompt: You have converted to a sharpshooter career! 】

[System prompt: You have transformed into Awakening·Gun God! 】

[Note: Your weapon dominance sword has been transformed into a revolver, and can be released with the revolver with the skills you have! 】

Why turn to sharpshooter?

The answer is simple!


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